
2,308Creations 3,578,483Downloads

EarthGoddess54's Blog


Hi everyone! A bit of news for you, I'll try not to make this too long.

First, my deepest apologies for my lack of responses to your wonderful comments and support. Please know that your comments, thanks, and support are greatly appreciated! Reading your comments is the highlight of every day.

Second, the reason for my lack of response...I'm working very hard to bring you some new meshes. This is a slow process for me. Creating new meshes is a very time consuming process and requires your complete attention with no distractions. If you're new like me, at least. hehe

I can't even begin to tell you all how busy real life is for me at the moment. Most of you know, I have 3 children, including a very active 10-month-old...combined with school, work and homelife things are very hectic! I'm using every bit of my spare time to try to maintain my TSR life and create these meshes.

If you're patient, you just might see a brand spanking new living room from me in the next couple of weeks. ;) You should also know that you may not see anything new from me in the next couple weeks as I perfect meshing and work on this new living room. I promise I'm not gone, I'm still here, slaving away over the keyboard!

Have a wonderful remaining summer vacation for those of you who haven't begun school or gone back to work...and a great back-to-school for those of you who have or will be starting that in the days to come. Happy simming, big hugs for all. :)

Monthly Thank You

Are you on the list?

I've decided to do a Thank You blog to personally thank every person who's commented on one of my downloads or left me a kind guestbook entry. I very much appreciate your continued support and your thanks means the world to me!

Real life keeps me super busy. Besides my CC life, I have kids, work, school, and something resembling a social life. While I don't mind doing so, I don't always have the time to thank everyone individually in their guestbooks. Hence the Monthly Thank You blog. ;)

Huge thanks and big hugs to the following (in no particular order):

Sk8Iowa ~ storyteller ~
sadie7684 ~ creator ~
maurie ~ creator ~
fritofeet ~ creator ~
pmburg ~ creator ~
Simjunkie99 ~ creator ~
Axanterre ~ creator ~
scatterjoy ~ creator ~
Wolfsim68 ~ Select Artist ~
saleen7 ~ creator ~
rpaxton ~ creator ~
mistresscris ~ creator ~
ExploiterOmega ~ creator ~
Quengel ~ creator ~
manubeas_506 ~ creator ~
scalad ~ creator ~
scrambled76 ~ creator & storyteller ~
Shino&KCR ~ Select Artist ~
Valgrida ~ creator ~
Magical Metamorphosis ~ creator ~
Eisbaerbonzo ~ creator ~
greeksim ~ Select Artist ~
dannybond1990 ~ creator & storyteller~
Alyosha ~ Select Artist ~
drewsoltesz ~ creator & storyteller~
Daggs ~ creator ~

Problem with Downloads? Get Help Here!

If you're having a problem with downloads, please read below.

Common Download Problems & How to Fix Them

Problem #1: "I downloaded your set and it's not showing up in my game. Help!"

Solution: Usually there are 1 of 3 issues that cause items to not appear in your game.

1) One or more items in the set require the CEP file. The CEP file (a joint effort by Quaxi, RGiles and Numenor) allows recolors of certain items to appear in your game that normally would not appear without the file. You must have this file when noted and it's a good idea to have it anyway because some files that require it are not noted as such. For more information on CEP and to download the file, click here.

Note: CEP is a one-time download. Once installed, you will not need to redownload or reinstall. It is a small file (less than half a megabyte) and very easy to install.

2) You do not have the expansion packs necessary for the downloaded files. Most every creator tries to note which EP's are necessary for their downloads, but it is very difficult sometimes to keep track of every item that came with every EP. If you have the EP's noted and suspect that you need an EP that's not listed for that item, contact the creator to find out which EP's they have. Make sure you have looked to see which EP's the set requires before you download. The items simply will not appear in your game if you do not have the appropriate EP's.

3) The item is a recolor that requires a mesh you do not have. All recolors requiring meshes are always noted with a link to where you can get the mesh necessary. It's always a good idea to download the mesh(es) first so that you do not forget.

Those are the most common solutions to the problem. Another possible explanation is that you did not put the download(s) into the appropriate game folder. I always recommend downloading the sims2pack file when available, it will automatically install the downloads into your game. See this link for more information on where to install your downloads.

Problem #2: "I downloaded the file but the zip/sims2pack file was empty."

Solution: If you have downloaded an empty zip, try downloading the sims2pack file and vice versa. If they are both empty, PM the creator and let them know. Accidents happen and they may not realize they uploaded an empty zip file.

Problem #3: "I clicked to download and got an error message or the file would not download. Please help!"

Solution: If you get any kind of error when downloading, report it here. A) There's nothing a creator can do about this, it's a problem with the site itself or the file server. B) TSR appreciates when you report bugs/errors! It helps them to maintain an error/bug free site and fix problems before they become a serious matter.

On a personal note: If you find a problem with one of my files and you leave a comment saying as much under the file in question, be forewarned. After I have fixed the file, I will delete your comment and you will lose kudos. This is not meant to offend anyone and I do not do so to intentionally cost you kudos. I also don't want to discourage anyone from telling me about a problematic file, I definitely appreciate your input! However, if the problem is fixed, I do not want the comment staying there and everyone thinking the problem still exists.

It's much better to PM the creator, including me, if you have a problem with one of their files.

Sabbatical Over!

I'm baaaaack! lol I realized it's not much of a sabbatical if I'm still making things on my off-time. So I'm officially coming off of sabbatical to bring you some new stuff. I also want to thank everyone who's left me comments or taken the time to "Thank the Artist". It's what keeps me going and striving to release better and better things for you all!

Today I will be uploading 5 new sets that I hope everyone will enjoy. More to come for sure!

Ps. I've recently been recoloring some sets from a few of the awesome artists out there on other sites. It would really mean a lot to me, if you like my recolors, if you'd stop by the creator's site (linked below all of my recolor sets) and thank them in their guest books. I wouldn't be able to recolor them if it weren't for their beautiful creations, hard work, and generosity. And thank you in advance for your work in showing your appreciation!


Just a rant game crashed (I think there was an overload of downloads, I was up to over 18,000!) four days ago and I'm having to start over with everything. :( I couldn't get to the neighborhood screen when loading no matter what I tried. (yes, I tried removing all downloads to no avail) This is especially disappointing because I have only backed up my own creations for preview shots, etc. and I had downloaded and played 2 custom neighborhoods. :(

Grrrr! If anyone's had to start over with their game, you know what I mean. It's incredibly disappointing. All the saved families, neighborhoods, lots, screen shots, stories/albums, mods... I just want to cry thinking about it!

So, it's back to square one, trying to re-download everything I once had and nabbing some newer things in the process. Which isn't all bad because there's been a ton of great stuff recently and I'm finding a lot of older stuff I hadn't seen before. Who knew there was so much??

I think I'm going to have to be pickier with future downloads and just take it easy. I've been a download freak in the past and I have to admit to going on a mad downloading spree immediately following re-installation. hehe

The plus side is I'm starting with a fresh pallet. I've had a lot of great friends recommend some fantastic creations and I'm getting a lot of sympathy for my game crashing woes.

Have a game crashing rant? Feel free to respond to mine, you'll definitely have a sympathetic ear!

I'd appreciate your recommendations too! Downloading some of your favorites should help take away my game crashing woes. Right now I'm looking for just about everything except lots. (I always save lots for last & I do love building!)

On a sidenote, just to let everyone know I've been on my creating sabbatical for about a week now and given the situation with my game, I'll definitely be taking the full 2 weeks. I have made a few sets out of general boredom (and there were some textures that were just too good to let go to waste!) so you'll see those very soon. :)

I hope you all are having a great time here on TSR and playing your games!

Take care!

Going on Short Sabbatical

For personal reasons, I have decided to go on a short sabbatical. I will not be creating anything new for at least two weeks with the possibility of as long as a month. I have uploaded and set all of my finished work to date for release in the coming days so you will have some things from me in the interim.

You will more than likely see me lurking in the forum or get a comment/guest book entry from me if you have commented on my work, as I will still be around daily to check on things and communicate with friends.

I simply need a break to work some things out & get my head on straight.

Happy Independence Day to those of you in the U.S. and Happy belated Canada Day to my Canadian friends!

Cya around & as always, have fun simming!


Awesome Lots!!

As you can see from my "About Me" section, I like to promote others' art. As an English major, this has typically been the wonderful stories from some really good storytellers here at TSR. I'm not above pimping my friends when they make great creations and Quengel is no exception. She works hard on her houses and is one of the few to take special care that she only uses *free* custom content in her lots so that everyone can enjoy them! Her lots are unique and excellently designed. If you're reading this and you have a minute, why not stop by Quengel's page? I know she would really appreciate your comments and support. She's one of the sweetest people I know too, so you're sure to hear back from her. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Huge thanks and hugs for every single person who has taken the time and made that extra effort to comment & give thanks on all of my creations you have downloaded. I normally reply to everyone individually. I love doing so because you all very much deserve it & it's my way of showing my appreciation.

I apologize for not being able to do this recently, real life has been very busy and to my chagrin comments have increased in number to over 340 new comments. This number simply overwhelms me, so I have only been leaving guestbook comments for the people I haven't already thanked in the past. Again, I apologize and I will try to keep up with all of them in the future. :) Thanks again, it really makes my day to read your wonderful comments & get to know everyone individually. You all are truly fantastic!


New TSR Creator!

There's a new creator at TSR and available for download is: an entire night club with live music - including employee & band uniforms, club furniture, decor, and more. ;)

Check out SIMple Minds here!


Wanted to share with you!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

This is my newest sweetheart, he is nearly 6 months old now! Is he cute or what? ;)

Latest Headlines

Intermission! Monthly Thank You Problem with Downloads? Get Help... Sabbatical Over! Malfunction Going on Short Sabbatical Awesome Lots!! Wow!! New TSR Creator! Sweet!
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