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Elena.'s Guestbook

pretty_babyAug 26, 2008

Elena that mesh was wonderful and I just saw part 2..looks amazing, Such a wonderul mesh full of variety!!!! Alpha meshes look so hard!!!! But it looks like all the effort was paid off because it looks marvellous!! Keep it up!! I love your stuff. xSarah p.s Thanks for the comment on my spring fling\:\) You made my day

hiedibear75Aug 26, 2008

Only problem I have with AL is what is it that I want to check out 1st. \:P I won't know until I put it in if it will work or not. \:confused\: I've gotten some meshes for clothes and hair that LOOKED low enough in poly and all......yet the game would NOT load it......it's hit or miss. \:wacko\: I figured you'd want a heads up on anything fairy and especially anything that cute. \:cool\: So what has you so busy? \:confused\: TC and SIM U soon. \:wub\:

hiedibear75Aug 25, 2008

Copy cat! \:mad\: LOL \:P I did the SAME poll. \;\) I had to come and tell my fairy loving Eskimo Sister about ziggy28, she made some amazing fairy stuff......you have GOT to check out.\:cool\: TC. \:wub\:

kibanahnahAug 25, 2008

Hi Elena! thank you very much for commenting my White livingroom set!\:\) i'm happy that you liked it! Have fun ^__^ *Cassandre*

justtschibiAug 25, 2008

hihihi \:\) thanks so much for your nice comment sweety, nice to read that someone missed me and my stuff... It was nice to have two weeks without any computer (even when I missed creating, checking comments, mails etc^^) But it's also great to be back^^ Hope to chat you soon \:\) xtschib

ayyuffAug 24, 2008

Hi Mia! Thanks for sign my GB. and your compliment (for my lots) made me happy \:wub\: You are talented too \:rah\: Have a great day!

hrekkjavakaAug 24, 2008

Thank you so much for the welcome! \:wub\: HUGS!

simal10Aug 24, 2008

Hi Elena! I'm sure you'll make your new mesh right as you did on your previous ones \:wub\: \;\) And I agree with ulkrhsn said, the only thing you need is a gold badge \;\) \:wub\: Have a great day sweetie! Hugs, Simal\:\)

senemmAug 24, 2008

Hi Mia! Thank you for your lovely compliment and gratulation\:rah\: marci\:\) \:\)

*HollyAug 24, 2008

Hi Elena! Thank you for visitnig in my GB! I'm really glad you like my stuff! \:wub\: It's nice to see something nice from great artists like you! \:wub\: Thank you one more tim and have a wonderful week! Holly \:\)

lirunchikAug 24, 2008

Hi, Mia \:wub\: Of course, I'll keep my fingers crossed for your new alpha mesh!!! I guess how complicated it is to make alphas... As for me - I still haven't started alpha meshing 'cause I'm trying to do my best with normal meshes... But now I'm too tired for it, I've made FOUR houses for a one week! It's so strange for me, 'cause I always do only 1 for week... It's because of the school starting soon... And there seems to be not so many time for the my simmies. It's really sad \:\( Hope that you always will find time to make your splendid ideas come true and downloadable \:D ~Marina

BBKZAug 24, 2008

Hello Mia \:D Thank you for your visit in my GB. You don't have to apologize me for late reply. I understand that all of us have our own lives and no time for making all things fast \:\) About stolen creations. It's not the first time when somebody steal something I made. But it's the first time when somebody tells that he/she is me, creates accounts using "BBKZ" nickname and tries to become me. I'm in huge shock! I publish my items ONLY at TSR and I've never published my stuff at other sites. I was user of Polish site (www.simy.pl), but I've never published my stuff there. People used to see random pics of my stuff, but for downloading - "please, come at TSR"... I ended my adventure at Polish site as normal user (I've never been creator there, because I didn't want to) and I don't have any other accounts at other sim-sites... I really don't know why people use "BBKZ" ID and say that they are "that real BBKZ". They even don't know what "BBKZ" means and why I use this "group of letters"... It's huge shock. Because it only happens at Polish sites. I'm so dissapointed... Few illegal clones of my person tried to get informations about my private life. Come on! This is sick! What's wrong with those people? Who are they?... I really don't know what to say and I have to admit: I am afraid \:\( and I am sad \:\( but really... afraid \:eek\: ... Well... But TSR made me surprise this morning: My new set is on the main site in Featured Download \:\) I'm HAPPY! Two of my screenshots were Featured Screenshots last week. I'm VERY HAPPY! Aww \:wub\: I love you guys, I love my SA family, I really love my TSR family. You are always so kind, helpful, friendly, irreplaceable. I'm happy to be here. Nowhere else. Only here \:\) :sigh: Thank you one more time for everything \:D Hugs, Barb \:\)

sosliliomAug 24, 2008

Hi Mia!\:\) Thank You for Your kind words!\:\) I like Your creations very much. (I was sure that You will be the next FA. But what is late... \;\) ) Have a beautiful day!\:wub\:

VeronnAug 24, 2008

Merhaba(Hi) Mia. \:\) Very very very thank you for your cute interpretations. \:D You're very sweet and sincere.I loved the you much with this reason. \:\) \:\) Have a great day. Veronn \:\)\:\)

hiedibear75Aug 24, 2008

Thanks! \:wub\: \:rah\: \:cool\: \:wub\: Glad you like them. \:D I'm having trouble getting homecrafter to load but I've got a couple things I can do to MAYBE fix it. \;\) But til then I've got a boatload of ideas. \:D BTW you're the best Eskimo-Sis. \:wub\: \:rah\: \:wub\:

ulkerAug 22, 2008

Oh my! Look at your new avi and banner! The only thing missing now is the golden badge\:wub\:

lirunchikAug 21, 2008

Hi, Mia \:wub\: Your so sweeeeeeeeeeet\:D Thanks so much for your comment on my Porfavour house screenie! You've made my cheecks blush again, hihi! I'm truely happy you liked it so much!!! I wish I could make clothing, I guess skinners and builders think about each other quite in the same way! Lol. \:P Have an amazing day!! ~~Marina

hiedibear75Aug 20, 2008

Thanks. \:wub\: Glad you liked #19. \:rah\: Well it's hard not to love Matt. \;\) \:wub\:

hiedibear75Aug 19, 2008

Hey I have a favor to ask. I can't find the PJ's you made JUST FOR Jenny. \:\( I don't suppose you still have them on a file somewhere & could resend them? They were plaid shorts with a T-shirt in blue and I can't remember if there were any other colors you made......but Jenny would like her comfy blue jammies back. \:cool\: \:wub\:

hiedibear75Aug 19, 2008

Thats OK.....it was still heart felt. \:wub\: \:cool\: Hope you had a great trip. \:rah\: Rub noses with ya soon. \:wub\:

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