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What I have been up to...

So I haven't blogged in well over a week and wanted to let everyone know what has been happening...I am feeling better gallbladder wise so thanks to anyone who was holding me up in prayer. I havent had an attack since my last blog. My energy level has been a little low but then evryone in my house has been battling the same problem. My dog has a very bad cold ( most likely caught from jumping in the cold water of the little creek that runs thru the dawg park- he jumped in it a few times on really cold days . But he is a lab and labs love water! Even if its freezing!LOL) so i have been caring for him. I have been busy working and also spending more time at night with my family.

 We have a new addition to our family this past week - a little tabby cat with white socks. Her name is phoebe, she is just a tiny 4 months and my 11 yr old Mia ( aka princess moo-moo on here) found her on a deserted trail near our house. She was a stray kitten with no collar or tags, skinny , shivering- most likely abandoned- and is absolutely adorable! So now she has a good home and has certainly made herself right at home. She and Reuben get along - well reuben likes her better than she likes him. That might be from her having a previous bad experience with dogs while she was a street cat. Phoebe is answered prayer though as a few months back Mia asked me to pray with her to God to give her a kitten. She asked for a tabby with all white paws ( that look like socks) a female who was mellow. Sure enough Phoebe is ALL those things. When Mia found her she said she immediately knew that she was the answer to her prayer! ( My hubby and i had just told her a week before that we wouldnt be able to get a kitten right now as it was a financial issue - mainly we couldnt really afford the shots etc right now)However what do you do when GOD answers a little girls prayers?? SAY NO to GOD?? lol- i think not. Sonow we are a REALLY full house.. with kids and almost every species of animal LOL- we are just missing a pet bird now and then we would be complete! Geesh....Paul and I must be gluttons for punishment!

As for creating - I have still be diligent to create and currently have 31 itmes awaiting approval for over a week now. The problem lies in the fact that the submissions manager is away on vacation and apparantly the person covering for her is not as fast or skilled in the ways of submission approval so its taking ALOT longer. My opinion is it might be a good idea for TSR to fully train others for the event that someone needs a vacation.. and I would gladly take a job doing that :) It would be even nicer to get paid a small wage for that kind of work as I would assume its very time consuming! So if any staff are reading this I am your girl! LOL Anyhoo- I have all thsoe items waiting PLUS I worked last night on 2 new bedroom sets - recolors of Angelamveliza's Colonial Bedroom. I still need to upload those.. and I am half done a new house. Just need to put some finsihing touches on it and do some landscaping...so there is still lots on the way :)

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