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francien's Guestbook

druttilurJun 15, 2011

Thank you for taking the time to write in my guest book. And just to let you know... I downloaded the trawlerkit lot as well. It´s currently waiting for my little woodelf girl to grow up. She´s planning to "borrow" simoleons from her parents and move in as soon as she comes of age. \:\)

PralinesimsJun 6, 2011

Hello! im just here to wish you a amazing week!!\:wub\:\:wub\:

ung999May 14, 2011

Hello!\:wub\:  Thanks so much for taking time to stop by and sign my gb.  I'm flattered to hear from such an accomplished creator as yourself.  It's always nice to know that someone likes what I created and I appreciate it very much.  Wishing you all the best and thanks again!\:wub\:  Hugs,  ~Ung                                                                                                                                                                      

simsjeanieApr 26, 2011

Dear Francien, I feel so sorry that I couldn't post my Easter wishes for you in time (due to a broken not working internet connection). But I hope you had a Easter time as nice as possible and lots of chocolate bunnies and eggs! \:wub\: Here comes a late little chocolate bunny especially for you - wearing a spring green ribbon with a shiny tiny brass bell on it to tell you that the bright days will come again! Have a great time enjoying your garden and lots of hugs and kisses from Jeanie, \:wub\:

Peachybitz1Apr 24, 2011

Happy Easter \:\)

luckyoyoApr 24, 2011

Hi, Happy Easter to you!! wishing you a wonderful day!!\:\)

sara_ashleyApr 24, 2011

~O~Happy Easter Francien~O~ Sara

PralinesimsApr 24, 2011

\:rah\: Happy Easter! \:rah\:

DOTApr 24, 2011

~ O ~Happy Easter ~ O ~ 

deeiutzaApr 24, 2011

Happy Easter!\:wub\:

simsjeanieApr 13, 2011

Dear Francien, here I am again (as long as my provider will allow me to be as my internet connection is bugged and they can't get if fixed \:mad\: ) with some coffee to share under your bamboo. I've just read your wonderful comment you left at the Olde Farmhouse and it made my day again! (I don't know if it was the site here or my internet issues - when I opened my dashboard the site just froze - that's why I couldn't see it until today.) We'll have some blankets today as it's not as warm as the past days and enjoy the garden while sharing some lovely chocolate Easter eggs... It's so great to be outside. I've read in the forum someone asking for a game compatible laptop because s/he wanted to create sitting in the garden in summer. It sounds so tempting to me - but I fear it will be hard to watch the screen in the bright light of a summer's day. And then - this hammock is so tempting, too! Watching the leaves above will bring me to nappy pooh land... Have a wonderful week and lots of hugs and kisses from Jeanie \:wub\:

Peachybitz1Apr 11, 2011

My avatar \:D \:D is boring and definitely needs a bit of jazzing up..and my banner \:D one day I will get around to it \;\) I love the 3D effect yours has, and it definitely reminds me of spring \:\) Lovely \:wub\:

Peachybitz1Apr 10, 2011

\:D yep, in the stocks \:\) Do I like it?! Well..I played it for a week or so non-stop and after I finished the first ambition and started another I just lost interest \:\) Missed my Sims too much \:D But, yes, very different to play, but not the same \;\)

simsjeanieApr 10, 2011

Good morning, dear Francien, here I am to share that morning coffee with you at our fav places, morning sun sparkling through the leaves and the birds singing the Sunday morning song. \:wub\: When I read your last gb entry I knew why I love your houses so much! We both share the love for these special moments in the garden! You won't believe it - first I had my hammock surrounded by bamboo, too. But then (about 10 or 12 years ago, I don't remember right) there was a big "bamboo dying" - nearly all the bamboos around here died and I didn't replace mine again. I was really sad because it was high and beautiful! I do love the light this morning, these warm pink stripes in the sky and I'm so glad to share this with you. As "I know you are enjoying it as much as I do..will think of you sitting on your favorite place nipping your coffee!" - it's wonderful to think about that! Lots of hugs and kisses to you, dear friend, from Jeanie. \:wub\:

Peachybitz1Apr 9, 2011

Just wanted to say that I love your avatar..Beautiful \:\)

PralinesimsApr 7, 2011

Hi\;\) I want to thank you for commenting\:wub\: \:wub\: We really appreciate your feedback!\:wub\: \:rah\: Thanks a lot\:rah\: Have a happy day and a gorgeous weekend! See you\;\)

ShinoKCRApr 7, 2011

Hi my sweet Francien \:\) I was so happy when I saw your comment on the Moltenibedroom \:wub\: Hope you are ok and here is a big Hug for you - Renate

simsjeanieApr 7, 2011

Dear Francien, so here I am again with two cups of coffee - loved your applepie! Now I bring rolls - still warm - and some strawberry jam, selfmade, too, but not by me. \:o  I felt so happy when I read you gb entry - it's really like going to the market and meet a friend. It fills my heart with happiness. \:wub\: I feel the same as you about spring. Even if it's raining there is another scent in the air - warm earth and some kind of promising... I wasn't a great gardener but especially in spring I have to go out and feel the earth under my hands. I can't believe it though - it's only a few days and everything is not only green, but the lilac opens its blossoms already. Usually that happens in the beginning of May! We have a small corner at the end of the backyard enclosed by walls at three sides - and there we sat already and had a coffee. It's the nicest place in the garden at springtime and in October because there is no wind. Only in summer it's just too hot. But then I move to the hammock under the maple tree - its leaves are the best sunshade you can think of! So enjoy this beautiful time of the year and when the sunshine is warm and so welcome! It's kind of funny - when I was younger I was very shy, too. Often I didn't talk to people because I often was afraid to bother them. So silly! Isn't it great to get older feel much freer? I'm a lucky person because never felt any sadness when getting older. And when you're lucky enough to meet people who enjoy and love the same things I'm just happy. Lots of hugs and kisses from sunny Germany to the sunny Netherlands from Jeanie. \:wub\:

simsjeanieApr 4, 2011

Dear Francien, here I am with two cups of coffee to thank you for your amazing gb entry! \:wub\: I'm sad to hear that you've had a bad time but I'm also glad to read that spring is bringing better times for you! So I'll put some sunshine and warmth in a tin and send it to you. Yesterday we had 28°C here - it was a beautiful day I want to share with all the people I love. The older I am the more I feel how light and brightness is essential for feeling well. And I feel so honoured that you like The Olde Farmhouse! Sometimes it's weird - ideas are coming and you have fun building and at other times I bulldoze house after house for weeks again. When watching this page I'm feeling happy - you've brought me to a meadow full of flowers! That would be a great wallpaper, too! I do hope your wonderful creativity will bring more of your houses to us, now Mr Winter said good bye. Atm I'm trying to build a conservatory but it won't come out as I see it in my head. And then, when I don't know how to go on I take one of your great houses and I always have a great time to view them - now your last one - and decorate and have a sim moving in. (And stealing ideas... \:o) Love you a lot and many hugs and kisses from Jeanie. \:wub\:

paramitiApr 1, 2011

BOO!! i Love You XXOO life kindly SUX!! 

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