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I lost my little Chip Kitty.

Today was one of the worst days in my life. We (me, my hubby and hiedibear) had to take my little black kitty, Chip, to be put to sleep. He dropped a whole lot of weight, was not eating or drinking. Last week, I started giving him a kitty version of insure and water by syringe, until we could get him to the vet. His breath and pee smelled like fingernail polish remover. It turns out that Persian Kitty's are prone to kidney failure. And that is what happened to my baby. The vet tried to pull him out of it with i.v.'s and antibiotics and special kitty food, and an appetite stimulant. He seemed to improve at the vets, but went downhill once he was home again. I was up at my mom's house this weekend. By the time I got home, Chip could hardly walk at all. I kept him in bed with me (I called in to work and took the day off), and sang to him (he liked to be sang to) and brushed him (he just got where he enjoyed being brushed too, dang it!). Then, this morning, we had to take him in. It was horrible. We just took him in, said our sobbing goodbyes and we left him there. Our other kitties, Oreo and Prnacer seem worried about me and keep hanging around with me. Prancer is being a clown and playing with me (fetch, with his ball). Oreo is just being lovey. Sorry this is a downer..but I can't help it...I am so sad. He just turned 3 on February 25th. Just a baby still.

cinderellimouse ∙ Apr 28, 2008

Oh no!!! Poor Chip!!! I feel so bad for you!!! I remember how upset I was when I was living with my Dad and his cat Felix died!!! He was a really loving cat and so good natured! I was soooo upset when he had to be put down... I couldn't even take him to the vets because I felt so guilty! My mum and my auntie had to take him while I was at work!!! It was the right thing to do though. I hope you're ok. BIG HUG!!!!

Elena. ∙ Apr 23, 2008

*gives warm hug to Karie* I am so so sorry! \:\( I know you loved him more than a pet, but as a friend and I can imagine how it is losing a loved one! I am by your side and if you need to talk let me know and I promise I will be there! Hugs and kisses!

hiedibear75 ∙ Apr 22, 2008

I've lost kitties of mine before; so I know that a Mama's pain is WAY worse than that of an Auntie's. I miss him too. He was just finally starting to come around to kinda sorta thinking I might not be so terrible after all.....especially when I'd scratch him under his chin. As much as it hurt and as much as we miss him; I know it was something we HAD TO do. He was just TOO sick. We've all got chaffed cheeks from wiping tears away (Mike's not crying on the outside....but he DOES feel bad AND miss him)........I don't think Chip would want us to be as upset as we are......but it's hard not too. \:\( He's in Heaven now: and Bear is there (a kitty we had who was VERY old), he's got tons of algebra to chew.......all the polynomials his heart desires (Chip chewed on some algebra homework I had when I was still trying to go to college), no more hurting no more feeling gucky. So long as you'll bend down.......I've still got 2 working arms that are always willing to give you a hug. <3

twinkletoe ∙ Apr 22, 2008

I'm so sorry to hear that news. That is so sad.

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