strange_character (2476955)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (2 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Safari - Albino Rockingam Terrier
Published Mar 19, 2009
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About Me
It has taking me a long time to own every stuff and expansion pack for all series, from sims 1 complete collection to sims 4; I really enjoy the sims and have been playing since sims 1 first came out. It can be very relaxing and it affords me the ability to be creative too; so... happy to have the entire collection finally. It's awesome fun! And, I'm pretty sure my mod collection will break the game if I even try to upload more than 30+gb worth, and that's just the sims 4, lol
I am (currently) 56, a female living in the US. I have Asperger's Syndrome, so I tend to be somewhat socially impaired but I never let that stop me from trying and from enjoying life as much as possible or from engaging others to share great conversation; it's a great way to gain more social skills and make new friends and lasting relationships with like-minded people, along the way.
I love meeting new people and equally enjoy learning new things and making new discoveries, which is one reason I love the Sims so much, as the game keeps me otherwise preoccupied and it's interactive.
The many new items I can download from here are always inspiring and seems to keep my Sims busy and happy.
Thank you TSR for having me and hopefully soon, I will add some more (updated) sims creations here in the future.
Blessings to everyone.
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FYI...Written Jul 06, 2013
I am not a creator, though I sure wish I was as talented as many of the artists we have here on TSR but for now I'll leave making custom meshes, hiars, clothing, etc to the pro's...For they all do an awesome job; don't they...! What you'll find from me in the form of submissions are any new pet sims I create, perhaps some patterns and lots of screenshots showing my one true talent;... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
MetensDec 30, 2014
A little bit earlier - I wish you a New Year filled with love, hope and sweet dreams. Enjoy each moment with your friends and your family, Be who you really are and not who people want you to be, Smile, Stay strong and Carry on amazing me with your creativity! - Ben
DOTDec 23, 2014
☆Happy Holidays☆ strange character!
King_LeoNov 14, 2014
Thank you for your nice comment.
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