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Wolfsim68's Guestbook

missy_sceeterDec 18, 2009

Hi Shaz \:\) Just stopping by to wish you a Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays \:\) I hope the holidays are full of warmth and joy for you and yours, and that 2010 brings only good things your way!

JonesvibeNov 27, 2009

Hi! I think your towns are wonderfull. I have been trying to create a town but I can never settle on one theme or 1 type of lot that would make everything uniform. I would love to create stories but I still have a ways to go. Thank you for being an inspiration Stoneyville is cool and I'm glad I got a chance to your other towns too. Keep up the great work.\:D

spitzmagicOct 16, 2009

Hi Shaz, it's been so long thought I would stop by and say Hello to you....what cha been doin? How's Sammy? Have a wonderful weekend....\:wub\:

olcia_olivineaOct 9, 2009

Hi Shaz \:\) A little bit late, sorry! I'd like to thank you for kind comment about one of my little lots, a feedback from you means a lot for me \:wub\: I hope that everything is going great for you! Have a great weekend, Ola

ProwlerTyloSep 15, 2009

Your welcome, take care.

FluffyAuntyDiSep 14, 2009

your welcome\:wub\:

1lindseyySep 11, 2009

I love your work! Thumbs up \:\) \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\:

hiedibear75Aug 23, 2009

BIG HUGE HUGGLES!!! \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

creamkissesAug 9, 2009

jUst wanted to commend your museum! it works really well on my game! thanks a miillion! keep up the excellent creations! xxx

smdnmdd1997Jul 23, 2009

Hi Shaz!  I'm on vacation this week, so I'm taking the time to download the Stoneyville Estates series.  While working on that, I'm realizing how much work you've put into each lot.  So much detail!  Thank you for sharing your creations with us.  I'm not someone who does a lot of building, but I've been known to build a lot or two, so I know how frustrating it can be sometimes.  Great work!  I know I've said it before, but thanks so much for all the beautiful lots and sharing them with us!  \:rah\:

hiedibear75Jul 18, 2009

What have I been up to? \:confused\:  Just continuing to build build build. \;\)  I'm no where near as talnted as you or the others but I enjoy building & it doesn't even matter that my stuff doesn't get downloaded all that much......I enjoyed building them (much less fun on the packaging part) & I know there are players out there who like them so it's good enough for me. \:cool\:  I can never remember what items go with which stuff packs & since some of the stuff packs change the way the game saves I just go ahead & mark them all......better safe than sorry. \;\)  But then again I can't remember hardly anything.....in fact I write down info about my lots as I'm going cuz otherwise I'd never know what to say when I package it up. :P  But your stuff is awesome! \:rah\:  Mine's just OK. \:D  Speaking of building.......I dreampt of the next home to my 3100 Lolo Lane series; a friend LaurieR (her nickname is Lolo) asked for "a BUNCH of homes on 3x1 lots". \:\)  So I've been building away at it for her & anyone else in need of a nice home on a tiny lot. \;\)  Well take care & enjoy the weekend. \:wub\: \:rah\: \:wub\:

hellyniaJul 18, 2009

Ah okay.. In that case, I think I will just turn the 'garage' into another living area rather than having to more or less rebuild the entire house.  It's good to know for future reference though!

hiedibear75Jul 18, 2009

Sory I meant to ask if you were going over the the TS 3 world. \;\)

hiedibear75Jul 18, 2009

I can attest to THAT! \;\) So are you going over to the TS2 world too? \:confused\:  With my computers problems it's gonna be a LONG time before I could even look at TS3 with out my computer autibally laughing at me. \:rolleyes:  But then again the TS2 is still keeping my attention AOK, + I still say TS3 Sims look odd (just my opinion)....so I'm not all that heartbroken over staying in TS2. \:cool\:  By the way some of those e-mails were a real pick me up & made me laugh just when I needed one. \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:  So does this mean you've got the milk man all to yourself? \:ph34r\: LOL :P  (since he delivers the dairy \;\) ). \:\)  Take care. \:wub\:

hellyniaJul 17, 2009

I still can't get the garage to work properly so I may just turn what would be the garage into another entertaining area or something.  I'm thinking maybe a DJ booth/dance floor area and bar.  I think my Sim's party guests would like that :P  I did get the exterior screenshot posted for you to take a look at though.  I can't seem to get rid of the grid in the shots I take though so I apologize for the quality :P  I'll have more shots of the rest of the property up soon.  I hope you like what I did with it and many thanks again for allowing me to use your lot as inspiration. 

hiedibear75Jul 16, 2009

Hiya Shaz. \:cool\:  Just stopping by to say hi. \:wub\:

Raven98590Jul 15, 2009

\:D  What can I say? I love your neighborhoods and lots, and no, I don't want too much. Just another whole neighborhood filled to brim with your creations. (lol). Your comment in my GB made me laugh and smile. Thank you very much for that. Have a wonderful day, read some construction magazines, or Better Homes and Gardens. (lol) I just had to throw that last line in, I just couldn't keep it in. (lol)\:wub\:

samusa06Jul 9, 2009

Hi Shaz, Thanks so much for your lovely comment on my "Southern Country Hospitality" Sims3 lot. I really appreciate it. And BTW I came over here to leave you a comment and read your profile and realised that you are the infamous creator of the stoneyville lots. Gawd, I loved those in the Sims2. I think I have at least half of them in my game.. lol Just thinking about it makes me want to go back and play some sims2! Thanks so much for creating them, I had hours and hours of fun with them. \:\) And thanks again for the lovely comment, I'm honoured to receive one from one of my favourite builders! \:D

spitzmagicJul 8, 2009

Hi Shaz, How's it going? how's that Sammy? Just thinking about ya sending aome (((hugs))) your way. Have a wonderful day.  \:wub\:

hiedibear75Jul 7, 2009

Hello. \:cool\:  I haven't forgotten about those poodles.......I just got sidelined by all 3 of us having the flu. \:rolleyes:  We went down like dominoes. \;\)  Anywho.......Ebony & Ivory, Onyx & Pearl just needed some more cute pix which means I need to play my game. \:D  So I'll hop to it as soon as I'm up to hopping. \;\)  Hope you've been having a wonderful winter so far (I know it's winter on your side of the world \;\) ).\:cool\:  Take care.  \:wub\:

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