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swimwear-body summer-6color

LindaSim_swimwear_body summer-6color
AF / купальники / The sims 2


Newcrest Project (Part 1)

I'm starting a cute little project on The Sims 4. Come join me on a journey to build Newcrest from the ground up!

1 Million Downloads

It's definitely a surreal feeling to stare at my profile and actually see that number that so many other artists have seen before, and long ago surpassed — artists that I have cherished and that have inspired me. That continues to be the case.

I also deeply appreciate the downloaders and supporters, as that number would not exist without them, either! Thank you.

I know that my relationship with design has seemed on-again-off-again, but, that is the only the case when it comes to Sims. I've actually been exploring other realms of design that interest me as well. I've definitely tried to keep checking back and leaving replies to all the kind comments that you all send.

This has been quite the motivation to come back to designing again for Sims, although the fact that there have been various updates and add-ons, as well as the fact that I will be undoubtedly rusty is pretty daunting lol. (As you can tell, I've always been so full of confidence. Wink)

But, for now, I must go see to all the new, wonderful creations that have been added! <3



Cherries Outfit FIXED

Hi everyone, I have fixed the cherries outfit, but I am having problems with uploading the updated file onto tsr. For now if you would like to download it, here is the link to my tumblr post about it! . have a good day!

July 2018 Update!


As I type this, I am working on two new pieces! My crazy summer semester is finally almost over and I've been finding a lot more time and a lot more inspiration than I was having when I wrote my last blog post. Expect the two pieces to be submitted hopefully by the end of the weekend. They are both recolors & retextures of hair from the Seasons Expansion Pack: one female and one male (FINALLY)! 

After I release these two pieces, I plan to submit a new piece each Friday (more if I have the time). So, expect to start seeing some more activity coming from my store!

Thanks for your continued support! <3 

~ LL

Over 100 Uploads

I would like to thank everyone for the support over the last 5+ years. I have recently uploaded my 100th creation. That being said, my 5th TS4 creation is about to be published. Anyone that would like to submit suggestions, please do and if I can do it, I will try to.


Hello everyone!

for a lengthy period of time, I am not able to upload creations.

Hope I can be back as fast as possible!!!

Thank your so much for your kind and encourage support on my creation, they are all so very welcome!!!

Hugs matomibotaki

{Toddler animals fans} T-shirts for SIMS 4

Cute pets fans shirts for toddlers sims 4

amanda collection upcoming in august

amanda collection for august . happy simming friends!!!...


Most of you will have heard of the saying 'Murphy's Law'?   That's when you make plans to do someting and then at the last minute somethng always seems to crop up to torpedo them? , . . . .welll, I sometimes think that Mr. Murphy lives on my shoulder  LOL.     I schedule things and have every intention of following the plan . . . but then . . . this time  a little vacation in the local hospital for some cut and paste . . . oh well!    at least I'k still here to grizzle about it LOL.

I have just begun the mammoth task of responding to your comments, so stay tuned, yours could be next.  Love to all.


Cherries Outfit

It has come to my attention that my cherries outfit looks terrible for some people ingame. It looks fine in my game, and it was never my intention to make it look bad. I would never want to let anyone down with my creations, because it makes me feel terrible seeing how dissapointed some people are. I am already hard at work looking at where it could have gone wrong, and I have asked TSR to please remove it. Hopefully I will be able to post it again with no error, but until then please don't download it! I am very sorry.


So, recently I have been trying to change my avatar and... it hasn't worked. I click upload and it just reloads with the same picture.


Also, TSR keeps saying I have Adblock on, I don't! :(

I have returned!

I want to thank everyone for supporting me over the last 5+ years. A lot has changed but I have decided to return. My latest upload is called The BarnYard and it is a restaurant for TS4 and another one based on my childhood dream is on the way once kinks are worked out. Please stay tuned, I hope to start putting more up.


Help with CC mods

So I have a whooooooole bunch of mode downloaded and most of them don't even work, does anyone know how to fix that? They all show up at start up but I don't see them.

Some of them are broken so when you click on them you get the blackout/???/bodyless heads floating in the air ects but most just don't show up in my glarrey when editing my sims

Comments and Guestbooks

 I didn't edit this message so no idea how it got down into the Tag window!   I don't know what happened there.   Gremlins again? I've cleared the Tag window and hope this time the message is reported correctly   . .Marg.

This is what I wrote yesterday LOL

I gave up trying to rrespond to comments a few weeks ago because I kept getting the same error message in Guestbooks and I simply haven't had time since then to sit down and go through the many that have been unanswered.  Please know that I appreciate your input and will eventually get to yours . . hopefully before the end of the current week . . . big thanks and hugs to you in the meantime and also to those who saw the Artist Draft announcements and left messages. . . . I'm chuffed!

See you soon. xo


Tea Rose Garden set, Part II, July 3rd

Tea Rose Garden, Part II is scheduled for publication on July 3, 2018. Part II includes an additional 8 objects for the set, which are a table umbrella, dining chair and table (2x1), a small deco pillow for the loveseat and armchair, a tray of finger sandwiches and dessert cakes (both from my Sims 2 collection), duo seating (cloned from a loveseat), and an antique teapot from my Sims 2 set, Victorian Inspired Garden. Kick back, relax, and enjoy outdoor living in style. 

A collection folder for the entire set is availabe at MediaFire for download here.

Hugs and take care,


Tea Rose Garden Collection Folder

Tea Rose Garden Collection folder is now available for download at MediaFire here. I hope you enjoy the set and Tea Rose Garden, Part II is coming soon.

Happy Simming and take care,

Carolyn a.k.a. Cashcraft

Tea Rose Garden (Patio) Set, June 29th

Summer breeze and birds chirping in the trees ... it's summertime and a Tea Rose Garden patio set is the perfect spot to spend quality time in the sunshine. Part I of the set includes 8 objects, a loveseat, armchair, coffee table, 2 end tables, antique teapot, and finally an offset umbrella and garden lantern, (both are cloned from floor lights). The teapot and floor lantern are both objects from my Sims 2 Victorian Garden set--now updated for Sim 3. Enjoy your summer and don't forget your sunscreen.

The Tea Rose Garden patio set is scheduled for publication on June 29, 2018 and a collection folder for the set will be available for download at MediaFire. Tea Garden Part II is coming soon (it should be available for download within the week). I really enjoyed creating the set and thanks to all for downloading my creations and using them in your games!





Returning Soon!

Hello hello!

First off I wanted to say thank you sooooo sooooo soooooo much for the 25,000 downloads. It still blows my mind that my creations are in that many games. O_O Here's to 50,000!

I know that I have been inactive for the past month or so but that was simply because I was feeling a bit burnt out from college, making CC and my other priorities that I needed to take a break and enjoy the first half of my summer off. ;d

Now that the Sims 4 Seasons is out, I WILL be returning as I'm super excited to give some of the new clothing & hairs my own touch!

Looking forward to it!


A year has gone

Hi everyone, I'm coming back! It's been a year and I missed this game so much. Can't wait to bring more lots to this site!

See you around!


Why Not Eoungh

Why Dont You People Who Makes The Hair  For The Sims 4 . Dont Have Eoungh Hair For Toddlers  & Children. The Sims 4 Dont Have Alot Of  Hair The Girls Or Boys.... Toodler Or Children To Download From TSR.... And The Children & Toddlers Dont Have As Much Clothing Or Jewlwery. Please Make More Hair,Clothing,Shoes,Jewlery, ETC...... PLEASE!

"Too many CC's in your lots!"

...and you're right. 

I've always loved to create houses full of objects and stuff, I think that make them so much more realistic.

The problem is...I know. I know it's a bummer to download every single CC one by one, and my houses require many downloads. 

This is one of the reasons I decided to stop to post my houses here. Well, maybe I will post the most simple ones. I'll continue to post on TSR though, but I'll post almost only my walls and the recolors. 

I noticed that, when I create my houses, I'm always thinking to keep the number of the cc's as low as possible, trying to compromise every time, and that's starting to stressing me out. It feels like I'm retaining my creativity all the time, and I started to lose interest in building houses for that reason. 

So, having said that, if you like my houses you can follow me on my Tumblr page. I'll start to post my lots there, trying to enjoy building my houses again and making easier for you to download them.

My Tumblr:

Hey there, been a long time!

Decided it was time to get back to creating, so stay tuned as there will be new lots with no custom content!

Amish Challange - needs Parenthood pack

Mods/CC needed for this challange: (outdoor plumbing bathroom items) (male shirt with suspenders) (substitution for prayer cap) ( outfit for girls) (outfit for women) (toddler girl outfit) (toddler boy outift)


Women must wear the traditional garments as seen in links above including the prayer cap (beanie substitution) white for married and black for single

men wear a dress shirt with suspenders and dress pants, shirt is linked above

girls wear the same traditional garments as their mothers as seen in links above

boys should wear a plain white or navy blue dress shirt and slacks - typically they wear the suspenders like their dad but i cannot find any for boys

boys and men shall wear a hat that resembles a cowboy hat in black

toddler girl and boy outfits are also linked above.


Must live in newcrest and cannot travel outside of newcrest unless a teenager - you cannot speak to or have any kind of relations with anyone who is not amish while living in the amish community

when it is time to get marreid use CAS to create a spouse or you can put more Amish people around newcrest as townies 

No electricty (that means no fridge, lights or normal stove), no indoor plumbing, no mirrors as they see it in vain to look in the mirror.

for lighting in your home use windows as it allows natural light in the daytime, you can also use candles and oil lamps.

you can make a kitchen with a wood burning stove but its all for looks as without a fridge the game will not let you use it so to cook you can use a grill and the fire pit if you have outdoor retreat.

the Amish do not typically have swimming pools, they just swim in the creek so if you want them to swim just make a different lot with a pool that they can visit.

You cannot use the phone and you cannot have a normal job, you have to live off the land. 

men typically spend the day on the farm but since we do not have that ability in game they should help in the garden, fish, and build things to make money

women take care of the kids and the house as well as gardening. they can sell their fruits and veggies that they harvest to make some money as well as paintings if you so choose.

you cannot have a baby out of wedlock, if you do that particular sim is shunned from the Amish community and can no longer stay with the family or have contact with them, they are now apart of the rest of the world and can work and use electricty and indoor plumbing.

I have linked some bathroom essentials that follow the guidelines however if you have outdoor retreat, those showers should be fine since they are meant for outside.

Adoption is aloud and counts towards children requirements

Generations: Once you chose your heir for each generation, you may move non heirs out of the household and into another house following the amish rules. As teens your sims can use electronics outside of the household, this is the time they get to venture off and explore the world. once they hit young adult, its back to the amish comunity and no more electronics

 Gen 1: abiding by all rules of the Amish faith listed above, complete the Super Parent aspiration and the Freelance Botanist aspiration in the order of your chosing

get married and have at least 2 children by the time you hit Adult.

Gen 2: abiding by all rules of the Amish faith listed above, complete the successful Linegage aspiration - once you have completed all but maxed career level for this aspiration you can use the cheat code to finish it.

once you hit adult get married, you must have at least 3 children

Gen 3: abiding by all rules of the Amish faith listed above, complete the big happy family aspiration, must get married  and have at least 4 children.

Gen 4: abiding by all rules of the Amish faith listed above, you must get married and have at least 4 children with your spouse and complete the soulmate aspiration

Gen 5: complete the body builder aspiration, you must get married and have at least 1 child

Gen 6: As a teen you have the oportunity to see the outside world and how it works in the non amish community, while outside of the amish community you fall in love with an outsider and have a baby out of wedlock, you are now shunned from the amish comunity

continue with a non amish lifestyle or chose a new heir within the amish comunity and continue with the Amish family.

A LOT to Think About

After much consideration, I don't think I'll be uploading any more lots to TSR. Since revisions are no longer accepted (unless there's a fault), I need to upload these elsewhere.

Of course, no matter where any of my creations area hosted for download, all my creations will be listed over at my blog:

Shame really because I spent such a long time revising my Gale Farm build. Would really have saved a lot of heartache if TSR had updated their 'help' section because it still talks about how to revise published submissions. :(

Time to Bounce Back!

For the past year I put it upon myself to upload once or twice a week. I have honored that commitment for the whole time i have been on here.
Well all up to two weeks ago. A lot of things in life started to stack on me, and time seemed to be slipping away. Every second it felt like I was trying to do something. 
I realized that this would probably be the cause of my first upload miss. But one week isn't too bad, but then the next week came and I was still lacking content to post. 
I really did feel bad, becasue I view this as sorta a job in its own way. Not doing anything for it didn't feel good one bit. I value you guys so much and want to keep makig content for you guys, and not being able to accomish that was upsetting. 

The thing is, I think this slump is finally going away. All the big events  that cause my lack of work have passed for the time being. It really feels great to say I believe I can return back to posting for you guys! Blue skies are to come! No more rain clouds :)

The past month or so hasn't been all terrible at least to say. Like I am offically 16 years old! I could drive a car legally now, well techincally. I still have no idea how to drive, but that topic is for a different day! 

Until then, I hope you all are doing great. And I look forward to uploading for you all one more!
See you this Wednesday,

Im New

How do i upload sims to here?

Greek Aegean Sea houses

   Greek comfortable sims 4 house with plenty of sun light, flowers and play.


Sims3 Kitchen Juwel (French Country)

For some reason this Kitchen was not working anymore.

Its fixed and ready for download. Pls remove all old files and install complete new

**debug** issue fixed


After several tests and the help of friends Colleen, Danuta and Sara we were able to fix the **debug** issue.

Please, if you are unable to find the Industrial Kitchen through search box, please redownload the files.

If you downloaded our newest SIMcredible files and is having the same issue, please read here


Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience.

Happy simming :)

Hey guys, Sorry i haven't been active.


Im sorry I haven't been active recently. Life got in the way and im struggling on ideas for cc. Im working on something at the moment but im not 100% sure if i like it or not yet. Thank you all for being so patient.  :) 

**debug** instead of object name

Hello simmers!

We don't know why since March 2018 some few people started to have cc objects showing up with name **debug** instead of the set name and object description.

Seems that March 2018 patch messed up something and now, although it shows perfect to us in our computers (both of us) some users are not seeing nor description, nor name on their game, only **debug**.

We are talking with other artists, asking friends to test our own on their machines (thanks to Danuta ♥ and Sara ♥ ) and do what we can but maybe it will delay a bit to solve it since this is a very random case.

As soon as there's a fix for this, we will fix and reupload our latest sets.

Sorry for this inconvenience.

Wish you have a happy simming!

maybe first submission??

So I submitted my first piece of cc to TSR!! I'm hoping that it will get accepted. If it does, please keep in mind that I'm fairly new to this cc making thing. I will get better with time so please do not tell me that it's bad, I already know, but I will hopefully get better!

Collection postponed

Hello everyone,

Due to the Japanese version of the Dragon Ball Super Franchise ended a few weeks back, and with the English Dub still being not even close to being caught up.
I have decided to postpone the rest of the collection, i do it because of the following reason.

Some people do not follow the japanese version and only the dub, there for i can't make t-shirts regarding the upcoming episodes, as i don't like spoiling it for them. So when the dub version has caught up i will continue with the collection. (at this moment they are about 80 episodes behind the japanese version when it ended, so its gonna take a while.)


i am gonna try to make custom content

To any Creator!

I got a friend looking for a certain type of dress for sims 4

Pantry Collection Folder

The collection folder for the Sims 3 Pantry set is available for download at MediaFire, here. The collection folder includes all set objects, Part I and Part II. Enjoy!

Pantry Part II is scheduled for publication on April 9, 2018.

Hugs and take care,


News! Sims 3 set, Pantry April 7th

Lovers of organization, rejoice! Pantry Part I, is made for you and includes 8 new objects for your home, a 4-tile pantry cabinet with 32 slots, a decorative only upright, vacuum cleaner, a wall mounted spice rack and an assortment of canned goods and dry products. I hope you enjoy the set and Pantry Part II, is coming very soon!

Sims 3 set, Pantry is scheduled for publication on April 7, 2018.

Take care,

Carolyn aka Cashcraft

simblr  this is my simblr! go follow me on Tumblr for more updates and such!          


Today i had nothing to do, so i decided to play one of my cutest family's. The family was made to test out 'cats and dogs' but i decied i liked it so uch that i play it very often. My sims is a vet and shes on level 9!! (no cheats!!) What levels are your vet-sims on?


Thanks for reading


Latest Headlines

swimwear-body summer-6color Newcrest Project (Part 1) 1 Million Downloads Cherries Outfit FIXED July 2018 Update! Over 100 Uploads TEMPORAY LEAVE {Toddler animals fans} T-shirts... amanda collection upcoming in... MURPHY'S LAW Cherries Outfit Glitch? I have returned! Help with CC mods Comments and Guestbooks Tea Rose Garden set, Part II,... Tea Rose Garden Collection Folder Tea Rose Garden (Patio) Set,... Returning Soon! A year has gone Why Not Eoungh "Too many CC's in your lots!" Hey there, been a long time! Amish Challange - needs... A LOT to Think About Time to Bounce Back! Im New Greek Aegean Sea houses Sims3 Kitchen Juwel (French... **debug** issue fixed Hey guys, Sorry i haven't been... **debug** instead of object name maybe first submission?? Collection postponed cc To any Creator! Pantry Collection Folder News! Sims 3 set, Pantry April 7th simblr pets
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