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paramiti's Guestbook

ShelleyBSep 22, 2010

Hello again! I was watching DVDs today and remembered an artist I LOVE and wondered if you like him as well. (Especially, do you like him well enough to do a series?) The movie is "Evil Under The Sun," an Agatha Christie classic starring Peter Ustinov as Hercule Poirot. The watercolor title sketches were done by Hugh Casson, and I am simply in LOVE with them. Too bad I can't run console commands on my own life and enter my familyfunds, or I would own some of his watercolors myself. I don't know how putting real artwork into Sims content works (copyrights and such), but if you are able, would you consider Hugh Casson some day? Then at least my Sims could own his work!  \:D

fabrizioammolloSep 21, 2010

Hi Paramiti! Thank you for sharing your creativity! Happy Simming! F.

murfeelSep 21, 2010

\:eek\: 50....THOUSAND!? \:eek\: WHY am I so surprised, though? You already have, what, 1000+ paintings already here, right? (I haven't even skimmed the surface of all of the paintings you made; I do a little more downloading on your page every couple of days) \:D My GOODNESS, and I thought MY computer was being stuffed to the brim. \:P I couldn't even wrap my head around having 8000+ Sims 3 downloads in my folder, I thought that was a HUGE number. But a folder with 50 THOUSAND files, PHEW! lol I need a drink of WATER, I'll be right back! lmao 

murfeelSep 21, 2010

HEEEEEY! (I've got to get used to reading comments!) Thanks SO much for all your sweet comments on my downloads! I'm glad you liked them! You're only the second creator to leave a comment on any of my stuff! \:wub\: It's wild, because here I am thinking that YOU make some of the most creative pictures fot TS3! \:D I don't know where you get it from, but please keep at it, because that otherworldly strangeness really appeals to me. I, of course, do not live in the real world!

murfeelSep 21, 2010

I'm a total idiot--forgot to tell you DAYS ago! Yeah, your WA frames work fine \:P That is all. \:D

llucas16Sep 19, 2010


ShelleyBSep 19, 2010

Now that I'm starting to learn how things work on this site, I won't feel so terrible about not entering a comment on each and every piece of your artwork I download. This guestbook thing is a great idea!\:D I am as impressed with your knowledge about the artists as with the art itself. I didn't know the scope of James Coleman's work, and might have mistaken some of his paintings for Thomas Kincaid's own work. I'm off today to put my downloads to use in the world I'm developing right now, so may snap a screenshot here and there as I go along. Again, many thanks!

flody888Sep 19, 2010

Hi again! I had to stop and say thank you for your Amy Sol and Kitogi (ohgoshIforgothisname!) paintings!!! I think I actually downloaded every single one of those two series! My favourite is the Kitogi (???) one with the girl in the flowered raincoat on a black background. The colours and flowers on the black is so beautiful! Thank you for creating these art pieces and bringing so much beauty and prettiness to our games and our lives! \:\)

murfeelSep 16, 2010

\:wub\: Sure, I'll try it out; I'm booting my game up right now! \:\) And the link is Scroll down the page and he's there. I also found a Jack Skellington painting by Claeric at Fuzzy Logic Dishwasher here I gotta go tell Steph! Bye!

lillova10111Sep 16, 2010


lillova10111Sep 16, 2010

Hi I Just Wanted to Say How WOnderful and awsome ur painting are!i wonder if u could make the cloths in ur picyures so sims could where em to?\:rah\:  

moschino_KSep 15, 2010

Hello gurl, sorry for the delay, those days I'm quite busy with reall life stuff and I just can't be very active and very communicative. I see you posted thousands of paintings. You always posted wonderful paintings but you are better each day. I just love vector paintings, I tried so find some for TS3, also I tried to find some pics to create my own paintings but I couldn't find too many. I don't know where you find them (do you create them?), but I really enjoy them. Also if you'll post a painting where you are the subject I promise I will add that painting in my livingroom in TS3, as a tribute for the creator of all those wonderfull paintings. \:wub\: See you arround, Best wishes!!!

FlatterSep 15, 2010

Hi paramiti, I just dropped by to say hello. I am a bit afraid to look at your newest creations because they all are so loveable. It's so hard chosing which one to use for decoration and which one to keep at the attic. \:\) Downloading more will make chosing even more difficult, haha. Joy and pain are two sides of the same coin \;\) Have a great week!

murfeelSep 15, 2010

Vintage! \:wub\: Vintage! \:wub\: Ghosts! \:rah\:

murfeelSep 14, 2010

Uh oh. \:eek\: Was that October thing a warning? Should I start getting just a little nervous, or REALLY apprehensive? \:wub\:

herbrothmanSep 14, 2010

Thank you. It was a perfect fit!!! I really appreciate your doing this for me.

murfeelSep 12, 2010

VERY true, very true! ^-^ :P

herbrothmanSep 7, 2010

A plain recolorable wooden frame is what I would prefer.

zoeyzukoSep 7, 2010

Hi. You're welcome.  I was a downloading fool today and I would have stated different comments for each painting, but that one comment said it all for me with your awesome creations. How you make your paintings so real looking to work in Sims 3 is amazing to me.  Keep up the great work.  I'll be downloading more I'm sure. \:rah\: Take care. \:\) zoeyzuko/aka Jamie

murfeelSep 7, 2010

I just finished going through your Eugenio Recuenco prints like I was a bat outta heck; thanks SO much for such great photos! You truly do broaden people's horizons with your incredibly original selections! \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\:

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