The Generic Family

What a tangled web I weave!  Somehow I've managed to ensnare nearly all the families in my Sims 1 neighborhood into less than six degrees of separation.  The Silver family reached out to the Verde, the Gold, the Talbot, and the Smith families, but the Verdes are already connected to the Golds (who are connected to the Adonii and Venii families), and the Talbots are connected to the Smiths.  From there, the Talbots connect to the Millers, who connect to the Farmers, with whom the Smiths also share a connection.  The Smiths then connect to the Rutherfords, and then the Millers reached out to ensnare the Jones family.  The Rutherfords and the Jones have other families connected to them as well, but here it's time to backtrack to the Millers and follow one of their other connections into the Generic family.

The Generics (I pretend to pronounce it "je-ne-reek") started with Aaron Miller, the oldest of the four siblings, and his three half-sisters, who are themselves half-sisters to each other.  Just as the three Miller brothers and their sister Lorna Farmer had different mothers, Aaron and his sisters all have different fathers.  Aaron's father, who was more athletic, passed along his physique and physical abilities to his son.  Similarly, the Generic sisters' fathers gave their daughters parts of themselves as well.

Janine Generic is the oldest of the three sisters.  Tall, with a kind of handsomeness that approaches--but doesn't quite reach--beauty, she is still quite attractive.  In fact, she had been in a casual relationship with Luther Smith until he got married; they're still good friends, though, in part because they work together.  From her father Janine inherited a scientific curiousity and academic drive that serves her well as a Theorist.

Kara Generic, the middle sister, inherited her good looks not only from her mother, who was quite beautiful herself, but also from her father, who was very handsome and worked as a high fashion model.  Small wonder then that she followed his path into the fashion industry, rising to become a Fashion Columnist.  She still models, her good looks always in demand, but she did get tired of being ogled by cameramen.  She once thought about giving it all up for Studio Town, but she prefers her "behind-the-scenes" work as an outside observer than being in front of the camera all the time.

Nadia Generic, the youngest sister, has a devil-may-care attitude and takes amazing risks for the thrill of it.  Given that her father was a studio stuntman as well as an adrenaline junkie, it's small wonder that she took a job in the Xtreme career path, now racing each day as a Grand Prix Driver.  Her older sisters worry that she'll get hurt, but while she got her father's wildness, she also inherited her mother's meticulousness for detail, and she never goes out on the race track without triple-checking her car and all the safety equipment...just in case.

Chris Roomies, who had moved into town with her step-sister, Melissa, lost her income when Melissa married and moved out of the small home they'd rented.  Somewhat lazy and not-at-all interested in working, she moved into the Generic home when they advertised for a live-in housekeeper.  Actually, they didn't want a housekeeper so much as someone to watch the house while they were at work--which was good, because Chris is a mediocre housekeeper at best.  So now Chris has a home to live in, free of charge, without having to work.  She does cook the meals for the family, though, so she is earning her keep in a way.

Rachel Stone grew up as an outcast because her paranormal abilities manifested early and scared off all the other children.  Now, as an adult, she works as an Exorcist.  Although she does have a brother living in town, Rachel took up lodging with the Generics something of a loner, she found living with her brother's family a stressful inconvenience.  With the Generics, she can be alone when she needs to be without anyone getting too concerned about her.

Blaze, who had been working and living Downtown, wanted to get back to a more relaxed, peaceful life.  After meeting the Generics in town, she accepted their offer to move into their house.  Now working as an Exorcist, she rooms with Rachel, their abilities serving to reinforce and protect each other--and the other residents of the house--from wandering spirits that may drop in.

One day, Chris met a man named Emmanuel and his daughter Harmonia.  She fell in love with him, he fell in love with her, and in short order Emmanuel and Harmonia moved into the Generic house.  As the only male in the house, Emmanuel could be either intimidated or doted on, but he's neither.  He's determined to earn his spot in the house...even if he hasn't decided on a career yet.  Harmonia's just glad that her step-mother is a nice woman--she didn't want a step-mother like Cinderella's or Snow White's.

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