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paramiti's Guestbook

PralinesimsDec 16, 2010

  Hello honey!!!, thank you so much for writing us wonderful comments on our creations! We´re glad you like :themwub:\:wub\:   We wish you a  beautiful  day and a  awesome  week!   Happy simming\:rah\:\:rah\: Kissssssssseess  

ShelleyBDec 16, 2010

I've been Christmas "shopping" in the TSR downloads store, so automatically came to your minisite to pick up anything I didn't already have. I love your work! Here's wishing you and yours a happy holiday season . . . \:wub\:

murfeelDec 5, 2010

My pills, I meant. \:P I just cut them into pieces. They're still gross : one is like old chalk and one is like rusted metal a sick cat pi&&ed all over \:puke\:, and then the rest is regular pain pills.

murfeelDec 5, 2010

\:eek\: BACK pain!? \:confused\: I would have sat on my rusty dusty for MONTHS on end with back pain before it even occurred to me that it could be something OTHER than muscles wrong with me! \:P Good thing she got that looked out! Shoot -- good thing I got my hand checked! You know; I was here for almost two weeks like, yeah it sucks, but I'll just wait it out until it gets better -- I'm really lackadaisical (if I even spelled that right) about my health and I hate hospitals, so if everyone around me wasn't INSISTING that I go to the docs I would have just sat round the house unti the infection DID kill me! \:eek\: And who knows how long that infection was in me before it decided to start reaping havoc on me! *creeped out* \:puke\: I know; you should have seen my face when the doc told me it was my kidneys -- I said: HUH?! \:confused\: And THAT'S what caused my hands and feet to swell to the size of melons?! \:eek\: She was like, well, it is the way my body decided to fight the infection -- smoothe move, Body \:mad\: But Ziggy28 said it best: water retention. \:eek\: The kidneys were f-ing up my fluids, which was why I looked like a Macy's Day parade balloon. \:P As for shots versus pills: BRING ON THE HORSE PILLS, PLEASE!!!! Grown woman sitting in the room screaming her head off when they took all that blood work from me! \:P lmao I didn't care; that crap HURTS!!! \:\( I just cut them in half. Oh, so you have to take your meds, what ... forEVER? \:\( \:o \:\(

murfeelDec 5, 2010

\:eek\: Oh yes yes yes!! Totally forgot! \:P Yeah, I went in to the doctor and they told me I have a kidney infection \:\( so they gave me a CRAPLOAD of pills for both the infection, swelling, pain ... and I have to take them until almost the end of the month. The swelling is all but gone now in my hands and feet -- thank GOODNESS; I have a Typist's exam tomorrow! \:mad\: and other than crazy insane frequent trips to the loo I'm feeling fine now! \:\) (Sorry, I totally forgot to say that before! *facepalm* I've been so worked up about how BAD these huge pills taste! \:o ) So it was nothing serious, thankfully! When they took me in they tested me for all kinds of things because it looked like either diabetes or arthritis, but thankfully it was far less severe, just a bug \:\) Thanls for asking!!! \:rah\:

murfeelDec 3, 2010

awww! Cute new avatar! ^-^ I'm gonna miss the pumpkins though! :P

ShelleyBDec 2, 2010

I've been browsing again, and love the end-of-year holiday artwork you've added to your collection. This new Betty Boop avatar also puts me in the HOHOHO spirit. I am a big fan of your work and use it with abandon on all my lots! (No wonder my game file size gets so close to blowing system limits, eh?)  \:wub\:

murfeelNov 25, 2010

\:rah\: HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!! \:rah\: Thank GOODNES you are getting to feeling better! \:wub\: I know, thyroids are no joke, I told my mom she was being crazy; she's just desperate to lose at least 150 pounds but too broke to get lypo or a bypass. \:P I'm so RELIEVED that you'll be alright, and best of luck with the homeschooling! ^-^ I worked in Education too, but I HATE children. Urgh! Snotty nosed--! \:mad\: It's bad enough I have to come home every day to my own chubby wonder, then I have to spend all day walking on eggshells around a class full of someone else's BRATS!? \:eek\: But now I miss being employed! Sometimes I'm glad I moved, but then I hate having moved so FAR away from civilization, because there's NOTRHING out here, and now I can't find a job; starting to miss those brats! \:P Well, unfortunately for me, however, that sprained-swollen finger I've been tending to for about two weeks has spread to all of my fingers on my right hand, and both of my feet. \:\( Since this has been going on for a while it's probably poor circulation, and tomorrow a trip to the quacks is planned (since today's a holiday). I already know I'm Vitamin B and E deficient, my diet SUCKS, and I DON'T get much physical exercise at ALL -- I'm in bed all day on the computer, and even when I was employed I was always STANDING. My index and thumb are swollen on the bottom right now, which is why I can still type and Sim (thank goodness). My other fingers are all bound -- I look like a crab! \:D Ibuprofen didn't help, Epsom Salt didn't help, rubbing alcohol didn't help, suspending the limbs was a fail, and talk about those Icy-Hot patches! \:eek\: WHAT ICE AND HOT!!!!!? \:mad\: That thing probably got a little *"warm"* (pfft!) like 2 hours after I put it on, for probably 30 minutes! *rolls eyes* 6 dollars down the drain! lol Oy vey... \:\( But I'm glad you're back in business! Yeah, we must be thankful; for the time we are given to play like this \:\( And best of luck with the 'spring cleaning!' \:D 10 years makes it more of a treasure hunt ! LMAO

iwonciaNov 23, 2010

Hi! Thank you so much for your an amazing guestbook message! Have a nice day!

murfeelNov 20, 2010

\:wub\: HOPEFULLY YOUR HEALTH CONTINUES TO IMPROVE!!! \:wub\: Yeah, see a specialist; a lot of the time doctors already have an IDEA when they see patients of what could be wrong, but they LOVE that whole third fourth opinion ploy--no one wants to get sued for misdiagnosis \:P . Watch your weight carefully. My mom was actually hoping her thyroid would cave in so that she could lose weight, but I was like...stop being silly, and now you're laid up sick! \:\( We have the same problem; it's so rural out here that it makes for things like medical emergencies a bit inconvenient. We're a bit nervous having an asthmatic so FAR from her specialist; a two hour drive, when in New York City there were doctors and hospitals to the left and right. \:\( I'll continue to pray that you get better! Best of luck and the most sincere of well wishes from your friend, Murfee!!! \:wub\:   

BablebibouNov 18, 2010

I love ALL your paintings ! My Sim's house is coverred with them !

murfeelNov 16, 2010

How's it going? (I hope you're feeling better!!! \:\( ) \:wub\: Take care! \:\)

gamerchick2566Nov 15, 2010

Your Welcome and Thank you\:\)

murfeelNov 14, 2010

\:eek\: OMG I HOPE YOU GET TO FEELING MUCH BETTER SOON!!!!! \:eek\: I figured something might be wrong; you've been a bit quiet. I hope you're doing okay ! \:\( \:wub\: It's crazy, cuz I was just up north at a specialist's because the little one suddenly had a TERRIBLE asthma attack for NO reason whatsoever no a few weeks ago, and we had to stay for a while at the hospital too, and we had to get an ambulance to take us 100 miles north to a better hospital cuz our local hospital doesn't cater to 5 year old asthmatics--CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT BULL ISH!? \:mad\: Unfortunately for her, they don't know WHAT set off her reaction, but they're telling us to not give her milk for an entire month (GREAT, and what am I supposed to do with all these Frosted Flakes on top of the fridge!? \:mad\: ) -- she also has eczema and can't eat soy, wheat, eggs -- YAY! No flu shot! \:D nya nya! \:P (raspberries ^-^) -- and DEFINITELY not yogurt. i know, I felt the same was in late October -- NOT my month this year. And it seems November's doing hardly any better \:\( The stars are NOT auspiciously aligned. \:\( You're in my prayers, Para!!!! \:wub\: 

murfeelNov 4, 2010

OH! PPFT! Forgot to tell you what it was for! \:P Yeah, it was the Halloween contest; I submitted that Castle Dracula, right? \:\) That got best lot -- woop woop! \:D And I SO thought it wouldn't win! \:eek\: It didn't get downloaded as much as the other lots at ALL \:confused\: Go figure! \:P

murfeelNov 4, 2010

Man, I ENVY you being some place warmer! \:\( WE had a hail storm here in upstate New York on Halloween, so no Trick or Treating THIS year! \:P Now it's going back & forth between rain, frost and snow, so...yeah...that ole coot Old Man Winter decided to put his dukes up early this year \:mad\: SIGH!!!! Thanks for the congrats! \:D They SAID that you get a 1000 extra kudos as the prize (booooo!) , but I don't see under my kudos list where I got any points for the competition \:confused\: . Oh well, I don't even mind; submit a bunch more creations and I can make 1000 Kudos on my own \:rah\: so no biggie \:\) I'm glad to hear that you've been alright; haven't heard from ya in a while and was getting worried -- where's Para!? \:eek\: So it's good to hear from you again! \:wub\:

FlatterNov 4, 2010

Aaah, my dear Paramiti, you are so welcome, always \:wub\: Thanks for stopping by at my GB. Have a great week!

ShelleyBOct 30, 2010

One more post and I'm done for a while. I have completed flipping a lot (with the lot creator's permission) and have mentioned you in the "credits" section of the last set of screenshots I took of the lot as different pieces were completed. You can check out the screenies on my minisite, but from a progression standpoint, I suggest you check my blog for the screenshot names concerning your content. Thanks for sharing your creativity. \:D

ShelleyBOct 30, 2010

\:D Thanks for looking in on my coffee shop. The humor was thrown in for free; in today's economy, I believe Startling Bux is the most appropriate name for this establishment. My last batch of screenshots are going in now, and some of your Disney stuff is mounted on the walls of the Snack Shop and Children's Movie Theater. Then I'm going to wander through your latest creations. This Halloween set is magnificent!!!!! \:rah\:

ShelleyBOct 28, 2010

\;\)Thought you might like to know I've loaded some more screenies with your work in them. I love tje Eugenio Recuenco magazine art. Let my know if I could better display artwork in a grundgy coffee house, please. \:cool\:

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