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Caroll912's Blog

02/04/2024 Update - Rebrand

Hi everyone! ♥


Spring is upon us and I decided to refresh some bits and bops regarding my content!

First and foremost - I opened a Curseforge account (link in my profile) ! This will be my primary new platform to upload content. I would be grateful if you would support me there and download my makeups from now on! Moving to Curseforge doesn't mean I leave TSR. I will still occasionally post some stuff there - but it won't be as often as it used to be.


I will be also reinstating my Patreon account soon too. I don't have a solid timeframe when it's going to be but I hope that I will have content for you within 2-3 months time.


Lastly - The Tumblr blog (also link in my profile) got a ✨refresh ✨. Instead of gloomy grays I thought I'll change it to nice and warm browns so it will feel more cosy and inviting.

If you have further questions regarding new stuff - feel free to comment below!


Hope you all will have a great rest of you day!

xx Caroll

29/03/2021 Update - Easter Break

Hi everyone! ♥

Hope you are all doing ok!

I have 2 small announcements to make today. One is happy, one is pretty sad.

And I will start with the sad one.

I am pretty badly burnt out. Creating content non-stop for over a year took quite a large toll on me health-wise and I am in desperate need of some break. For the last year I was delivering you 20-21 creations (both build and CAS) monthly which takes pretty much my whole month prior to release. On top of that I have few personal ventures alongside TSR creating which from time to time leave me with no spare time at all. Sometimes I work 2 weeks in row just make sure I deliver new content to you guys. My body is unfortunately not handling it very well - both mentally and physically. With my heaviest heart I need to stop for a while to recover. From today (29.03.2021) until next Monday (05.04.2021) there will be no new content here or on my socials. That also means that there will be less files to download as well - I planned only 14 creations to release, maybe if I will have some spare time - there will be one more that only needs new graphics to be made. I will probably stick with this plan for longer cause... (now's the happy news time)

... I'm opening a Patreon account! For a long, long time I want to share my rooms and some other CC content that doesn't line up best here on TSR (especially interior design - I use constantly high poly, external stuff that is not allowed to be shared here). I often get questions regarding the stuff I use (you can still lurk my blog post with WCIF) and now I will provide you the whole list with links to download ☺. I will most likely launch the account next Tuesday (06.04.2021), but I am not so sure yet. I highly recommend checking my Instagram for any updates. ☺

Thank you for reading and I wish you happy Easter (if you celebrate it) ♥

Much love,

♥♥ Caroll 


03/02/2020 Update - Required Tab

Hi everyone! ☺


I have recently received complaints regarding "Required" tab files I want to clarify. 


Back in the day I used to prepare HTML links with all files I used in presenting certain creations. I know it was helpful for a lot of you so I continued to do it so until mid September 2019 which I explained a little bit more here. For a short moment some of the WCIF links landed on my Tumblr. I knew it long term it won't be any helpful for you all therefore it was my treat for my birthday month for you. In that time TSR's team introduced "Required" tab and disabled HTML code entirely from the website. 

Since then some of my creations were incorrectly recognised as "Required" files to download in order to make my floors and walls work in the game. 

I want to deeply ressaure you that I have never used "Required" tab to push you any unnecessary files or misuse this tab for any of my CC. 

In fact I never used "Required" tab for any of my files as I don't create Lots / Rooms (for long time) or Sims at all. If I used any files I want to showcase or just simply recommend - I use "Recommended" tab for it. 

With all of that said I want just tell you that ALL of the old HTML links were removed from each of my creations that containted it. I only left the links that may lead you to either TSR creation I used and recommend or external file that I also used and recommend to have in your game.

If you will incure any of "Required" tab files in any creation's page - please be informed that this a website glitch I am not capable of getting rid of.

You can always comment me or message if you see something like this I will pass that info to Admins who can engage Tech team in this issue.

Last but not least - transparency is the key for me. I do create for you and I try to share the joy with my work, not anger and frustration. I am sorry if I disappoint at times, I try my best to deliver the best content (and written descriptions) to my possibilities. This is also why I created the extensive list of CC creators I use in my previews while making graphics for the website. If you haven't checked it out yet - click here to read this blog post. 

I hope this post explains the confusion.

Have a great day,

xx Caroll 

28/12/2020 Update - WCIF Build and CAS

**UPDATE 16/02/2022**


TSR team has disabled a possiblity of external linking therefore all the links broke here. The whole list moved to my Tumblr profile. Feel free to check it out:


Sorry for the inconvience caused and as usual I recommend checking my socials for current updates! 

xx Caroll 

Merry Christmas ♥

Hi everyone ♥

I wan to wish you a Merry Christmas spent safely with your loved ones!  

We're living in such sad world these days and I hope that this years celebration won't be overshadowed by the current events. I wish you a lot of health, hapiness and most importantly safety for you all and your families.

Much love, 

xx Caroll 

12/09/2020 Update

Hi everyone ♥

I'm coming with a small update which is important. 

From today onwards (12/09/2020) I am no longer able to provide you all WCIF CC links under my creations. I am currently working on alternative that everyone will be able to find the content I use. I know how helpful it was for you in the past to have links directly in each creation's notes and I appreciated every lovely comment with your grattitude. Sorry to disappoint. 

Have a lovely rest of the weekend, 

xx Caroll 

02/07/2020 Update

Hi everyone ♥

Hope you are all well and just coming with a small feature to my downloads ☺

I want to introduce a little functionality for you to find my creations in game. Inspired by few other artists here on TSR from July onwards I will be including in each creations notes a small information in which category you can find my wall or floor. Sometimes it is not 100% clear where I classified the file so I hope it will help you to find it in game now. In case if that is not clear to find - feel free to just type in search tab my nickname in first and then the name of the file. ☺

Hope that will help you all ☺♥

Have a lovely rest of the week,

xx Caroll 

♥♥♥ THANK YOU ♥♥♥

Hello ♥

I want to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who supported my work and downloaded any of my files recently and in the past.

Thanks to you I have just reached 1 milion downloads! ♥

I am truly speechless and honoured to have so many of you liking my work. 

Much love,

xx Caroll 

03/04/2020 Update

Hello ♥

Just coming with a quick announcement.

From now on my download release schedule will be more frequent and themed. You will see 2 or 3 new, themed files each day, and each theme will be broke down with a one day break. In the next 2 weeks there will be 8 new walls/floors. I can already mention that the first theme will be books. ☺

Have a  lovely weekend,

xx Caroll 

29/02/2019 Update

Hello ♥

I hope your weekend goes well ♥

I have some important news for you.

Due to unforeseen circumstances I had to retire my Sims4Studio profile and some of the content will be no longer available to download ☹. To fill in the gap, I created Facebook fanpage you can find here. As usual, my creations will be showcased a day before prior the release day ☺

Lots of love,

xx Caroll 


Latest Headlines

02/04/2024 Update - Rebrand 29/03/2021 Update - Easter Break 03/02/2020 Update - Required Tab 28/12/2020 Update - WCIF Build... Merry Christmas ♥ 12/09/2020 Update 02/07/2020 Update ♥♥♥ THANK YOU ♥♥♥ 03/04/2020 Update 29/02/2019 Update
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