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EarthGoddess54's Guestbook

IotaAcidaNov 7, 2007

Hello, I have a question about one of your creations. I adore all of them by the way. But with the vampire blood drink thing, do you need a recolor of it since it is a mesh or if I download it will it work without one? thank you :]

wildstar24Nov 5, 2007

Hi, Stace! \:D So flattering to hear how much you liked the Thanksgiving party furniture recolours; especially after how long I fought with the Maxis UV mapping to get something that looks fairly decent! The green gourd set is definitely my favourite, too. Still need to get the Hallowe'en versions done and some Christmas ones, too. We'll see how much time I end up with. :P

QuengelNov 3, 2007

Hi there \:\) Thanks for your wishes, kisses and hugs! They are needed, 'cause one cat "Schnurri" ist since 2 days in a hospital. Plus alot things to do, there was so far just once a short time to play Sims. I wasn't online since several days. Just a short message of me lol... sorry not much time \;\) And to my new pic: It's of yahoo, so would you be there online, you would know that already \:P Hugs back at ya \:\) \:wub\:

DayDreamer33 Nov 2, 2007

Hey, I was just getting the Paris stuff, up now! I'm can't wait till the fourth when I can get it all! I also downloaded quite a lot of your other items. So instead of thanking you for them all individually, I thought I would just say thanks here! So...THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH! \:wub\: luv ya Happy Simming \:rah\:

DayDreamer33 Oct 31, 2007

Hey! Got your message! Once the items are up, can you let me know, maybe in the Thread....that way I can go download them all! I'm so excited!\:rah\: Thanks!\:wub\:

DayDreamer33 Oct 30, 2007

Hi, I was just looking at some of your sets! They are amazing! Next time, I am on the Gaming computer, I will definitely download them! Thank you again for all the hard work you have put into my request! I appreciate it so much!, I know it must be hard for you to find time to do all of this, since you have kids and all! They are so lucky to have a mom like generous! So, Thanks again! You're awesome! -Day Dreamer -Happy Simming, hopefully your kids will grow up to be Sim Fanatics also!\:wub\:\:rah\: \:rah\:

drewsolteszOct 28, 2007

Hi Stace, just dropped by to say I ADORE your latest set! Can't wait to use the goblet of blood in my vampire stories! Wonderful, creative set! Cheers! ~~Karen\:\)

QuengelOct 28, 2007

OMG! \:o I just saw right now, which I got such a wonderful and lovely comment of you to my hotel/Quengel 18! \:o Was a hard and long work for this hotel. Yes, the numbers shows me also that not many people like the mountains lol. Most here like the beach! I love the mountains and woods... I'm a beary cookie ROFL! So MANY THANKS for your lovely compliment \:wub\: \:o !!!

QuengelOct 28, 2007

Hiya sweetheart! I was surprised to find an entry of ya in my guestbook! It's nice, that you didn't forget me already! Me, as a chocolate cookie??? No way, everyone would love to bite me \:eek\: I'd wear just short pants, boots and an air guitar \:D and come as Angus Young! YAY! lol My work is harder than before, I had no much time and well don't get the numbers of Dl's what I hoped for... so I MADE a complete Sims break. But I have now 1 week vacation -having lot to do- but then finally again a lil' time to build \:D \:D And you seem to be also busy??? How are you? Thank you SO MUCH for your hugs \:wub\: *sending you bear hugs back* \:wub\: Have fun on your party \:\) Greetings YOUR -only for you! ROFL- cookie \;\)

AjoyaOct 28, 2007

Me again Stace, I hope the little one gets better soon! I'm with a slight cold myself. I went to Metroplis, Illinois (Where they filmed Superman)for two weeks, and now I'm back at home (Texas) with a cold\:confused\: so I know the feeling! Give him tons of Love, Hugs & kisses for me, he'll be better in no time!\:D I feel bad about bothering you now\:\( But thanks for the welcome back! I've missed you all!\:wub\:

AjoyaOct 26, 2007

Hey there Stace! Boy am I glad to be back from vacation! And do I have something in store for you! All Treats & no Trick!\:P I've just released my latest story on my newly created Website, and I know you enjoy reading Sims2stories just as much as I do so I wanted you to be one of the first to know about the release. Your like my critque judge for excellant stories! \:wub\: So please, let me know what you think! I'm eager to here your opinions! (P.s you have to click the picture to turn the page.) Your Sim friend 4 life, AjOya

Ariana31PlayerOct 22, 2007

Hi, I love your work Earthgodess\:wub\: keep up the awsome work!\:rah\:

jeniOct 21, 2007

Hi Stace, I really appreciate your comment on my TC42 Touch Wood set. I am honoured you like it. Thanks \:D

simal10Oct 20, 2007

Hey Stace!! How are you? I'm really sorry that I couldn't reply earlier but I'm really busy nowadays \:\( Anyway, thank you so much! I'm really glad you like my HP clothing \:\) Thank you again!! You are so sweet \:\) By the way I love all your new meshes, keep up the great work!! Hugs, Simal \:wub\:

florie1977Oct 20, 2007

Just wanted to let you know I really like your work. I especailly love the platform bed! When I was growing up, thats the onlt kind of bed I had. I just had to have the drawers under there, lol.

andie1974Oct 20, 2007

Hya Stace and thank you for your lovely message\:\) I'm trying to get near the top of the leader board for challenges but nowhere near yet \:wacko\: I do seem to spend an awful lot of time playing the sims but then I work from home on the telephone and it helps stop me getting bored, it's better than real life anyway haha! Have a fantastic weekend. Andie xx

AlyoshaOct 20, 2007

Hey you! Haha! Been a while, I see, since I have been terrorizing your site! Just had to drop by and say that I absolutely LOVE and ADORE your latest sets! your Essence Dining is veryy wonderful! (and the previews are so nice too,... i wish I had a real life dining room like that).. haha.. keep up the great work! \:D *goes off to terrorize the minisite* \:P

SofijaDosenOct 18, 2007

Hi Stace! \:P Thank you for the warm and ecourageing message you left in my gestbook! It's truly appreciated! \;\)

jelachuOct 17, 2007

thanks so much for the comment on my Clifford doggie! \:\)

cvscorpio28Oct 15, 2007

Thank you, I hope you have a good day too!\:D \:D \:D \:D

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