lmcrowe82 (8162509)
About Me
I love all animals and will gladly stay single for the rest of my life, but don't worry I will crowd myself with animals so I won't be alone!!
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icequeenvityaSep 29, 2020
Hi there! Not sure if you already got an answer, but I saw your comment on a creation by pinkzombie cupcakes asking about some shoes? I can't seem to add a link, but they are by redheadsims and are the new year version 2 heels. You'll also need their slider for them tto work too
ekinegeJan 11, 2020
Hi! Hair here:http://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1390941
christopher067Dec 31, 2019
Hey there! I just released the skirt! It is a little different than what it looked like in the Priestess Top picture but I think it is 10 times better! Hope you love it! I will post it on TSR soon, but for now you can get it here: https://www.christopher067.com/