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estatica's Guestbook

QuengelAug 12, 2008

Hello! \:\) What a nice and kind surprise of you!! I thought maybe about to stop it... even I love to build, but I have no or less success... \:\( even I put days for creating just one house, because one single room takes already 1-5 hours. I need to make everything very detailed and simply perfect. But as I see here the difference between mine and other ones, it seems that TSR and the most people likes it mostly very simple... I can't do this, or better don't want it lol. I have no clue, your houses are also very detailded and they are difference to the most others -> but maybe some artists need at first a NAME, need to get famous lol, before they'll get at least a lil' success. It's by me, just as Evi told in her thread about her houses she'd have approx. 30 dl's on a day. That's what I have! I never had so far on a PUPLISHING day any number with three numbers (for example 100). Hopefully you understand this confusing english! \:confused\: \:wacko\: But I guess, I'll create soon something again \:D \:o \:D \:eek\: \:eek\: because I can't even stop it, I'm just too addicted. Thank you for your lovely guestbook entry!!! \:wub\: \:wub\: Very kind of you!! HUGS

cariadbachAug 11, 2008

\:\) Thanks for the encouraging feedback about my Toddler Summer Outfits. Very much appreciated Ana\:D

kissme87Aug 8, 2008

Thank you very much \:rah\: Im glad you like my houses

srgmls23Aug 7, 2008

olá\:D Ana Thank you so much for your kind words on my GB and for taking your time and comment my lot (Paradise beach)\;\)It's always great to get lovely comments!\:P Have a great day\;\) Hugs,sergio!

muggelx1Aug 2, 2008

i like your work\:rah\:

kittyispretty69Aug 2, 2008

Thank you so much for the congratulations!\:wub\: I'm so thrilled to be a SA again!\:D Have a great day and Happy Simming!!\;\)

CherryNDAug 2, 2008

Thanks for the congratulations! I've been big encouraged! thank a lot!\:\)

gameliaAug 2, 2008

Hi estatica! Thanks for the congratulations and encouragement! It's much appreciated. \:wub\: \:D gamelia

lainiegJul 31, 2008

Thanks, isn't he cute. My baby Marty.

sailfindragonJul 31, 2008

Hi Estatica, Your Welcome. Thank you very much for you kind comments you left on my GB. I really appreciate you feedback on my creations, especially from a wonderful artist such as yourself. Hugs Debs\:wub\: \:rah\:

lirunchikJul 31, 2008

Hi again, Ana\:wub\: It's a pity to read that you haven't enough time to learn meshing\:\( But I'm sure if you'll have it there would be a lot of new sets! I wish you'll be able to make some! 'Cause it's always pleasure to know that you publish something tasty\:D Well, as for me I can't say that I've made content for such a short time... It's already 3 months since I've started to learn meshing and I have only 2 sets published! Other have more sets during this time. Frankly speaking, I become tired of meshing sometimes so I'm trying to mix building and meshing... Well, I have to go! Remember that it's always great for me to read your feedback and GB signs\:wub\: Take care! ~~Marina

asexyminxJul 31, 2008

i think youre a great talent! \:wub\:

cvscorpio28Jul 31, 2008

your very welcome\:D \:D \:D \:D

pinkfloydgroupieJul 31, 2008

no problem!

lirunchikJul 29, 2008

Hi, Ana\:wub\: What a shame on me - I didn't write to you for an eternity, really! I've just started to miss you\:D How are you, dear? Hope that everything is great! I'm still waiting for your new mesh sets\:D And houses, of course!\:wub\: I do hope that I should wait for a little)) Well, I've just voted in your poll, it's rather interesting for me to know the results! Hope you're having a wonderful day! ~~Marina

petrov1@014Jul 23, 2008

Hello estatica you are a wounderful creator and a great writer.I am about to write a story as soon as possible and I have read your story the legend of Arsh and I would love you to please tell me where you have downloaded all the machines and programs you had in that story.Please sign my gb and if you can tell me where! p.s.Great story writing and object creating\:wub\: \:rah\:

eshuffJul 20, 2008

thank you so much for you kind comment on my waterfall/park thing screenshot -- it is kind of calming to make these! And I put up a picture on my TSR page (not a screenshot, a picture) showing the NB I am working on with all your WONDERFUL lots! I have only a couple there that are not yours. They are just great! I will be using some of them in my upcoming pieces. And thank you again for all the compliments (dont really think I deserve them but they are sure nice to get!) -- Beth

eviJul 20, 2008

Millions of thanks for the comments my upcoming lots Ana.. It is great to have feedback from such a fantastic builder like you! \:wub\:

hatshepsutJul 20, 2008

Hi Ana and thank you for the lovely comment on my City Slickers set, you really are too nice to me! (you'll make my ego burst!\:P ) Catch ya later!\:wub\:

gameliaJul 19, 2008

Hi! Thanks for the sweet comment in my guestbook. I'm flattered to get such a compliment from a talented builder like you. I've always been a big fan of yours! -gamelia \:wub\:

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