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Building frenzy

Happy Wednesday everyone- ugh! Here in SW ontario its dreary, snowing and damp @ 8:59 am today. I am in my robe and slippers drinking my morning coffee- yelling at the kids to either GET UP ( You 're LATE!) or Get GOING! Nobody wants to get up today LOL... either did I .. i am usually up by now!  ( Got two houses today - ugh again) I can hear my teens getting coffees together ( they are off as it is exam week and they are finished) Another day of messenger and hangin around ..oh the life!lol

Last night I was up til 1 am ( my bad) building lots. All week thats what i have been doing.. lots. Cant tell you why.. just got a hankerin for building lots. So I guess you could say I am on a building frenzy LOL ( hence the title of this blog) I hope everyone ends  up liking the new houses. I built some regular contempory ones... and some "modern-looking " ones. I am trying to figure out how some of these builders make their lots the way they do. One of my favourites is kissme87. I suppose it has something to do with the fact that i dont have ANY expansions. And I have been contemplating getting some more again.. just for the build stuff. But I have noticed in the past that when I had Nightlife & Celebration Stuff ( aka Double Deluxe) i didnt get near as many downloads as when I build with Base Game. So that is the main reason i have stuck with Base game only and just relied on Custom Content to add to the lots. ( And also the fact that with expansions I cannot use all the custom content) What do u all think? Should Iget expansions? Let me know please- i am hear for the downloaders.. for YOU.

I also really like Newtlco's houses.. and last week i downloaded two of his as i really wanted the CC he had used in them. They crashed my game!!!! I was soo mad. That happened before with his houses and I sent him a message cuz i am not the only one who has had that happen. And it shouldnt happen as i had a Dual Core QUAD processor with 6 GB DDR2 memory ( RAM memory) and 750 GB hard drive memroy - yes its a titanic!And fast as lightning!! I had to go and strip down my entire downloads folder and re-install everything. Pissed me right off and took an entire night! Never again will i download his stuff even though he has some incredibly nice lots. He really needs to fix that problem.. its just not fair to downloaders.. As a builder myself my goal is that people can ENJOY and PLAY my lots.

So anyway there are at least 4 lots coming out today and 2 more pending approval. i still have two more floor plans I drew up sitting here beside me in my creations notebook i have - where i keep track of my creations. I try to create my onw floorplans from my imaginatin. Sometimes i take a looksy at Coolfloorplans.com to get new ideas .. but I never try to duplicate exactly .. as i know i wouldnt be able to! LOL ( I am limited in somethings i can do within the game) And also i think people appreciate the fact that my lots are MY creations from my imagination not a carbon copy of someone elses idea.

I suppose i will get back to creating re-colors today or tommorrow- i have been busy and so the past two days i hadnt done anything ( and then last night I built two new houses)I have some ideas for new beddings and walls.. and i still have to finish that Bathroom Wall and Floor set i was working on before Christmas! LOL. I havent doen anything with that in 3 weeks - guess i should finsih that before i move on to any more new projects! Yes thats what i wll do- i wont start anything else until i finish the floors ( i think there are still 11 left to do ?) Get the previews pics done and upload it all and THEN i will move one to other stuff. I HATE - absolutely HATE - leaving projects half done - and really that is the only one I have done that with. Oh and I had started a set of recolors of MAXIS Contempto chair - i have one so far but then I left it and moved on- i will go back and finsih that one too.

Well ta ta folks for now- must get another coffee and have a shower. Got to go to work whether i want to or not. Paul and I have been researching into making mony at home online... Paul is a little green and naive ( or rather he was until I educated him) and so I have found a couple of LEGIT things we can do ( that involve work- doesnt everything??) If anyone knows of any - PM me or whatever. To bad I didnt make money from this - Sims- I love it and it takes up alot of my time. And although it is a hobby it would still be great to make a coupla bucks from it.

OK I am totally done rambling now.. have a great day and thanks for reading! :)

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