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mightyfaithgirl's Blog

Pic of New House that just got approved

Here is a pic of my newest lot coming out... 55 Redwood Pkwy.. i am getting better at this. There is just so much more you can do with Sims 3 then Sims 2 but I am still going to make lots for Sims2 .. right now I have been trapped in Sims3 world lol... figuring out how the game works and enthralled with it all. 


I have a bunch of Sims 2 recolors I need to submit so will get to that before I leave for Cuba on Dec 6 th.. A tonne of One Direction stuff and Twilight stuff.. and even more Breaking Bad stuff and Sons of Anarchy , Dexter and ah heck the new LOTR HOBBIT movie is coming out ( which I fully plan on going to see!!) so maybe some stuff for that movie.. ok now I am stretching myself pretty thin LOL

So here it is..new lot! Happy Thanksgiving to all the American Simmers out there!

55 Redwood Pkwy

2 New Sims 3 Lots Pending Approval.. let me know what you think!

Hey Simmers! 

Been juggling creating recolors for Sims 2 and also learning the ropes with playing and building lots for Sims 3. 

I have two new lots I have made for Sims 3.. they are pending approval. I am getting more skilled in my practicing LOL. Just takes time.

As well I just downloaded the World RIVERVIEW from the Sims 3 EA Store.. havent launched it yet to check it out.. but should be new and fun!

Let me know what you all think.. of my lots that is!1001 Crystal Spring Road22 Beach boulevard

YAY! My first 2 Sims 3 Lots were Approved!

Finally! Yay! I have built two Sims 3 Lots and they got approved! Whoopee!

My Sims 3 lots are not as fancy and complicated as other skilled Lot creators for Sims 3 but please everyone cut me some slack. I am new at Sims 3. Years back my Sims 2 lots werent as good as they are now.. so in time.. with practice i will indeed get better creating lots in Sims 3. And eventually i will learn to re color for Sims 3 also. Anything is possible... if you keep trying!

So that Approval totally made my day.. in the midst of a stressful overwhelming crapola week! Woo hoo!


I have changed my mind about Sims 3.!! LOVE IT!

So yesterday I had a lazy day.. the night before Hubby and I had friends over for drinks.. needless to say I had Way too many and so yeserday I was paying the piper! LOL. The only thing I could focus thru the headache was gaming.. so I decided to play Sims3. Played it from early afternoon til 1 am LOL! I figured I should play the game so that I can Create for the game. I now see the dire need for custom content for that base game.. and I have no idea what has been done so I will have to go thru TSR and find out so I dont mistakenly copy something some one has already done. In playing the game for countless hours I found out how to build and zoom in and out. Great game. There are things about Sims 2 I like but also lots of new things about Sims3 too! Discovered the hard way.. you really need to start a single Sim off as a Young Adult or they will get old before they achieve lifetime goals! LOL

NEW! Twilight - and more One Direction- stuff coming soon!

With the release of One Directions new album " Take Me home" AND the latest Twilight movie " Breaking Dawn Part 2 " both coming out to the world this week.. the heat is on to have some stuff made for fans of both. I have already made a Poster Set and wal mural of 1 D that is coming out next week and am currently making more posters and wallpapers and bedding of one direction stuff. As well I am also in process of making Twilight posters and wallpapers and beddings for Twilight. 

I do have some older creations for Twilight from 2009 - take a looksy if you have never seen them..

1. http://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims2-sets-rooms-kidsbedrooms/title/mfg-twilight-movie-set/id/819121/

2. http://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims2-objects-furnishing-bedding/title/mfg-bedding--twilight-2/id/832570/

3. http://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims2-sets-objects/title/mfg-twilight-movie-poster-set/id/829492/

4. http://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims2-sets-wallfloor/title/mfg-twilight-apple-wallpaper-set/id/829150/

5. http://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims2-sets-objects/title/mfg-twilight-series-poster-set/id/829106/

As well my daughter - Princess Moo Moo - put out 2 Twilight sets back then.. 

1. http://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims2-sets-objects/title/moomoo-twilight-poster-set-%232/id/828742/

2. http://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims2-sets-objects/title/moomoo-twilight-poster-set-%231/id/828704/

We were some of the first Sims 2 artists to do so.. 

So please my peeps keep an eye out for new stuff for Twilight and for ONE DIRECTION. There is absolutely NOTHING for Sims2 regarding One Direction.. I have searched the TSR archives.. and I am the only one so far to have anything . There are perhaps 3 or 4 things for Sims3 .. and if i knew how to recolor for Sims 3 I would definately do it.. ( perhaps in the new year!) .. but athough many play Sims3 .. there are still lots of people who play Sims2.  It is still a fun and relevant game!

Anyways TGIF! I better sign off.. I have LOTS of work to do !LOL

Happy Simming!

~ Jackie


Can't believe I have 2,250,052 downloads!

Looked just now on my profile page and I see my Downloads numbers have gone up! Wow! 2.25 MILLION downloads! Wow wow wow!

A huge HUG and Thank you's and Some HIVE FIVES and WOOOOTS to all the amazing Simmers out there that find my creations worthy of downloading and playing in your game! I am so humbled by this! *** Mwah! kiss kiss! ***

I have LOTS more on the horizon. Currently I have 1617 creations published and even now have 15 more approved and coming up on their publishing date. I realize I have pages upon pages on creations to look through.. but please do take the time to look through them if you can.

Back in 2009 I did recolors of Maxi's Punching bag and even the microwave and other different things. I have a tonne of Shower Curtain recolors for all the base Game showers and shower / tub combos. ( Psst.. I plan on making some new sets of shower curtains soon! One idea at a time LOL)

Until this last month when I came out of retirement after 3 yrs hiatus I did recolors of Only base Game items or Custom Content.. so ppl with Base Game can find lots for their game.

I do plan on doing some more Nightlife Object recolors as well as my fave... Custom Content. :)

Also to add.. I intend on getting Sims2 University very soon for Building and recoloring Uni objects. 

I have Sims3 base game.. and in my blog post from a few days ago.. I created my first house ( got rejected lol.. as i have to fix a few submission requirements) In the New Year I plan on trying to figure out Sims 3 more .. I havent even PLAYED it yet! LOL.. and also continue with Sims2 . So much to learn and I have always wanted to learn ( for Sim 2 ) how to create clothing and my own object meshing. I tried once with Clothing in  2009 and it was a disaster! LOL. Once I learn OBJECT 3D meshing perhaps it will open the door to clothing and or HAIR for Sims 2.

I know! All this and when do i have time to work... sleep or spend time with hubby and kids! LOL.

Anyways THANKS for all your continued support and feedback! I love getting comments and Guest Book entires and I dont mind PMs either! 

Love to you all!

~ Jackie

My Funny Secret... still after all these yrs and 2.2 million downloads later!

LOL... back in 2009 .. in a Blog post I revealed a "little secret" that I didn't use PhotoShop or GIMP or anything else for recoloring. I used standard MS Paint!!

Over 1600 creations and 2.2 million downloads ...I am STILL USING MS PAINT! I don't use anything else.. with the exception that i use Adobe Photshop Elements ( trial version) at present ONLY to get the 4:3 ratio for screenshots. I dont know how to use it for anything else!

I know I know.. my bad. I really need to move on to the "next level" of professional looking recolors and screenshots.. and learn how to use at least Gimp . I have it downloaded.. just have not gotten around to reading tutorials on all I can do with it.

Yeah I am a bit set in my ways.. but i know I need to move onward and upward in my creating skills.

With our Cuban getaway only 22 days away .. I figure I wont head into any new territories of learning until AFTER the trip. I have enough to do.. and I am quite able to create with MS Paint for now.

Yrs back a well meaning Lady told me on the Forums.. when I was considering getting into recoloring..that I would have to get Photoshop or some other editing software.. because I would NEVER be able to recolor with MS Paint. 

Hmmm... not true. However LOL.. I am limited in some things with the Paint program.. so the inevitable must happen .. i must learn new things. grrrr...

Anyways, there you have it! MS PAINT.

Aha! My FIRST SIMS 3 House!

Oh my! I created my first ever Sims 3 house and I have Uploaded. Lets see if it gets accepted. Buy that was tough! What a HUGE difference from Sims2 . It is so hard to zoom in and out etc.. I am a newbie at Sims3 and still learning the ropes! It took me like 2 hrs to build this house LOL. All Base Game and Maxi /EA material.

Let me know what you think. I loved the back ground of the LOT .. on a cliff! These Gridlines.. I dont know how to turn them off. I googled help on this and apparantly there are two different types.. main gridlines and smaller that you can toggle on or off in build mode. I turned them OFF in build mode. Again I hope the lot gets approved. If not here it is for the Sims World to see. I am so very proud of myself!!

Sims 2 Play Dandy Table and Chair Mesh weblink error fixed

 So finally all the Sims 2 Play Dandy table MESh links to the original website are fixed thanks to patient TSR staff :)

As well I updated Sims 3 Plays website on older recolors from 2009.. such as a Dandy recolor and a KELLY bedroom set! The website has changed to SIMS 2 PLAY ARCHIVE.

So sorry for any inconvenience!

ONE DIRECTION Stuff coming SOON! Weee !

As a mom of a 14 yr old ONE DIRECTION Fanatic.. i felt it appropriate pending the release of their New Album " TAKE ME HOME" this upcoming week to make some sets of perhaps posters, beddings , wall paper etc for all those teen Sim 1D fans! :) If anyone has creative suggestions regarding this.. please comment! :)

Latest Headlines

Pic of New House that just got... 2 New Sims 3 Lots Pending... YAY! My first 2 Sims 3 Lots were... I have changed my mind about... NEW! Twilight - and more One... Can't believe I have 2,250,052... My Funny Secret... still after... Aha! My FIRST SIMS 3 House! Sims 2 Play Dandy Table and... ONE DIRECTION Stuff coming SOON!...
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