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RatRaceRob's Guestbook

schoolgirl2coolFeb 23, 2011

Your welcome! & I enjoyed the story alot! ♥

flody888Feb 22, 2011

No more pestering questions! \:D I'm just going to sit back and enjoy! You're totally a super 'doc' though with all the psych stuff in Flipside and a master plotter and a great humanist when it comes to story and character! Have an especially wonderful week or weeks ahead, Rob!!!

TanyellaFeb 22, 2011

I think you are very worthy of more exclamation markss (and an extra letter) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dont ya just love punctuation

urm0mFeb 22, 2011

I think Jesse needs a woman like me to get him on the straight and narrow! \;\) \:D

TanyellaFeb 22, 2011

Hey dude I lurveeeeeeee your stories they are AMAZING seriously sorry i dont always comment but i do read them and the are once again AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ohgodcaitlynFeb 22, 2011

Heyy (: I hope things are well for you too! I do absolutly love  this story of yours <3 and I'm always checking for the next chapters. You've got me hooked haha Have a good week 

flody888Feb 22, 2011

Oooooh!!!! Cool!!! \:cool\:  I'll still read the whole series though! \:D Thank you!!!! \:wub\: \:wub\:

flody888Feb 22, 2011

Oh, geez! I totally missed it but it wasn't this cat <-----------------------  I know it's grinning and all but I'm sure it wasn't eating anything but nutritionally complete dryfood and lots of seafood. (No rodents!!!)

flody888Feb 22, 2011

\:eek\: Just read the bit about a eating cat! \:eek\:... I was wondering about Leighton because of the kindness lesson he gave Leo. \:wub\: and I totally revisted the Cribt and am amazed with a lot of details that I forgot/missed the first time around (i.e. For Pony!-the origins of, the pink box around Windy's face) but I didn't see any 'glimpse'. I'll have to check the Flipside next! \:D I know it's a small sim-world \:D, but I totally thought (after you told me Monika Morris and Leighton married) that they bonded over the whole incident. The timing would be about right if Leo's the same age as Jules. \;\) Hey! Talk about star-crossed (separates lovers) and star-crashed (brings them together)!!! LOL! (Except, no LOL about the incident which is really sad! \:\( Cool F/X though!!!! :cool\:\) And thank you again (I think I actually forgot to say thank you - oops!) for this great new series! I love how you love your characters because it really shows with every detail!!!

HmagirlFeb 21, 2011

Hey \:D I just wanted to say, I love your new story \:D You are the best composer I have seen so far ;D Great job \:\)

fabrizioammolloFeb 19, 2011

Hi Rob! I can't wait for the new story! I missed the Simanski family. And of course congrats on the newly achieved Composer status! Have a great week-end my Friend! F.

flody888Feb 19, 2011

It's so good to have you back in TSR-land! \:D It's also totally gaga to have a new series out too!!! \:D Thank you!!! \:D

martoeleFeb 18, 2011

Hi Rob! \:D It must take a man who falls (!) over Daisy's detail (!). The others didn't catch that...., they are women of course..... \:D .I may say that I never used this kind of tirrany but it true.... many of do so....! Thank you very much for your comment! Wow, you must have had a lot of work now to read the stories where you didn't have the time for. The same happens to Flatter. Next time I'll write in this gb it hopefully is to talk about your story....! Have a great weekend, my friend.

martoeleFeb 18, 2011

Hi Rob! Thank you so much for taking the time to comment exhaustively (is that an english word?) on part 10 of my 'Moon' story. Still more changes in store for the protagonists.... \:cool\:  Congratulations on your Composers Badge. It look good on your site.....\:cool\: I hope that you will publish your next story soon. (Crawl on your furry head \:wub\: )

Fred&BarbFeb 18, 2011

(((((Rob)))) Fred and I give you a great big thank you for reading and commenting on our City Lights. This one was really kind of hard for us. The next set to come will be much lighter  with the weddings and all that jazz...Have a wonderful weekend oh and I spy something shiny and green....yay  congrats to you my furry friend \:rah\:

flody888Feb 17, 2011

Happy belated Valentine's Day to you too, Rob!!! \:wub\: Hope your heart is happy, healthy, well taken care of and bedecked with cheese wedges! \:D CONGRATULATIONS on your promotion to COMPOSER too!!! The title suits you! \:D I can't wait till your new series comes out too! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!! \:rah\:

YrS92Feb 16, 2011

Hi Rob \:\) Yes, I've still got a soft spot for those Simanski twins \:wub\: And thank you for making my morning with those fabulous comments of yours on the Garden chapters, I hope you will catch up with the two latest ones soon, I can't wait to read those comments \:P Anyways, good to see you back, hugs, Senja

spladoumFeb 15, 2011

My favoritest rat ever!  I am liking that glossy badge on your page! \:D  Thank you, dear friend, for all of your very kind compliments, both public and private ... I am very very grateful for them \:wub\: 

AyuFeb 15, 2011

hahaha!my face was like this \:eek\: \:wub\: when i saw those screenie and like this \:D when i read your comment just now!lol!

spitzmagicFeb 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day (((Rob))) \:wub\:

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