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Raveena's Guestbook

DruAug 3, 2003

hi there, love your work, they are fabulous. (esp. the greenhouse window, use it all the time) --Dru c",)

faelineAug 3, 2003

I saw your recent garden set, and my first reaction was "Oh my goodness, it's so beautiful". I just thought that you ought to know this. I love all your sets.

squeakersAug 3, 2003

Raveena, I just saw your new set, the red wood outdoor one and it is so beautiful!!! I just finished downloading it and will be using it in the house I'm building now. I know my simmies will love it and be the envy of the neighborhood! Keep up the wonderful work, you are so artistic and imaginative, I can't wait to see what you make next!!!! Thank you! Squeakers mom

oldmember_jasminelewisJul 28, 2003

Raveena, You have some reason gorgeous stuff! thankyou for improving my sims experience \:\)

squeakersJul 25, 2003

Raveena, thank you for your wonderful note, it was a shock to see it as I didn't expect you to write. I cannot wait to see your next set, my favorite ones now is the blue denim, the blue stripped bedroom, the blue kitchen, the new t.v./entertainment that is three pieces, and of course I love the window sets, like the french windows and door, and the windows and door with the blinds. I use this stuff in almost all my houses. you do such wonderful work, so classy and elegant, and my Sims enjoy them too.Keep up the great and beautiful work! Denise

oldmember_AncapiJul 24, 2003

You had to be a cat lover! I am too, but I only have two, living in a small apartment. Used to have three, but the female (the dearest and the first) got a terrible cancer. As I has one a few years ago, I had to decide to sacrifice her, poor soul! Anyway, this was to let you know that I positively LOVE your wonderful windows. Such a delicate and thoughtful work! Thank you from all my sims. Andr�s

squeakersJul 19, 2003

Where should I start? I originally bought the Sims for my 14 year old son, we started with the first one, and added from there. Then one day I was messing around on my puter and found this website that is trully amazing. I check every day for new stuff by you, you are trully gifted and most of my stuff is yours that I now use, you got me hooked (well, my son helped!) on this game, my favorite is building and furnishing my homes. My son has even talked me into building homes for him to play with. I am ill with several ailments, am on numerous medicines, and thanks to you and your wonderful work, I am able to play for several hours on my good days, and it helps big time to keep my mind busy and not feeling all the pain I am in, resulting in my taking fewer pain pills and saving them for when I absolutely cannot take it anymore. Keep up the great work, I cannot wait to see what you make next!!!!! tytytytyty from the bottom of my heart!!!!!! Squeakers mom, vancouver washington

ScotiaJul 16, 2003

Oh, I just love your stuff!! Keep up the great work!!

MyysanJul 14, 2003

Hi Raveena! I'm wondering if you could make the 12 Steps in Stone stairs mirror turned? Thanks for the great objeks you make! Peppe, Sweden.

JeanneDJul 13, 2003

Hi. Just wanted to say "You're the best!" Every time I see something that I think is great, I know without looking it's yours! The quality is fantastic, thanks!

chocolottaJul 7, 2003

I've been away from TSR for a few months, and I come back and i find you've made about ten million more gorgeous objects! i haven't got another subsription yet and I lost everything from before because of a virus, and it's driving me crazy not being able to have all this stuff for my sims! Oh well, i'll have the subscription in a few weeks, lol. Anyway, Keep up the good work! ('good' being the biggest understatement of the year)

oldmember_Krissy64Jul 4, 2003

Dear Raveena, Do you play the sims and i wanted to tell you that you are soooooo good at making objects and stiff and that you should keep up the GOOD work!!! :-) Krissy64

fawnrisingJun 26, 2003

Hi Raveena, Just wanted you to know that you were my influence on trying to make walls. I've made a few crude ones, but none that compare to yours. I'm not really into the game for playing with the characters as much as designing homes and you keep my neighborhoods full with all your beautiful objects! So, now I'm not only addicted to that...I'm now making walls more than anything. My husband really is JEALOUS of this laptop now, LOL. Anyway, just wanted to let you know of the marital strife caused by your creations, hehehe.

faelineJun 25, 2003

Ummm thank you for your ummm thank you message? *grin* You've probably heard this a million times, but I'm still gonna say it: I love all your work. It's so amazing. *grin* I've built a Japanese house in my town especially to fit in your kitchen, living room and bedroom. *swoon*

KingDalt777Jun 19, 2003

Thank you for all you contribute to the Sims world! You are one of the very best I've seen. Most of my downloads are yours. Keep up the great work! Love your cat, we have 9 of our own. \:\)

oldmember_lady eosJun 14, 2003

I just want you to know that ever since I started playing the sims three years ago, most of the items i've downloaded have been yours. They are of the best quality and fantastic style! Keep up the wonderful work!!

oldmember_DenJun 13, 2003

Everything I wanted to say, has already been said in 204 posts before me, so I'll keep it short...keep up the good work! \;\)

oldmember_Bluegenie2Jun 12, 2003

Raveena, you are one talented artist and I have always enjoyed your work. I really need to talk to you about something tho. Could you possibly email me at [email protected]. Thanks

oldmember_$D$2Jun 12, 2003

Hi, Wow! You have created a lot of objects! I really like the pale blue kitchen set! It's nice!

oldmember_NeemanyahJun 12, 2003

Ok, no skins! LOL But I will continue to be enthralled by your objects; you're work is the best bar none! Nee

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