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mightyfaithgirl's Blog

Pending Submissions

Morning all- its a sunny plus 7 in SW Ontario this morning! Hoping it will warm up this afternoon. Sitting here in my robe drinking my coffee I thought i would post an update before i begin to get ready for my day ( which is a relatively busy one).

I wanted everyone to know that because of the Submissions manager being away on vacation.. i still have 13 items pending approval. Some beddings and 3 heart bed recolors that have been hanging around for almost 2 weeks now. Finally my two latest Starter houses were approved this morn - they come out on the 4th. I have had to re-submit quite a few items that were rejected . I never get things rejected but I guess I am not the only one getting things rejected for odd reasons. Obviously the person covering for the submissions manager is overwhelmed so i will just try to be patient and i guess downloaders must be also. I have completed 3 new bedroom sets- one is another Jope bedroom #8 recolor ( this new one is with spring in mind) and also 2 recolors of Angelamveliza's Colonial bedroom. Late last night I began working on AMV's  Heavenly Teen room set- so far everything looks pretty good :)  I also had a really good idea for  myself re: recolors. I really enjoying doing whole sets but i have decided to make my "own sets" so to speak - using different things from different creators to make an overal pacakge. it may require downloaders to have to get a bunch of different mesh files - for that Im sorry. With the slow submission approval rate please dont expect these new bedroom sets for at least another week - hmm maybe longer if the manager ( Girl from mars) doesnt return soon. I just didnt bother uploading the sets yet - I will most likely tonight but havent stressed out about it as they wouldnt get approved right away anyhow. The down side is that the longer it takes the more i have to upload as I create more.. then it becomes a long process of hours and hours to upload all the sets  for me LOL.

REAL LIFE is still busy - my youngest Mia's 4 month old kitty ( her name is Phoebe) was stepped on Sunday night. My hubby ( who walks with a cane and has trouble with stairs) was walking down the stairs about 10 pm sunday night and puss n boots was coming UP the stairs and decided to scuttle under his feet. well Paul stepped on her even though he tried to avoid doing so- without throwing himslef down an entire flight of stairs! The result: a seriously injured kitty who had to be rushed to EMERG. originally the vets thought she had internal bleeding etc and tried to milk $800 for a one night ICU stay for kitty or they were just going to send her home if I didnt pay - even though she was injured and they werent sure of all her injuries! After I lost my mind on them ( using foul language) - its a long story okay- they let her stay and only charged me $200. ( Good thing i am not afraid to freak out at injustice) She ended up having a dislocated jaw - and after a long night of prayer from me.. she returned home Monday doing well. Presently she is doing great - eating soft cat food, playing etc and is down in her dosage of pain meds. But all week thats what i have been doing - besides all the rest of my busy busy life- I have been Florence Nightengale to my teeny kitty ( whom I adore). So creating has been a slower process - only after 10 pm or so at night- but i have still been getting thinsg done! i really want to try my hand at meshing - and one of these days i will get around to it. Since i am so dang stubborn I am still using MS Paint to recolor LOL. Havent touched the trial version of paint shop pro I downloaded in weeks. And of course i havent tried clothing again. Maybe someday - who knows!? There is never enough time in life.. as I have also been trying to spend more time with my family at night also. And the weather is nicer so i have had the doggie out more...

So look for my new sets shortly.. and my starter houses. OH - I almost forgot - i built two new houses too! Havent uploaded thsoe either - and also I have a bunch of build items i have recolored as I wanted to use those in my lots - and I need to upload those too. I never did finsih that bathroom floor and tile wall set from Christmas and i did go back and look at it and poo-poo' d it. I have gotten better at recoloring since then so for me to finsih it I would have to totally re-do it.. and I dont know if I have the patience for that.

So thats it for now- I will write more soon. Enjoy your day and thanks for reading!

What I have been up to...

So I haven't blogged in well over a week and wanted to let everyone know what has been happening...I am feeling better gallbladder wise so thanks to anyone who was holding me up in prayer. I havent had an attack since my last blog. My energy level has been a little low but then evryone in my house has been battling the same problem. My dog has a very bad cold ( most likely caught from jumping in the cold water of the little creek that runs thru the dawg park- he jumped in it a few times on really cold days . But he is a lab and labs love water! Even if its freezing!LOL) so i have been caring for him. I have been busy working and also spending more time at night with my family.

 We have a new addition to our family this past week - a little tabby cat with white socks. Her name is phoebe, she is just a tiny 4 months and my 11 yr old Mia ( aka princess moo-moo on here) found her on a deserted trail near our house. She was a stray kitten with no collar or tags, skinny , shivering- most likely abandoned- and is absolutely adorable! So now she has a good home and has certainly made herself right at home. She and Reuben get along - well reuben likes her better than she likes him. That might be from her having a previous bad experience with dogs while she was a street cat. Phoebe is answered prayer though as a few months back Mia asked me to pray with her to God to give her a kitten. She asked for a tabby with all white paws ( that look like socks) a female who was mellow. Sure enough Phoebe is ALL those things. When Mia found her she said she immediately knew that she was the answer to her prayer! ( My hubby and i had just told her a week before that we wouldnt be able to get a kitten right now as it was a financial issue - mainly we couldnt really afford the shots etc right now)However what do you do when GOD answers a little girls prayers?? SAY NO to GOD?? lol- i think not. Sonow we are a REALLY full house.. with kids and almost every species of animal LOL- we are just missing a pet bird now and then we would be complete! Geesh....Paul and I must be gluttons for punishment!

As for creating - I have still be diligent to create and currently have 31 itmes awaiting approval for over a week now. The problem lies in the fact that the submissions manager is away on vacation and apparantly the person covering for her is not as fast or skilled in the ways of submission approval so its taking ALOT longer. My opinion is it might be a good idea for TSR to fully train others for the event that someone needs a vacation.. and I would gladly take a job doing that :) It would be even nicer to get paid a small wage for that kind of work as I would assume its very time consuming! So if any staff are reading this I am your girl! LOL Anyhoo- I have all thsoe items waiting PLUS I worked last night on 2 new bedroom sets - recolors of Angelamveliza's Colonial Bedroom. I still need to upload those.. and I am half done a new house. Just need to put some finsihing touches on it and do some landscaping...so there is still lots on the way :)

Feeling like crap....yet still creating

Hi everybody ~Happy Sunday! It was a beeeauutiful day here is SW Ontario .. a gorgeous PLUS 14 ! YIPEE! At one point this afternoon the hubby and I took the doggie to the dog park for 2 entire hours - but it was nice out and the park was packed ~ everyone AND their dog was there - HAHA.

However I have been feeling really yuck alll weekend. On Friday i had 2 cleaning clients ... I cleaned the first house and then whilst driving to the second one i ate my lunch - a banana, some raisins and some cheese strings . When i was finished about 5 minutes after eating I began to get horrible pain in my abdomen. Pain somewhat similar to the pain I had had twice before in the past 6 weeks... where i was in excruciating pain after eating chinese food one time - the other time pizza. On friday the pain was so bad I had to go home and lay down. I have felt awful ever since and cannot eat anything wihtout feeling ill...and my gallbladder feels tender and swollen. I was supposed to go for an ultrasound 3 weeks ago for gallstones but i have been so busy that i didnt go. But tommorrow I HAVE to go! So even with all the other crap in my life - hubby , kids , finances etc .. now I am dealing with this!

Despite the nausea and pain i have been creating this weekend though.. pretty much cuz i dont have the energy to do anything more than sit here. After finally eating some plain rice today i had the energy for abit to take my dog to the dog park. I am now wiped out and nauseous again though.

So what did i accomplish this weekend? Three houses so far, a bunch of build item recolors, and some furniture recolors. I have sooo much to upload now.. that whats i will be doing the remainder of this evening!

Please pray for me okay? Pray I feel better - as this week i have a FULL work week as everything is crammed into 4 days as my hubby has a pain specialist appt in Toronto ( well over an hour away from here) on Friday and it will be an all day affair. PLUS I have to clean the house i didnt clean on friday because of the attack. I dont have the energy for it but we desperately need the money . Last week was our 16 yr olds sons bday and Saturday was PrincessMooMoo's 11 th bday. That cost us alot of cash those 2 birthdays! Now we are broke so I MUST go back to work!


I thought I would add the link to the master file mesh to the METRO window by Tiiggy 27 over at Mod the Sims. Those are the big modern windows that i use in quite a few of my lots. If anyone is having a problem with these windows flashing blue then that means for some reason the master is not included in the lot ( but it should be) If that is the case you need to download the master mesh . Here is the link:


I apologize from the heart for any inconvenience to any downloaders who are experieincing problems with my lots. I certainly hate that!! It is  my intent  always for people to enjoy my creations not be aggravated by them!! In future lots i will take great care to make sure that i include any master mesh links needed for build items.. they should be included in the file but just in case there ends up being a glitch for some reason ( as that does happen from time to time) that way people can easily get the main mesh and get down to the business of playing SIMS!

Have a great night everyone and thanks again to all my downloaders.

~ Jackie

Complaints PLEASE READ

I had someone pm me tonite . They had pm'd two days ago I guess about some windows flashing blue and I hadnt gotten back to them yet today. i was having some trouble getting into my dashboard to check comments and pms. Also i have been very busy with work , my sons 16th birthday party and my upcoming daughters 11th party. Life has been hectic and I have been very tired . Anyways this person was VERY rude to me.. about me not getting back to them. Did they ever consider that maybe i have been busy and never saw the first PM? And if they are having a problem why do they have to be nasty to me. Gessh - its only a video game!!!!!!!

So i want to make this very clear to anyone reading this. If you have a problem with any of my creations .. by all means pm me.. and I will try to help.BUT PLEASE BE KIND! I am a person who has feelings... i am not perfect and I am a new creator therefore I may have mistakes in my creations. I am a wife with a disabled husband who has no less than 3 doctors appointments a week for his back injury plus physio appts on top of those. I work full time cleaning houses and am usually sore and tired when i get home. I have 4 kids 17, 16, 13 and 11... who have problems of their own that mom has to help with.. besides problems with relationships and friends and schoolwork and etc. I have to clean my house when I get home , do laundry, run errands ( as my hubby cant drive anymore) do the shopping and the cooking and walk the dog. I have a life outside of TSR!!!

Most people are very nice to me if they have a problem. They will get a response from me when I see their pm. RUDE PEOPLE can expect no response from me. If it continues then maybe I will just pack it in and not bother creating anymore at all.

The reason i share my stuff here is to enhance other peoples games. I dont get paid for this. I dont get paid for the hours and hours i put in to building lots or recoloring . I do it FOR FREE. It is supposed to be fun for the downloaders and for me too. I dont appreciate people being mean to me. My god its just a video game and its not like people have to pay for my creations -- THEY ARE FREE.

Enuff said.

Favourites Poll

So here are the final results to my last poll entitled Favourites:

Question: What are your favourites of my creations?

Houses 26.92% (7)
Object recolors ( beddings, curtains, etc) 23.08% (6)
Walls/Floors 3.85% (1)
I love all your stuff 57.69% (15)

Question: Where do I need improvement?

Houses 11.54% (3)
Objects recolors( beddings, curtains etc) 3.85% (1)
Walls /Floors 3.85% (1)
You dont need any improvement 65.38% (17)

THANK YOU to everyone who voted on it.. I greatly appreciate your feedback. Now on to a  new poll .. I just need to think one up!


Bad downloads ARRRGGGHHHH!

There is nothing i hate more than finding a cool item for sims then downloading and installing it ..only to find it freezes your game or crashes it! ARRGGH. Last night I downloaded several cool itmes - awesome new building stuff ( so i could have variety when building ) Sure enough game wouldnt start. So i went into my downloads folder and starting slowly one by one stripping away and uninstalling each new item and then see if I could start my game. Eventually i had to uninstall EVERY new thing then the game ran .. BUT i discovered somewhere along the way in my stripping down i deleted other stuff that i had wanted !!!!! Drive me bonky!! Triple GRRRR!

Some of the things I lost i cannot remember where i got them from but thankfully i have several of those build itmes included in two new lots I have coming out sunday. So i can just get them once i re-download my own houses!

But I am ticked right off and so i think i am going to totally strip down everything and re-install the games themselves again and start from scratch again. After the christmas episode of this same nonsense i got smart and copied all my fave files to another location so i can just move them over once i re-install :) Too soon old .... too late smart ..

Thinking about re-installing etc i am torn about whether i should just have furniture downloads ( with some windows and accessories etc for preview pictures) for recoloring furniture OR just build itmes. The problem arises when i have too many things in my downloadds folder. Hmm.. good topic for a new poll??

VERY basic clothing creations

Okay so i finally made some clothes. LMAO> For the life of me i cannot do the things RockinRobin is telling me to do in her most excellent clothing tutorial. I am wondering if it is because I have a 30 day trial of Corel Paint shop PRO ( and some things are off limits during the trial and Corel does state that ) Hmmm.. wondering if some of the paste and merging and layering things i need are not running cuz of the trial as things would be in "grey" and i was unable to access them when I was trying to create clothing . So I went into my MS Paint and made some basic kids stuff - just to see how it would turn out! I am uploading it for the heck of it ( my stuff is free anyways)Maybe some one out there is cyber world will want to download them LOL.

I have a whole truckload of furniture recolors coming out though and I seem to be getting abiot better at that .. but its been 5 months of practice! Eventually i will learn clothing.. but I am still wondering if its my thing or not .. i just cant tell at this point as i havent totally figured out how to do it. To compound to the problem is the fact that i dont know the Paint shop pro software AT ALL.. and i am having a hard time trying to navigate my way around it. Sigh! Ya never know - maybe clothing isnt for me and I will just stick with lots and recolors etc. Time will reveal all things...

So look for my crappy little outfits coming soon! And my very good furniture recolors as well. :)

Weekend Plans

So what are your weekend plans??

Me - i just have so many and not enough time for most of it! My basement needs to be cleaned out in a serious fashion! As does my downloads folders and the folders i use to house all my textures and fabrics etc. You wouldnt beleive the ginormous mess i have got happening on my pc.. i thought i was organized and have a gazillion sub folders within folders but its all over the place. I think before i create another thing i need to clean it up ! Yikes!

I wanted to try clothing again.. maybe tonight i will. I am pretty tired of writing about it and would rather get on here and tell you I HAVE DONE IT - look for the submission soon! LOL That should be my next goal - really ( after the cleaning of the folders) The sun is out here in my neck of the woods but it is deceiving as it is minus 7 - BRRRR! Triple BRRRR! I did not dare take my doggie to the DP ( dog park) but let my hubby do it. My daughter needed to go to WalMart to buy sugercubes for her ancient civilizatiosn project ( shes making a 3D pyramid and already tried and failed making one using popsicle sticks) Again i let my hubby handle that one. As i write this I am doing house laundry and I did get dusting done in the living room adn diningroom ( it was over due - i know ..baaaaaad - i am a cleaning lady my house shoudl be spotless right?)

So those are my plans.. oh I may organize my bedrrom closet too - it is horrible since christmas time.And make the kids go thru all their clothing to get stuff for donation. i know I need to go thru mine again. Doesnt look like too much outside activities are on my agenda!

So thanks for listening to my ramblings! Enjoy the weekend



TGIF - Almost!

Well i figured I would write a short update tonight before I hit the sack.. why i do not know cuz i am totally exhausted! This week has been a rather hectic crazy week .. my 16 yr old son had to have surgery this week to get his adnoids removed and it was running back and forth to a major city almost a hour away twice two days in a row! Today was especially long - most of the day spent at the hospital! Plus i had a full work week .. tommorrow i have some customers crammed into one day so i should be good and tired and unable to do diddly Friday nite.. well we'll see.. i hope not as I have some recolors I want to make and a bunch of stuff that i need to upload!

We have grown tired of our tiny townhouse so we have started looking around for a bigger place .. egads! what an endeavor that will be! We have soo much stuff - but makes a good reason to have a yard sale and also throw out a lot of crap we dont use or need! The move wont be until may or June --- and then at that time you may not see me for a week or two as i pack and move and unpack! I hate moving .. i really do and we have been here at this place 5 years.. we outgrew it LONG ago but because Pauly and I hate moving we stayed for as long as we could handle. But the boys and girls ALL need their own rooms instead of sharing so it is now time!It will certainly cost us a pretty penny to rent but oh well.. a few more years and they will all be gone on their own! ( Or so i hope anyways!LOL)

I havent had a chance to work on my website OR even read the book i have. A must do for this weekend along with the zillion other plans that i have scheduled. LOL.. like for example if its warm out i need to start spring cleaning and clean out the basement ( need to to move anyways) and i need to clean out the minivan .. wash , vac ...all that good stuff! I think i need a 192 hour long weekend! LOL again!

Okay anyways I am rambling and giddy cuz I am tired.. i am beginning to go cross-eyed looking at the computer screen too! LOL so i will go ...

TTFN ---sweet dreams


Latest Headlines

Pending Submissions What I have been up to... Feeling like crap....yet still... TIG METRO WINDOWS Complaints PLEASE READ Favourites Poll Bad downloads ARRRGGGHHHH! VERY basic clothing creations Weekend Plans TGIF - Almost!
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