maxi king

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maxi king's Guestbook

QuengelApr 25, 2011

Hallöchen \:\) Danke \:\) Hatte Deine mails schon gelesen + beantwortet \;\) Nein, gegrillt haben wir noch nicht, auch wenig zeit... ja, komm mal endlich zu fb, wäre schön!! *KNUDDEL DICH GANZ DOLLE MEINE LIEBE FREUNDIN* \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

Peachybitz1Apr 24, 2011

Happy Easter \:wub\:

luckyoyoApr 24, 2011

I've sent you a PM .

luckyoyoApr 24, 2011

Hi Irmtraut, Happy Easter!! I hope your haveing a nice weekend,\:D I'm going to see my dad tomorrow,\:D \:D I'm really looking forward to it,\:D \:D we're both worried about Lily, we will be keeping our fingers crossed all day on tuesday, Topaz asked me to pass a message on to you Happy Easter and Hi from Topaz, the weather is beautiful at the moment, I really hope it stays that way, I'm off to do some creating, speak to you soon my friend, take care and keep safe.:wub\:Dee xxxx

SaliwaApr 24, 2011

Hi, thank you so much for the kind comment \:\) Happy Easter \:\)

PralinesimsApr 24, 2011

\:rah\: Happy Easter! \:rah\:

deeiutzaApr 24, 2011

Happy Easter!\:wub\:

DOTApr 24, 2011

~ O ~Happy Easter ~ O ~ 

hiedibear75Apr 23, 2011

If you look at the link I left under THIS post it is to wkpedia an on-line encylopedia. \;\)  Yes I think it is better to play REAL games together as a family than the on-line kind. \:cool\:  We have several games we play so we spend time TOGETHER. \:rah\:  We try to play at least 1 or more nights in a month ALL OF's kinda hard to do it more often because of my Mom's work schedule.....she is often on duty for 2-4 days so when she gets back home she's EXHAUSTED! \:wacko\:  We have to see about the house........I'm not playing "with CC" but for some reason one of my MAXIS lights isn't there! \:eek\:  It's a light found in lighting misc. or hanging lights.....2x2 & I just used it in my last uploaded lot 3108 Lolo Lane cuz it's one of my favorites to use over the 2x2 table. \:\(  What the?!?!?! \:eek\:  So the ONLY thing I can think of is that I put in a scriptorium file from MTS2 to help get custom stairs into my game......that's the ONLY thing I can think of. \:confused\:  I don't want to upload this lot til I KNOW it can't mess up anyone else's game. \;\)  Well time for me to go to bed then finish "troubleshooting". \:ph34r\:  Take care. \:wub\:

hiedibear75Apr 23, 2011!_%28game%29  

hiedibear75Apr 23, 2011

Actually I've been working on it for 3 or 4 days now. \:o  BUT I wanted to get everything "JUST RIGHT". \:cool\:  I'll be sure & upload some pix of MY Sims play-test/living in it. \:D  That's great that your weather has been so nice. \:rah\:  I tink I'm starting to get "cabin fever" (no I'm not sick it's an expresion meaning you want to get out of the house REALLY BAD). \:wacko\:  My Mom is going to be home tonight so instead of Sims or games on the PC/web I'm going to play a game with her called SORRY. \:cool\:  I think it is by Parker Bros. OR MiltonBradley (MB) as they're the 2 big companies that make boardgames. \;\)  Do you have that one? \:confused\:  We've got a special edition from Disney Land that came out for their 50th anniversary & a Disney Land version of LIFE but Mom & I are both too near-sighted to play THAT ONE on our own.....we NEED to have some sighted people play with us so they can read what the spaces/cards say. :P  I hope to have some pix/screenshots of MY Sims enjoying the lot sometime this weekend. \:D  Have fun & ENJOY the nice warm weather! \:rah\:  Take care dear friend! \:wub\:

drewsolteszApr 23, 2011

Thanks for the message in my guestbook Irmtraut, I sent you a Pm! I updates Crime story1 Look forward to your comment!

hiedibear75Apr 22, 2011

I've TRIED to not "over do it" on downloading.......but the creators make it so hard not to. \:o  My downloads folder is now 86,???. \:ph34r\:  What can I say except.....sooo many great little hard-drive space. \:P LOL  Today is sunny but windy & chilly.....kinda sucks since it is late April. \:confused\:  I wish there was more room for pix here. \:\(  Oh well. \;\)  OMG have I got an AWESOME house on the way! \:rah\:  I'm sooo PROUD of THIS ONE! \:D  It's a very modern looking home but it's got loads of room & tons of amenities (perks, cool stuff). \:cool\:  I gave this home room/family room, sitting room/living room, formal dining, kitchen with bar seating, pool, 2 car garage, a patio ONTOP of the garage with a covering (hard to explain but the pictures when I upload will show how it is covered), master bed has balcony, most of the bathrooms have been partitioned(made into sections) so 1 Sim can bathe while another takes care of their bladder all while another Sim brushes their teeth. \:cool\: Oh & I used cheat code to put the garbage can in a small 2x2 fenced in area so stray dogs & sims passing by with a mean personality won't be able to knock over the trash. \;\)   I keep busy. \:D  Hope your nice weather holds up. \:cool\:  Take care. \:wub\:

QuengelApr 21, 2011

wenn doch bloß mal mein Bienchen auch endlich auf fb wäre.... *schluchz*

QuengelApr 21, 2011

Hey Bienchen \:\) \;\) Na ich würde kleine und viiieeele Locken bevorzugen hehe. Mit S. ist mal mehr mal weniger... momentan eher weniger. *schmatz, mjam... esse gerade ein Aprikose Joghurt... magste auch was haben? Gebe Dir auch einen extra Löffel natürlich! \;\) \:D Ich finde Sims Mittelalter voll geil, nur leider wenig Zeit dazu. Ich hoffe, meinem lieben Bienchen geht's prima?? Wünsche Dir schon mal Frohe Ostern und viel Spaß beim Eiersuchen \:D \:D \:wub\: \:wub\: *KNUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDDDDDDEL* \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

luckyoyoApr 20, 2011

Hi Irmtraut, How are you today?  We took Lily to the vets, we've got to take her back on Tuesday so they can test it, if the test comes back as positive she will have to have her toe removed,\:eek\: we're hoping it won't come to that, Did you have a good time at the butterfly farm,\:\) I bet you got some great pictures, \:\) the weather has been lovely today \:cool\: and it looks like the rest of the week is going to be the same,\:cool\: I'm so glad the weathers like this\:cool\: \:wub\: and we're not in the middle of winter, anyway I'm off now, speak to you soon my friend, keep safe, hugs \:wub\: Dee xxxxx  

Icia23Apr 20, 2011

Hi sweety! \:D Thank you so much for your lovely comment \:\) take care \:wub\:

TagonnaApr 20, 2011

Thank you for your comment on my screenshot\:D it make me happy!!! 

hiedibear75Apr 19, 2011

Oh so photography is a hobby of yours? \:\)  Yes I am having FUN! \:D  I hope it is all worth it in the end. \:confused\:  I am still missing a few hostpital items though. \:\(  I have not gotten around to getting "animals" (they're really just life-like statues) for making a ZOO & an aquairium. \:wacko\:  I don't want to make my computer go BOOM from too much CC! \:ph34r\:  Have fun & maybe post some pix of the butterflies in your gallery? \:confused\:  Mike calls me "butterfly" cuz he says cuz I have to be picked up very gently like a butterfly + "people always take note of the bright & beautiful butterfly fluttering around the garden.....just like YOU". \:D  Anywho.....have a great time. \:cool\:  Take care. \:wub\:

hiedibear75Apr 19, 2011

Well the weather service said "cloudy & breezy" but I started getting sick so I told Mike the weather service HAD TO BE wrong......I was right. :P  It rained. \:wacko\: That's awesome you were able to get out & have so much fun as a family over the weekend. \:rah\:  I planned on a way of bringing in a REAL LIFE friend of ours who is a photographer (they take photos of things for a living) into the Matt & Jenny story. \:D  I'm having fun with the planning & setting things up. \:cool\:  I'll have to include some screenshots as I get the places finished. \:D  I don't want to give too much away. \;\)  I guess that why you like the 80's so much is because it reminds you of your childhood.....when things were "easy" & "care-free"? \:confused\:  You're only about 5 years older than me. \;\)  I like the look of retro stuff. \:D  I don't know if you had Barbie & G.I. Joe....but when me & my cousins were younger my cousins Paul & Brian took my Barbies......"Cobra took them as hostages, & the Joes need to rescue her.". \:wacko\:  BOYS! \:P LOL  Actually speaking of the 80's......"Lite Brite" was COOL.....I kinda miss it. \:o  LOL :P  I have a LOT of fond memories of the 80's especially the late 80's cuz I was just old enough to finally be able to go out & do things on my own......for ME it was the most independence I had. \:cool\:  Oh guess what? \:D  NO MORE TOUCH SCREEN PHONES! \:rah\:  Mike & Karen decided they don't like them either. \:cool\:  So we're going to get an older model so we will have KEYS again. \:D  Well gotta's LATE...almost midnight. \;\)  Take care. \:wub\:

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