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mightyfaithgirl's Blog

New Tuscan Villa Built in Monte Vista

Hey Simmers!

Hope the New year is so far treating everyone well!

Here at my humble abode.. we all ( me.. hubby and kidlets) have been battling against colds and minor flu bugs .. but tis the season! Thankfully we are all a hardy bunch!

No matter how craptacular I feel I have still been building away on Sims3 !

I have several new lots since Xmas.. one coming out Friday.. and finished my first Tuscan Villa.. in my new dowloaded world Monte Vista!

It is cute that EA continued the Cap vs Monty ( Romeo & Juliet) theme in Sims 3.. and i love this world.. yeah the rolling hills and lack of forests is a little dull.. but LOVE that walled hill top Roman village.. and even the Community Lot .. the Colisseum ruins! Adorable!

So I am including a screenie of my new lot - 1498 Bella Mia Way. I am quite proud of it and I hope players will also like it!!

This next week will mean that I start TSR Univ.. Currently getting all my "ducks in a row" with programs ( GIMP & Wings 3 D) - got my tutorials that i am reading - yikes! - ( and reading other ones too while I am at it on different cheating tactics in houses/lots etc  as I want to imporve my Building Skills)

What this means is .. there may be a lag in release of new lots as i fumble around learning 3D object meshing. I am hoping i will pick it up quickly and the added bonus is that I will be getting some help and tutoring from the best of the best - Angela, AnoeskaB, and others! I am really excited! and also a little worried.. as this old girl will need to get her brain in SCHOOL mode.. hahaha

Anyhoo.. here is 1498 Bella Mia Way,,

Ta da!!!

Getting excited to start learning Meshing at TSR University

Hey Simmers! 

Hope everyone had a good holiday and it wasn't too awful with all the relatives you only see once a year haha! If you are reading this it means you have indeed survived the xmas carnage!

Now for New Years!

I don't "do" New Years Eve kinda like I dont really do Xmas ( nor do I do relatives LOL) . Years back in my youth of course I would party down.. but now we just stay home. Way too overpriced to go anywhere.

I dont fully believe in making New Years resolutions.. yet every year I find myself waiting for the "fresh start" and wanting to get some stuff done ..

as like most people I have some similar resolutions :

- lose weight

- quit smoking ( for real this time!)

- get more organized


Also though I have some Sim Inpsired resolutions

- Learn 3D meshing.. make own objects

- master GIMP lol

-become a Select Artist! ( boy would I love that!)

I am excited to work with the amazing Angela at TSR University and also i am told AnoeskaB is a Gimp Master ( and since I have that program and am a total newbie to it.. i am pretty sure she is gonna have her hands full with me haha!)

I have SO MANY ideas in my head for objects.. and although there is indeed a pluthora of deco objects and everyday objects here on TSR .. I am sure I can come up with something ! 

I really love a challenge !! ( Not consiously of course LOL ) But once I master it .. it should be interesting to see what I end up making.. not just for Sims 3 but also Sims 2! 

I have been churning out alot of houses for Sims 3 lately.. and am getting antsy and want to move on to recoloring/ object making/patterns etc. 

Anyways that is my rant this AM... 

Wishing everyone a Happy Holiday!

Just want to wish everyone on TSR - staff, artists and downloaders a very happy Holiday and a happy New Year.

Now that we know the world did NOT end on the 21st I hope that 2013 is one of peace, happiness and good health to you all and  that our world would find peace and unity as we move into the future.

Maybe it will mark the end of war, injustice, hatred, greed and slavery and be a time of renewal, peace, love , mercy, unity and harmony for all. 

On this earth we are neither black white or any other skin color, male or female, gay or straight , christian, pagan, muslim, buddist etc.. but we are all ONE. Everything we do effects one another whether good or bad.. so lets let it be GOOD :)

be safe everyone and < raising a glass > CHEERS!

Many hugs 


Back from Cuba - with 3 new lots!

Hi Simmers!

I am now back on Canadian soil.. from a week in the hot hot hot Cuban sun.. and to be honest.. I am darn glad to be home! Our holiday was so so ( put it that way) The highlight of our week really was when we met actor John Malknovich at our hotel and sat and chatted and drank with him for about an hour, Super nice guy! He was in incognito .. laying low key and no one recognized him ( and we didnt either( until after) and then we ran into him a 2nd time and chatted some more . Just had regular conversations,, no gushing or autographs. ( Didnt want to ruin HIS holiday or blow his cover! LOL) 

So on a few nights where we were in our room at night hungover LOL.. I built two lots.. 99 PalmLeaf Way and 23 Paradise Cove Road. My latest lot that came out today - 188 Hillside_ i had to wait to get back to upload.. as i had no internet while in Cuba and had some last minutes things to fix on it ( so i did the fixing in Cuba)

Last night I downloaded th new tuscan style world - Monte Vista- from EA games.. and have been playing with it. I had began to build a tuscan villa.. and got more than half way thru when my stupid game froze and i had to shut down and lost the whole thing! Argh! 

Not sure if I will attempt another tuscan villa.. we shall see. But since I am up pretty early on a Sat morning I will stop playing and start building .. have some ideas in my head!

THANK YOU to all the amazing downloaders who were crazily downloading my other recent pre-Cuban lots and also the wonderful ppl who were leaving comments and signing my GB while I was away. It was thrilling to log back into TSR after a week to have so MANY GB entries and comments!! I will try my best to go and reply to everyone! and also it was shocking to see my two latest houses had SO MANY downloads! One.. had almost a 1000 and the other 11oo! wow!

Anyways have a great day and I will blog again soon!

~ Jackie 

3 new Sims 3 Lots and bunch of Sims 2 recolors coming soon! Gone for a week to Cuba!

 Hi Simmers!

Tonight is my last night in Canada and then tomorrow morning me and hubby are off to Cuba for our much needed - teenagerless 12th Wedding Anniversary trip! Woo Hoo!

But before I am off I have been through nothing short of a uploading nightmare LOL. Made 3 gorgeous Sims 3 Lots.. that kept getting rejected ( due to Rig Fix). So I fixed them.. then they got rejected cuz i had a plant in one that cant be shared and a light in another one that needed credit to an external creator. Normally I only download TSRAA stuff but I DID Download some lots from TSR and I think these items were in the lots I had downloaded. I am now aware what the one item is that cant be uploaded from Simcredible so i wont use it. 

I have just finished the lots.. they are all fixed so back to the tedious and time consuming uploading submission process! i appreciate the two TSR Support Staff that helped me pinpoint the problem files ( MANY THANKS Degera and Fredbenny!! kiss kiss!) otherwise I would not have had a clue what to get rid of. 

The Rig fix files that were originally causing problems.. were NOT objects with slots AT ALL.. but plants! I saw some of the broken files.. but didnt wrote them down to report them. When I get back from vacation i will pay attention to what they are so i can let TSR know.( as they are pretty plants that i am sure i will use again in my lots!!) 

Also for Sims2 - i did some more ONE DIRECTION posters for the 1D simmie fanatics out there ( LOL) plus some bigger painting One direction stuff ( i used Cantankerous Splatter, Pineapple and Grilled Cheese painting meshes) . I also did some SONS OF ANARCHY posters ( Pineapple and Grilled Cheese painting meshes) as I am a HUGE Sons fan.. ( and since last night was the last cliffhanger episode for Season 5 -  i thought some posters were in order!! hehe)

So here is to hoping these lots get accepted. I have to get the screenshots together for all the Sims 2 stuff tonight ( plus alot of last minute packing that still needs to be done!) 

I wont have internet for a week ( will just be using resort internet cafe for 15 mins at a time so i can touch base with my teens on Facebook and chat) BUT I am bringing my laptop and my games.. for the slim chance that i am not partying it up and in my room at night so I can create. Should be interesting to see if and what I create whilst away! 

So Happy Simming everyone.!!

See you all in a week! 

Hugs! xo


Argh - Rig Fixer again on this new lot

A couple days ago i showed previews of a house I built.. turns out I need to run it through rig fixer.. argh. So then I build another house ( shown here) and tried to upload it.. Rig Fixer again! Argh Argh ugh! I have downloaded the Rig Fixer program from TSR but must go find the granny.dll file.. and with Cuba just 2 days away after tonight .. i will see if I have time. If not .. then it must wait til i get back and get settled back at home. Tick me off!  I tried not to use too much custom content in this house that I am showing pics of here.. objects with slots anyways ( as i read the pets patch problem was mostly with objects with slots..) so hmmph... I will take a looksy tomorrow and see if I can run this lot through and the other one... as i worked pretty hard on them and really want to share ! Whilst i am in Cuba.. if i find myself not drunk and in my room at least one of the nights.. I fully plan on creating.. bringing my Sims 2 and Sims 3 games with me on my laptop LOL ( yeah my hubby didnt much like the idea.. but I hear Cuban TV is lame.) I am pretty sure at least one or two nights i wont be hammered.. as i am not 25 anymore.. ( and heavy drinking does take its toll onthis ole gal ;) 

Anyhoo.. here is this new lot.. 188 Hillside Drive.. built in SunLit Tides.. under the volcano area.. ( yeah i edited my world ) If I dont get these lots up in the next 2 days .. then it will be in at least 2 weeks.











 So in my last Blog post I showed previews of a new lot I had just built. Gorgeous lot that took 2 days to build. 

I upload to TSR.. to get a message .. Error Not compatible with Pets patch - do Rig Fixer ( my paraphrase)

So i go back in to the lot and start deleting things. Try uploading again.. same thing! Argh.

So I contact staff and troll the forums.. find related posts on the What the HECK Rig fixer is. 

I find out it is usually objects with slots.. 

I had recently uploaded some older Sims 3 stuff.. from 2009. Could it be that.? Man this ticks me off.

I havent put the lot through Rig Fixer yet. I have to go find the 2009 version of the granny.dll file. ARGH.


Some one somewhere didnt fix their CC. That pisses me off. I know that all the FA s whose stuff I have had.. all their stuff works fine. And even the SAs ... argh. Stupid EA Pets.

That is my rant. 

Another Lot Im currently working on

Yeah i like making stuff.. and building. As a child my dream was to be an architect.. but I sucked at Math and Art. ( back then you had to draw everything.. no computers) Yeah i am that old LOL.

Anyways here is a screenshot of what i am working on right now.. I am trying different things.. and learning as I go - cheats for Sims 3 etc. Pretty cool stuff. So much to learn!

New LOT for Sims 3~ Just finished it!

Here is my latest LOT for Sims 3 - 5 Beachcomber Way!

I am pretty excited about it.. took 2 days to build. I have to take some better screenies for this.. as in uploading these pics to the Blog i realize my shots - some aren't the best .. anyways here is a sneak preview. This beachhouse was built in SunLit Tides and even has a basement with in ground pool! ( Gotta love sims 3 !! :) ) 

Taking a break from Building SIMS 2 Lots.

Fans of my Sims 2 houses : I am sad to report that I am taking a break from building for Sims 2. I fully intend on continuing to create recolors for Sims 2 objects of every sort.. but since building for Sims 3 I am totally RUINED for building Sims 2 style. 

There is just so much more you can do building with Sims3 that it is like night and Day! 

My Cuba trip is only 8 days away .. so I have some Sims 2 One Direction stuff pending approval and a have a few other recolors for Sims 2 that I will probably upload before I leave...

but I will most likely be building for Sims 3 exclusively from now on.

When I return from my trip .. i start tutoring via TSR University - YEAH! I got accepted in. So I will be going into new terrain with meshing etc.. if that will produce Sims2 meshes i dont know.. I DO know there are a TONNE of ideas i have for Sims 3 - patterns, objects etc- things that as i have scrolled thru TSR 's endless pages of Sims 3 stuff I dont see.. so my objective is to learn meshing and also object recoloring / patterns for the game.

I also want to learn clothing for Sims 3 - as pretty much everything has been done for Sims 2!! - and also i would like to learn how to take Sims 2 items and re-create them  for Sims 3. 

Yeah i am one ambitious girl!

Anyways Peace out to all my downloaders! Love you all! 

2013 promises to be an exciting year of huge growth in the creating department for me!! YAY!

Latest Headlines

New Tuscan Villa Built in Monte... Getting excited to start... Wishing everyone a Happy Holiday! Back from Cuba - with 3 new lots! 3 new Sims 3 Lots and bunch of... Argh - Rig Fixer again on this... ACK! RIG FIXER Another Lot Im currently working on New LOT for Sims 3~ Just... Taking a break from Building...
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