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xtinabobina's Blog

31 March 2009

Hey everybody,

Yesterday was the worst day! (for reasons beside it being monday--mondays are always bad) I saved Episode 2 to a USB drive because I was going to work on it at school..well like a dummy, i left my usb drive at school so I wasn't able to submit my story last night as planned. i was so bummed!! i went to go do it and freaked out because i'd lost all that work!!! But luckily, someone was nice enough to turn it in to the librarian so now my usb and Episode 2 are safely back in my hands. I will never make that mistake again!! i couldnt bear it. Anyhoot, the good news is, it's all ready to be uploaded so as SOON as i get home, i'm going to submit it. Sorry guys!




My sims has chosen not to work today..idk why this has happened but my computer won't load it. it's really got me down. i was looking forward to playing..but when i click on the icon..it pretends to load (the cursor turns to the timer) but then nothing happens after that. this may cause a delay in the release of my story..i hope i can get it to work! any help is appreciated! sincerely, Christina.

Results & Update.

So..according to my poll..out of 32 people 45% of you like the fantasy book genre..nobody liked western haha..Well my favorite is romance. I'm a huge fan of Nicholas Sparks..and perhaps I love them because they are tragic in the end (most of the time)...

On another note, I am uploading something tonight that I have yet to see on TSR..I can't say it has not been done before..just that I haven't seen it..I'll explain what it is and why I'm making it later! :) Well, everyone have a nice day!!!!!!!!



New Poll!!

Please check out my new poll!

a special thanks to everybody who has helped me get enough kudos to purchase a poll:) you rock my socks! (esp. maxi king topaz murphy and lisa) !!

love, xtinabobina.

Story Release!

hello! I'm just letting y'all know that I've submitted my story for approval..it's in 2 parts!

16 March 2009

New screenshots..please tell me what you think..i decided to experiment with different effects..(my personal favorite being b&w)

Also..i only have 994 Kudos left after purchasing a banner:( by the way..what do you think of my new banner??



14 March 09


Just here to let you know that I've been working hard to finish Episode One which I've title "Take a Chance on Love" I'm at least half-way finished. But I'm wondering..does anyone know what happens when you disable "special events camera" (or w/e its called) ?? Do the sims still do the same motions that they would do in the video w/o the video? Does that make sense? (lol)

Hmm also, i have 3689 KUDOS..on my way to 4000 so I can get a banner and a poll...thanks for the help everyone!!

much love,


oh..before i forget to ask..can i edit my screenshots in a story after Ive uploaded them to TSR? like..I can edit my screenshots before uploading them but i save them to a different location on my computer..not in the sims folder. all help is appreciated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank You.


Just a quick thanks to all the people who have been giving me advice, Kudos, and motivation. You know who you are.

Have a wonderful day,


9 March 09


hey hey hey!

so I've just started my new project, it's a story called "Of Love & Lust" (It's a working title) It's a story about four girl-friends who meet weekly to catch up on things that go on in their life. The story revolves around Christina and Nick (haha yes that's me..although the sim in the story looks nothing like me..she looks better) but follows the unfolding lives of all four girls. I included my friends in this story too. Deanndra is trying to get her band rolling; Amber has just moved out of her family's house and into her brand new apartment, unsure about which career path she should follow; and Brittany has just inherited a home in the Mountains outside of The City. I want to release an episode per week, rather than writing out a whole story for everyone to have to wait on....(who likes waiting anyway?)...also, I want to let the story kind of unfold by itself...im not sure how to explain it..but w/e happens, happens. Oh..and I have a question for you story experts..I know no sex is allowed..but can it be implied?? haha thanks.

Im so excited! Please tell me what you think about my ideas..and if you think I should add anything or w/e..ID REALLY APPRECIATE SOME FEEDBACK!!

happy spring break,


PS. my house will be published 10 March 2009. Check it out!

7 March 09


Tonight I have uploaded seven screenshots (or at least I think it was seven) so please check them out and give me some feedback!

I had hoped to complete and upload one of my stories tonight..but unfortunately I had to spend the day cleaning, prepping for my mother-in-law's visit.

So, now that everything is spotless (sort-of) I hope to work on my stories and complete (AT LEAST) one by tomorrow..but who knows??

Also, I submitted a house a few days ago to TSR..i'm still awaiting its approval so have patience but please come check it out and give me some feedback when it shows up.


--thanks to maxi king, hiedibear75, murphy75, lisa9999, topaz27, tutula, tambriah, MJxo, fabrizioammollo, 7hir7een, JenniferNine, SimonettaC.

Oh..and one last thing--if you have any ideas for screenshots (or challenges..bring it on!) let me know!!! I want to experiment with different perspectives!

have a wonderful spring break,




Latest Headlines

31 March 2009 *cries* Results & Update. New Poll!! Story Release! 16 March 2009 14 March 09 Thank You. 9 March 09 7 March 09
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