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estatica's Guestbook

Cougarwoman40Sep 13, 2008

Thank you so much for your tips on how to turn the Jefferson into apartments. I love it!\:rah\:

Rabold8Sep 11, 2008

Hey estatica! \:D I just thought that I would stop by to tell you that my next lot comes out today (9-11-08)! \:D There are two versions of it, one furnished and one un-furnished; I can't wait to hear what you have to say about them! \:D Also, I LOVE your new stuff! \:wub\: I can't wait to download it! It will be your first animated object, right?! \:D

JMBeanSep 8, 2008

Thank you so much for your comment on my Greystone Art Museum! I just noticed that your apartments are in the background of my preview picture, lol. They would have to be my favourite lots ever. Thanks again! \:wub\:

eviSep 8, 2008

This is a yummy cake Ana that you brought in my Cave!\:rah\: Thanks so much from your wishes friend. You are such a sweet person!\:wub\:

ZutafenSep 7, 2008

Just wanted to drop a note to say that I'm really enamored by your starter set. Who knew 20k could stretch that far! - Mark

elanorbretonSep 6, 2008

\:rah\: Hiya, Ana! I can't believe you left a comment on my farm lot! But maybe you won't like it when your sims actually visit it \:D Anyway, it's high praise indeed coming from an expert lot builder like you. Have a great week ~ Elanor xx

Rabold8Sep 6, 2008

Estatica! I am THRILLED! \:rah\: You commented on one of my lots! \:wub\: Thank you SO MUCH! I cannot tell you how much that means to me! \:wub\: You are so kind! \:D I am glad that you liked the hotel, I have two more lots comming out soon! There will be two versions, furnished and unfurnished, of my new lot Parisian Apartments! \:D Be sure to let me know what you think! \:D

Rabold8Sep 4, 2008

The St. regency Hotel comes out today! \:D Be sure to check it out! \:D I always love to hear what your opinion is! \:D Do you have any new creations planned?! \:D

Ariana31PlayerSep 2, 2008

olá Ana td bem ctg?\:\) Cm te tem corrida a vida com Featured Artist?? Plo que tenho espreitado aqui parece que sim\:D Os teus uploads continuam em grande forma, Parabens!!\:rah\:

Jaws3Aug 31, 2008

Thanks, I'll go check that out now.\:D Umm, one last question... Those stairs, with the railings that match the pretty maxis fence? Where'd you get those?

cvscorpio28Aug 30, 2008

I will...I set it up in the new hood that came with ApartmentLife...and your very welcome\:rah\: \:D \:P

simsfawn200Aug 30, 2008

\:rah\: \:wub\:I love your work, you are so talented!\:wub\: \:rah\:

lirunchikAug 28, 2008

Hi, Ana \:wub\: Thank you very much or your sweetie-pretty comment on my Joder house! \:D I'm so so so happy you like it\:wub\: Thanks so much for feedback, it means a lot to me. Btw, how are you, honey? And I should agree with Newtlco - 'Get ready for AL' is a really very nice idea and I thought about making something in that serie too \:D Have a great day! ~~Marina

skystars5Aug 27, 2008

Hi there Sweet Lady! \:D \:wub\: You're welcome, I'm waiting to play it until I get AL tomorrow. \:\) Thank you for the lovely compliments on my Native Americans. Coming from you is even more special! \:wub\: ~Marilyn

ekinegeAug 27, 2008

You're welcome.\:D

NewtlcoAug 26, 2008

Hey Ana.I really wanted to say that your new lots (get ready for AL !) are gorgeus.I fell in love with the idea.You are great ~~Newtlco \:wub\:

IllianaAug 16, 2008

Thank you for the wonderful welcome to the FA family you sent me! \:wub\: I am still in shock! I hope I make you all very proud! \:D - Illiana

SpaikAug 13, 2008

Hi Ana, just passing by to thank you for the wonderful comment on my tutorial on jointed objects. I'm glad you found it useful. Btw, your latest creations are really outstanding. I have to stop by and download for a while \;\) Silvia

KatelysAug 13, 2008

Hi!\:D Thank you very much for the warm welcome, it's so nice of you\:wub\: Hope to see you around! And have a nice day!\:\)

QuengelAug 12, 2008

Hello back \:\) I know about your article and read this already weeks ago. But not everything is easy to understand, just because of the difference language. LOL I just use the simple "paint" programm of windows. But I don't care anymore, I gave up with other programms. Everything is always completely in english.. just some would be ok, but not everything! As you might realize already, especially my technical english is terrible. However, I realized long time ago already, that others have even worse previews than I have, what's not my own meaning. And previews are for ME not that important, but I know of course they are for TSR.. but alike now \:D \:o \:confused\: hoefully no other one will read this! \:o \:o Thank you anyway, I appreciate it, you were and are always kind to me!! And this you are still, even you are a FA already!! \:rah\: Hugs \:wub\:

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