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DragonessGirl's Guestbook

Magical MetamorphosisSep 7, 2007

Hi again, The Hogsmeade Village lot should download properly in your game...just follow the installation instructions. Let me know if you have any difficulties. \;\) \:ph34r\:Magical\:ph34r\:

Magical MetamorphosisSep 7, 2007

Hi! Thank you, for your kind comments on my commercial lot 'Hogsmede Village'.\:ph34r\: I really appreciate it!\;\)

dorcamSep 6, 2007

hope they do it before sims3, because I do not want to uninstall my sims2 yet

JubilantSep 5, 2007

Awesome, because that was the point, to reference it being a game ... I'm glad to hear you say that! So has school started for you? Oh, don't worry there will be a few more chapters in Pleasantview because Cassie has to sort things out with her brother and a few other characters. Ugh, I am so tired this morning! I got to get ready for work. Talk to you soon. \:wub\: erin

JubilantSep 4, 2007

Do you think I was copping out by using Maxis as Bella's reason for leaving. I personally thought it was quite brilliant because in truth it is what happened. I know my ideas could have come through clearer, but honestly do you think it was okay? \:wub\: erin

sallyhailsSep 4, 2007

I didn't click on that it would be that, it was a digital download & my computer had been playing up ever since I downloaded & installed it, on Sunday the antivirus software disabled itself saying there was a fault & non of the solutions the company gave me have worked, so I uninstalled the whole thing & now computer & game are working fine. I've asked for a refund, Luckily we also have a laptop so which has different anitvirus software so all my internet goings on will be done on there until we buy some new stuff for the desktop, I still have a firewall on the desktop, I just can't download or really open e-mails safely.\:\)

sallyhailsSep 4, 2007

No to both your questions, I never really liked Bella in TS1, I found her quite grumpy & hard for your sims to make friends with so I've happily left her floating around out there. I've finally found out what was screwing up my game. I upgraded my anti virus software a couple of weeks ago, my computer & game have been crashing ever since, I uninstalled it yesterday & everything worked fine, so I'm not too impressed now.\:\( (but happy my games ok again)\:rah\:

iZazuSep 4, 2007

Sorry for being a tad late but I wanted to thank you for the nice comment on my lot, Craig Meadows! I hope you enjoy it and have a happy/healthy/wealthy sim family in it. Thanks again, Linda\:\)

JubilantSep 3, 2007

It's been so long... but I wanted to let you know that chapter 16 has been publsihed and chapter 17 will be following soon. \:wub\: erin

sallyhailsSep 3, 2007

I only play pleasantview, I deleted all the other neighbourhoods & killed off most of maxis sims, I have a few favourites of theirs which I play, I've added my own sims to the neighbourhood.\:D

arwen_moonfairySep 2, 2007

Actually, no, sorry. I'll try and find it again, and I'll let you know. \;\)

sallyhailsSep 2, 2007

Sometimes you just have to let go, I was really upset when Don Lothario died in my game, but now I've started again I get to play him all over again, yay\:D

sallyhailsSep 2, 2007

Me too!!\:D If I get too attached to them I end up making them live forever, get really bored & then kill them off in some gruesome way, now thats evil\:eek\:

sallyhailsSep 2, 2007

Thanks for the congrats, you're not that evil, all my sims have happy lives & family's, now I'm bored with that so I'm gonna spice up the neighbourhood by chucking in a few home wreckers. I think it makes the game more interesting. Have fun\:D Sally\:P

arwen_moonfairySep 1, 2007

Hi, and thanks for the comment on my picture! I used a mod from modthesims2. Its a painting that ha options to add all kinds of props to your sims, as well as pose them to match the props. Its very cool!

sallyhailsSep 1, 2007

Good luck hon!\:D It'll all be worth it in the end, I think clean installer shows you the texture too so hopefully you can work some of them out from there. You'll have to let me know how long it takes you, I'm thinking of poor you.\:\(

sallyhailsAug 31, 2007

I think I did it the hard way, I put all my downloads into a folder in my documents called untried, I took ten items from there & put them into the downloads folder, went into the game & wrote down what they were, left the game & then moved all of them into another folder in my documents I called it tried. I then renamed one to unknown (leaving the .package on the end) put it back into the downloads folder & then put one more item from the untried folder into downloads, entered the game & found them both, you then know what the unkown one is already & I just wrote down what the other one was, exited & renamed them & put them into folders i.e buildmode - walls - wallpapers. I think it might be easier using & quicker using clean installer or maxis content sorter, or what ever it's called. The time consuming thing was finding them. I found the files that were all numbers were usually clothing, hair, make up etc etc & the ones with letters & numbers were walls & floors etc etc. Good luck, hope you find a much quicker & easier way\:o

sallyhailsAug 31, 2007

Good luck, it took me about 2 months to sort my folder out, it's boring & a long hard slog, but believe me it's definatly worth the effort.\:D I don't envy you at all.\:wacko\:

sallyhailsAug 30, 2007

No you don't need SimPE to rename the files, once you've worked out what it is, I.e clothing, walls, floors etc etc, you just change the file name but leave the .Package or whatever it is on the end. I.E 1265ght678.Package to antiquewallpaper.Package I usually just delete & rename everyting before the dot and leave the dot & everything after it alone, then no mistakes can be made. Hope this is a bit helpful for you, I'm not too good at explaining things.\:\)

dorcamAug 30, 2007

I wish that Maxis would create a stuff pack for babies, toddlers and children, kind off, strollers and twin strollers that the adult sim would take for a walk there toddlers, prams and twin prams that the sims would take for a walk there babies. Teach toddlers and children sports, something to wear for babies, like baby grows, pacifiers for babies and toddlers that can be put in the mouth whenever they want too, that babies have hair, play pens, that adults teach singing, dancing and musical instruments at home to other children and toddlers, toys for babies to hang them on the crib, that mummies breast feed there babies, take the toddlers and babies on vacation, and more items that right now they can't come into my mind. I say this because my nannies, keep on burning houses.

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