Lilulala (1889124)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (6 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations
Published Oct 29, 2009
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (6 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations
Set Vampire Glamour
Published Dec 22, 2007
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isarpgistaNov 09, 2009
Ai, também estou na espera por essa expansão!!! Parece que vai ser muuuito legal, especialmente o Egito!!! = Oh, I'm also in the wait for this expansion!!! It seems soooooo cool, specially Egypt!!!
isarpgistaNov 07, 2009
Eu fui para São Paulo recentemente, assistir o show da banda de metal Opeth, com meu marido. Mas só passamos dois dias aí! Foi muito legal! Vc participa de fóruns brasileiros de TS3? Bjãooo!
Recently I went to São Paulo to see the show of the metal band Opeth, with my husband. But we just spent two days in there. It was sooo cool! Are you in some brazilian TS3 forum? Kisses!
Sorry my English. It is not my mother language.
isarpgistaNov 02, 2009
I'm from Brazil too!!! I live in Bahia State, and about you? Kiss to you!
Também sou brasileira!!! Rs... Moro na Bahia! E vc? Bjãooo!