AnoeskaB (1182317)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (294 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Cambria Diningroom
Published Jun 16, 2012
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (641 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Victorian Streetliving
Published May 20, 2009
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About Me
Hi everyone! I've started meshing objects early 2007 with the Sims 2, and I still enjoy it now with the Sims 3. Quality of the objects is important to me, and because of that I always try to keep improving my skills on meshing and texturing even more. Have a look on my minisite, I'm sure you can find something you like.
My creations may be used in your uploaded lots here on TSR, giving credit is appreciated. Some of my Sims 2 creations are not suitable for upoading in lots, because they need extra objects to function properly (like the painting easels that need custom canvasses). If you have doubts, just ask me.
Redistribution and cloning of my creations is not allowed. If you upload a recolor of my meshes, you need to place a link to the original meshes, don't include them with your recolors.
And last but not least: Have a lot of fun with my creations!
My Latest Updates Show All
Another Nursery previewWritten Mar 24, 2010
Here's another preview from the nursery set I'm working on: a (decorative) changingtable. Again a render in TSR Workshop. Hope you like it! ...More
Small preview: BabycribWritten Mar 20, 2010
Here's a small preview of what I'm working on: The picture shows a render in workshop. It's a small babycrib, and it will take up 1 tile only. So it's also ideal for your families with twins and triplets in small houses. ;) Hope you all like it! ...More
Preview next setWritten Oct 23, 2009
Here's a preview of my next set: A cozy and timeless living for your Sims! I've spend a lot of time on the details and it's not even completely finished yet, but I thought you might want to see a little peek of what is to come. Hope you all like it! ...More
My Guestbook Show All
Honeyspoon1329Jul 27, 2022
Birba32Dec 31, 2020
🎉 I wish you a healthy, lucky and beautiful new year 🎉
eviDec 20, 2020
I wish you ❤️Happy Merry Holidays and a prosperous New Year! 🎄 💙🇬🇷☃️