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paramiti's Guestbook

sanahteaApr 22, 2013

\:\)\:\)\:\) beautiful beautiful

wiccan_nightwolfApr 12, 2013

you have the best art and poster work i have ever seen AWESOME and kudos to you \:rah\:

joana98Dec 26, 2012

If i send you a pictures you can do paitings for me?

reaching_themoonNov 2, 2012

Hi, Love your creations! I especially like that you aren't afraid of religious art. MUCH appreciated, thanks again!

naughtyangelOct 20, 2012

OMG... I'm over two years late on this but Thank you so ever much... I had initially requested these so yeah. A big Thanks to you!!!!

chickenherderAug 30, 2012

I love your creations! I have a suggestion for you, would you mind doing some LDS art? Maybe the Salt Lake Temple? And there's some great art to be found at Deseret Book and Seagull Book. Anyway, I don't know about others but I, for one, would love it. Thanks!

hauntedlighthousesAug 19, 2012

Thank you for creating such awesome paintings! They're brilliant.Do you mind if they appear in a story? I'm decorating a house and one or two might appear in the background.

ifonlytonyAug 14, 2012

awesome work can you email me sometime - i was wondering if you could turn some photos into photos for the sims. thanks.

misiowyninjaAug 4, 2012

You have a great liking! \:\) I think that the images of a certain artist could interest you... I am thinking of Allison Schulnik \:\) Maybe you make something of her works. It would be great! \:D

chickenherderJul 22, 2012

Oh, for crying out loud! I just waded through 641 pages of pictures and the vast majority of what I liked and downloaded were from you. From now on I'm going directly to you when I want pictures. I hope you're happy now. Jeez!

chickenherderJul 22, 2012

Love your work. Keep the awesome pics coming!

angelladyJul 6, 2012

just wanted to say I love your pics! Only problem I have now is what to choose lol. again thanks for sharing \:D

anifromidJun 16, 2012

I seem to have at least one of your paintings in every one of my builds. Thank you for taking the time to make them. You make my simming a lot more fun.

murfeelMay 2, 2012

Oh MAN! Sorry to hear about your computer! \:\( Is it a RAM or graphics card issue? I have an HP Pavilion dv6-1030us laptop with 4GB of RAM and a Mobile Chipset Family graphics card (which I hear is supposed to be crap or whatever), and my game lags like he** too, but it's playable enough for me--so I doubt you'd need a frikkin monster to keep simming--you may just need more RAM. I think6 or 8GB of RAM is best for simming--4 is not enough, I can tell you that for certain, and anything less is just asking for issues. \:\( You can upgrade RAM for I think $80 per GB on most computers, and installation is a do-it-yourself thing abd fairly simple, as RAM chips just snap into place. Graphics cards I don't know too much about, though. \:\( Anyways, I am doing fine, I suppose. Doctors told me the reason my hands keep swelling up is because of Rheumatoid Arthritis, so they prescribed a bunch of Naproxen for the pain. My birthday was last Saturday and I went out for Chinese for the first time in ages--I've been cooped up in this piece of crap falling apart house of mine with no heat or hot water all winter, and I needed the moral uplift, lol.

murfeelApr 30, 2012

\:eek\: PARAAAAAAAAAAAA~~!!!!! \:rah\: Omg, so GOOD to hear from you again! \:D *big big BIG hugs!* \:wub\: How's it been going with you!? \:D

awesomestpossumApr 5, 2012

Goodness me! I just hit page 60 of your 100+ pages of goodies..!! I really must go to bed now, but I'll be bookmarking you & I'll return to download more of your amazing meshes!! Thank-you so very much for all your hard work!! I just stumbled across your stuff whilst perusing the paintings & poster sections. You have such a wide variety of artists; it truly made my night! I mentioned it in a comment earlier, but I'll be building a multiple story museum for my Sims & literally filling it with works gotten from you. So, again, thank-you for all your hard work!! I only hope that you can one day place your "collections" in to sets for easier downloading. xD Hehe!! May your days be grand!! --AwesomestPossum

kitty13_xFeb 10, 2012

Hi, I love all the extra paintings you provide for my Sims! Do you do requests? I'm trying to make Malfoy Manor, and it would be awesome to have a lot of large portraits of the Malfoys to decorate the place with. If I sent you pictures could you mesh them into Sims paintings? Thanks so much

murfeelDec 27, 2011

Hey you! \:wub\: How have things been--restful, I hope!? \:\) i'm just here wishing you a happy holiday season, and a new year full of joy! \:D HUGS! \:wub\:

luckyoyoDec 25, 2011

Merry Christmas And A Healthy And Happy New Year To You And Your Family!

ziggy28Dec 19, 2011

\:wub\: \:wub\: \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: Wishing you a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

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