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RebeccaJeanine71's Guestbook

princess357Jun 7, 2009

hehe welcome... i just love that screenshot!! so no worries!!

WandaJBowenJun 7, 2009

Thanks for the congrats. I hope you can win the game, it's a lot of fun I have some screenshots. So if you want take a look. I hope you are having a great night,and happy simming.LOL\:wub\: **Wanda**

Badpat99Jun 7, 2009

well thats very nice of you. I immediatly started work on yet another house. I had planned it to be a restraunt in the middle of nowhere with a deck on top, but I remembered like halfway through that (while I was very tired of course :puke\:\) I had been stupid and out of not thinking, left it at residential lot instead of a community lot. I had realized this when I noticed none of the community lot items were showing up. \:confused\: and I was like URK URK URK. So I transformed what I had into a medium sized house, that looks pretty cool.  \:cool\: \:cool\: haha. When its approved, you'll be able to see it, also no problem about commenting!!! Glad I could, your pretty cool, so thats why I did haha!

hiedibear75Jun 7, 2009

Yeah I have a lot of pain in my neck & back & overwhelming pain in my legs & just below my injury. \:rolleyes:  Sucks but oh well. :P  Yes I try to stay pretty chipper. \:wub\:  The alternative is worse.......I'd still be in pain but feelnig sorry for myself or complaining is not going to change my situation now is it? \;\)  So I just keep plugging away & try to help people while on-line with Sims or whatever.......I've been given a terrific family & a lot of wonderful friends who take care of me & make my life so much more bearable that I just like to "pay it forward". \:cool\:

Badpat99Jun 6, 2009

Thanks a lot!! \;\) Really its good to have someone supporting you no matter how stressed you are. The shirts I was trying to upload...well it MIGHT be because there torn up and covered in blood and stuff...I wanted to make like a set of things like that...\:mad\: and I think they're great. It took me forever to get the tears and rips and the blood in the exact same positions, and even now there still not very good. Ah well. I think I'll like delete them from pending, and make some other things for now, because all I want is SOME items.\:\)  haha. Anyways thanks and I hope we can talk often because your pretty nice!\;\)

maxi kingJun 6, 2009

\:wub\: Hi Rebecca!Yeh it sounds like we just the same!I love painting as well and write poem but only in german!\:DI got the sims3 but must say I don't like everything but the building part is great!It will be more difficuld for stories so I gess I do them with sims2!\;\) Anyway you welcome and I bookmarked you too!Have a nice weekend!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

DOTJun 6, 2009

Hi hi \:\)  Yes, that's me on EA website \:\)  I'm having a good time with Sims3 also.  A person can recolor with a click of a button.  Someone needs to stop me!!  Pizza for dinner again!! \:D

samcactus101Jun 6, 2009

Hi Rebecca! Glad my comment made your day. I love camping screenshots. Wish to do it one day, its so much fun. Sorry I couldn't comment on all of em, cause I'll be saying the same thing over and over \:D \:P About your story, I'm sure TSR will publish it, hope to read it soon.  ~*$AM*~

guitarmanJun 6, 2009

Hello Rebecca: It was very nice of you to bookmark me although you didn't have to cause, I'm not an artist or anything but thanks anyway. I suppose SAC means Sacramento if yes,well I've driven by there many times I believe on our way to Yosemite and or Tahoe.1984 I left my studio apt. to leave for sweden and join my wife. I've been back visiting many times. Your screenshot look very nice as well (yosemite reminder)\:\)  Ya,I'm some kind of an addict as well althogh,sometime I take a break & play strategi games just so I won't burn out cause,sims is very relaxing(no adrenalin rush). Rest of the times,is just cooking and cleaning a bit here and there since my dear wife is not as capable as before. Anyways it feels good to hear you visting my old city.  Have a nice valley day 94 degrees with slight breeze& listening to the local radio station &playing sims.\:\)

fredbrennyJun 5, 2009

Hi Rebecca, it's me again. Thanks for your comments on my paintings! I saw them just now! Yes I paint and also do ceramics. The paintings are Postersized in real life! Thanks again! Hugs, Frederique

fredbrennyJun 5, 2009

Hi Rebecca! Thank you for the wonderful sweet comments you left in my GB. I'm flattered you like my stuff\:wub\: I will go o n creating for Sims2, and eventually also for sims3, as soon as I figure this whole game out..LOL You have an AMAZING DAY OK?  \:D  Love, Frederique

hiedibear75Jun 5, 2009

I was on my way out. \;\)  Um I think you missunderstand. \:o  I'm not ill, I just have so much pain that it makes me sick to my stomach. \:wacko\:  So that is why I still get sick bat are not sick. \;\)  I just hurt like Hell. \:rolleyes:  Bye-bye. \:cool\:

hiedibear75Jun 5, 2009

My computer is very slow & lacks the good parts so I'm not even going to worry about the Sims 3. \;\)  Actually nope. \:rolleyes:  I barfed this morning Thursday AM & my roomie had to take me to urgent care because of the pain. \:puke\: \:\(  We're having thunder storms, & that's when I do a great impersonation of the Excorsist. :puk: \:puke\: \:puke\:  Anywho I gotta go to bed the shots are kickin in. \:cool\:  Take care & have a wonderful weekend with the fam. \:rah\:

hiedibear75Jun 4, 2009

Nope don't have it nor do I plan on getting Sims 3. \;\)  But that's OK.......I'm still very content with Sims 2. \:cool\:  Have a wonderful week & enjoy the new Sims. \:\)

~wyldchyld~Jun 3, 2009

Hi Rebecca!\:D  Stopping by to say hello...I have bookmarked you. Yep, i have a big family, 4 of the kids we share are mine, the others are my hubbys. All of them tho, are grown, the youngest being 18.  I have 3 boys and 1 girl. He has 3 girls and 2 boys. I see you are quite an artist, I love art too, my only fav class when I was in school...LOL!\;\) I forget about the days when I'd sit and draw by hand. Now I create most my art on the pc...oh well, someday I'll get my sketchpad out again! \:\) I'm an animal lover myself (thanks to my dad) since I was as little as I can remember. Our first family pet was a wolf hybrid, and by the age of 5, I had been catching garter snakes in the woods! \:eek\: Well I'm off to try to make screenies of my sons upcoming wedding next weekend! Have a Great Week, and See you around!\:wub\: -Sherry

DOTJun 3, 2009

Hi hi \:\)  Thanks for the nice comment on the super something \:D    You are too kind and I welcome your comments, thank you, thank you!  Happy Simming to you \:rah\:

ekinegeJun 3, 2009

Hi Rebecca!\:\) Thank you for your lovely compliment in my guestbook. I'm very glad you enjoy them.\:wub\:  Have a great week.\:\) Ekin

hiedibear75Jun 3, 2009

Thank you so much for that wonderful comment you left on my small mansion. \:rah\:  I think the surcumference of my head just grew a couple inches. \;\) \:cool\:  Take care & I have plenty more lots where those came from. \;\)  Take care. \:wub\:

DOTJun 2, 2009

Hi hi \:\)  Thanks for the nice comment on the Keep Out set \:\)

hiedibear75Jun 2, 2009

Actually I have 3 daughters (17,16 & 15) & an 11 yr old son. \:wub\:  But they don't go on myspace as there are too many sexual pervs & wierdos out there & we don't want them chating with some older guy pretending to be their age or being loured (sp?) into trusting the wrong people. \;\)  Just a safety thing. \:\)  Anyway I've gotten 40+ chapters of various stories published. \:cool\:  I don't read or make stories anymore though; the meds keep me out of the excruciating pain but they also make me a bit loopy sometimes & it is just too hard to concentrate......I often have 2 read & reread my GB entries just to get them down. \;\)  Anyways.....I'm off to build. \:D  Take care. \:cool\:1  

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