Small Town Sim

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Small Town Sim's Guestbook

IllianaApr 14, 2009

You know Joy, I am absolutely speechless to have had such a lovely comment from you on the Ancient Greece Set...especially considering what you are going through right now. \:wub\: Your generosity, and kindness to a stranger speaks volumes for the kind of person you are. \:D Thank you. I am humbled, and honored by your compliment, and hope you feel better soon! (((Careful hugs!))) - Illiana

mightyfaithgirlApr 12, 2009

Hi Joy - my name is jackie ( i am a friend of Heidibears) i tried to post a comment on your Blogspot but i couldnt so i will post here. I am praying for you and i understand. i deal with back and neck pain myself ( disinegrating discs in neck area)but my hubby Paul is the one who is really suffering - osteo-artritis, multiple hernaited discs that cant be operated on and are pushing on his sciatic nerve plus more other stuff- so he is in pain 24/7. He takes heavy duty pain meds ( oxycontin High doses) and they still dont work that great!! He walks with a cane now and is only 40- he was once a high energy athletic person but that has all been stripped away in the past 3 years - more so in the past 8 months. He battles depression alot too... I would assume you believe in GOD ( as you mention praying alot) if so than may I comfort you with the knowledge that jesus says there will be no more suffering , no tears and no more pain in heaven. My hubby is very spiritual and loves GOD and finds comfort in the knowledge of that. Someday he will run again and be free ..... Have a Happy Easter despite the pain - Jesus is Risen! Jackie

hiedibear75Apr 11, 2009

Well I am sorry to hear you're not doing so well. \:\(  And yes by all means......I'd like to keep up to date on how you're doing. \:cool\:  I had trouble signing in for some reason last time. \:confused\:  But yeah I'm " doing "......I'm alive & that's enough for me at the moment. \;\)  But actually the owie thing is really been getting to me. \:wacko\:  But that's just part of the package deal; get to sit around playing on the computer all the time but then there is that downside. \;\)  Well I hope you can fill me in or maybe have a blog on TSR. \:confused\:  Hugs & an extra big helping of "happy poop". \:wub\:

mariluApr 10, 2009

Thank you for sign my Guestbook..,wish you happy Eastern\:\)

hiedibear75Apr 10, 2009

Howdy. \:cool\:  Long time no hear. \;\)  How have you been? \:confused\:  I hope you've been doing "OK". \:rah\:  Well take care. \:wub\:

Birba32Apr 7, 2009

Hi! Thank you so much for your kind comment on my "Night & undies in pois" set, I'm happy you like it \:\)

eviApr 7, 2009

Hi small town sim\:\) It was so sweet from you to write at my gb so sponteneously. I am glad you liked my mini-site. I know it is too bright for some people bu t I love it too!\:D  See you around firnd\;\)

MoonlitMaidenApr 6, 2009

Hi, thanks for leaving the nice comment on my "Hazy Shade of Winter" screenshot. It was quite a lucky shot! \:\) Gina

catsandbooksApr 3, 2009

Thankyou for your comment on my story "Infallible" \:\)

hiedibear75Mar 16, 2009

Hiya. \:\)  Just seeing how you're doin. \:cool\:  Take care. \:wub\:

hiedibear75Mar 8, 2009

Hey I tried to leave a comment on your site but it wouldn't let me. \:wacko\:  You've made it look very pretty. \:cool\:  Hope you're doing OK. \:rah\:  Take care. \:wub\:

hiedibear75Feb 23, 2009

You know your blog you have going is pretty helpful.......maybe you'd concider putting a link to it in the TSR forums\OT chit chat \ Disability Den? \:confused\:  I'm sure anyone who is "new to the game" would really find your tips quite useful. \:cool\:

hiedibear75Feb 8, 2009

Hey there. \:cool\:  Hey I don't know if you'd be interested or not but..........  I started a new section on the TSR forum. \:cool\:  Off topic/Disability Den.  There are already a coupld of posts to it. \:cool\:

hiedibear75Jan 30, 2009

PS.....PEPSI rocks!!! \:rah\: \:cool\: \:wub\:

hiedibear75Jan 30, 2009

It is different. \:D  Kinda like when you move away and then come back after a few years and a few building have gone up.......hardly looks like the same place. \;\)  Glad you found something. \:rah\:  I'll have to check it out. \:cool\:  I've been doing a therapy of my own, keep the mind busy so the body don't feel it as much. \;\) LOL :P  It is 2:30AM & so I'm off to bed.......even us night owls need some sleep. \:ph34r\:  Well TC. \:wub\:

charrayJan 28, 2009

Just wanted to say Great job on your creations, and thanks for sharing them \:rah\: \:\)

~wyldchyld~Dec 24, 2008

**Merry Christmas to you and yours, and wishing you a blessed New Year!**~Sherry~

QuengelDec 16, 2008

~*~ I wish you & yours a MERRY Chistmas & a happy, HEALTHY New Year! \:\) \:wub\: ~*~

hiedibear75Nov 11, 2008

Howdy. \:wub\: I'm on an add campaign. \;\) #1 BlackGarden a.k.a. Heather is making some RAMPS!!! \:rah\: The Sims will have steep yet functional ramps! \:cool\: That's the 1st part. The other campaigning is for someone to gain some kudos. \;\) Wheels89 is a fellow gimp who would love to have the ramps (+ there will also be a set of signs to go with) but needs to get the kudos to buy a subscription would you mind bookmarking them so they can get a 100 kudos bonus? \:confused\: Well hope you're doing OK. \:wub\: Our skies have FINALLY cleared up, now if they'll just STAY that way maybe I can actually start feeling 1 \ 2 way decent. \:P Well TC & type soon. \:rah\: \:wub\: \:cool\:

hiedibear75Nov 10, 2008

Hey guess what? ADA just came to Sims. \:cool\: Black'sGarden aka Heather is making some ramps to match the modular stairs! \:rah\: She wasn't sure how much "business" they'd drum up......I figured you might want them. \:\) So have things been? \:confused\: I've been better......but then again I've been worse; so I guess I'll just be grateful cuz it could be worse. \:D Well hope you're felling at least kinda sorta OK. \:wub\:

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