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francien's Guestbook

PDXWinnOct 15, 2010

Unfortunetely I can not copy and paste the details of what is corrupt in the file however the following info will teach you how to check for bad CC. These threads help identify bad/ corrupt CC and explain how to get rid of it. As always - I suggest getting these programs and using them to check EVERY bit of CC you have and any you get in the future. DASHBOARD - use to check package files. CUSTARD - use to check Sims3 package files. If you need any more help let me know. Good luck!

CleotopiaOct 15, 2010

Hmm too much is better than less \:D Imagine a world without fantasy and fairytales.. would be a bit boring, right? I focus on creating objects for ts3 \:\) Would be great if it worked out well! I hope you win the halloween competition, you would made a huge chance Francien! xx cleo \:wub\:

PilarOct 15, 2010

Thank you very much for commenting on my bedroom vintage, I'm glad you like \:wub\:

hatshepsutOct 14, 2010

It was so lovely to read your comments on West Mead Place and my snowy roof. \:D I would have replied sooner but I've been having internet problems.  I wish we had weather in the game too and hope EA decide to add it soon. Take care and happy simming! \:wub\:

fabrizioammolloOct 7, 2010

Hi Frencien! You are very welcome! Have a great day! F.

PralinesimsOct 7, 2010

Hey there honey!! thanks so much for signing in my geustbook!! i love your little fairytale house!! thank you very very much for the awesome feedback on my patterns!! now you made me blush\:o \:D i wish you a gorgeous day and a beautiful and fun weekend!! happy simming *sendyoulotsofhugsandkisses*\:wub\:\:wub\:

hatshepsutOct 6, 2010

Oh no!  I'm sorry to hear you got hurt. \:\( That's especially not a good thing to do on holiday, I hope you're much better now.  I know what you mean about that creative urge, I keep a notebook handy for any ideas that I might have when I just can't start building.  Good thing I have an understanding cat, she's used to getting late dinners when I'm in build mode!\:D

fabrizioammolloOct 5, 2010

Hi Francien! The screenshots are great and the lot looks so cool! Great job! Cheers, F.

paramitiOct 5, 2010

i saw you comment on Murfeels guestbook and when i see you write i feel like i want to give you a B I G..H U G!!! we dont communicate since i stopped are you Francien? i only make paintings and am dealing with Real life..are you still going on to facebook?? i just go there to respond to mail..miss our communication..and i think of You even we dont chat lately and  you are Dear even i have not told you lately  XXOOXXOO paramiti~

maxi kingOct 5, 2010

\:wub\:Hi Francien!I just had a look at your gallerie!I didn't know you were from Holland bur I noticed as I looked at the pictures!I miss Holland sometimes,my grandad was from there and we still got familie there.I wasn't there for about 10 years!You are really great with taking pictures and with painting as well!Anyway i came to say Thank you for your lovely comment in my GB and on my stuff!Have a wonderful and sunny day!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

murfeelOct 5, 2010

I TOTALLY AGREE! Actually, I get rather pi&&ed when I see that, oh, 200 people downloaded something but only 12 Thanked it, and only 2 left a comment! \:P They just take it and run! \:o And not just with my stuff, but with everyone's creations here! That's why I try so hard to at LEAST thank the item when I dl these days, and every day I go through my Downloads History to see if I missed anything from WAY back when (a year ago \:P ) when I first came to TSR and didn't know what the HECK I was doing -- cuz I know how good it feels to get nice responses and now I'm trying harder to properly thank people who I downloaded from. \:wub\: I mean, I'm MORE than glad that people actually WANT my crap, but I care less about the number of downloads than I do about the number of replies I get; I feel especially good when I read comments or get a nice message in my GB, even if everyone's saying the same thing. \:\) It just makes me feel very good knowing that there are specific people out there who are as happy using my stuff as I was when making it. I've been playing games like the Sims for YEARS and never gave anything back, but one day I decided to try my hand at it, and now I have just as much fun and pleasure out of making things as I do from playing the game! \:D Otherwise I get nervous -- do my creations suck THAT badly? \:o I thought they were a bit of alright.... \:confused\: NO ONE has ANYTHING to say? :P  I'm thinking about doing what Abuk0 does, and getting myself a mean peacock avatar with a chainsaw, demanding to get some feedback! \:rofl\: It feels great! And naw, I don't really mind if I never become a distinguished artist: I just want those daggone KUDOS! :P I'd take that free shopping spree every flippin month! Cashcraft and Cyclonesue really know how to hurt a girl's feelings! \:D \:D \:D Grrr But now that I think about it, I like making Lots (that's what actually got me into first playing Sims 1 -- making murals is getting a bit tedious, honestly; I think I hate Photoshop AND Milkshape!), and I wouldn't want them to be subscriber only, and I heard that if you put Subscriber objects on your lot that makes the whole Lot Subscriber. \:eek\: Being perpetually broke, I know what that can do to a person's spirit, seeing something you want that you can't pay for. But URGH! EA's crap is so UGLY sometimes! \:mad\: I LOVE the Store Stuff, but the base game default objects... \:puke\: It's like they were laughing at us; just shoving us to the nearest CC creator we could find to save us from tacky furniture \:P Anyway, WHY am I just rambling on and ON! I've got a Lot to finish! HAPPY SIMMING! Up up and awaaaaaay! \:rah\:

murfeelOct 5, 2010

Oh excuse me--FEATURED artist; I can't see! \:P (I wear glasses)

murfeelOct 5, 2010

Coming from someone who makes such gorgeous lots yourself, your comment on my Looking through Wonderland lot real made me beam! \:D Thanks so much; I'm very happy that you liked it! I'm working on more lots in between finishing my other stuff, and I hope they all meet with such favorable opinions! Noob though I am, I want to eventually be a Select Artist too! ha ha \:D Happy Simming!

hatshepsutOct 1, 2010

Thank you so much once again for such a lovely comment on Hollybank Hall. \:wub\: I try to keep the landscaping appropriate to the house but it will never be as good as yours! \:\) I never really considered myself to be a fast builder, at the moment it takes me about 2 weeks to complete a lot but then real life does have a habit of getting in the way!

ShinoKCRSep 27, 2010

Hi Francien! Thank you so much for your wonderful comment on the Clive Bedroom. I hope you feel better and can enjoy building lots again. \:wub\: Huggles Renate

deeiutzaSep 21, 2010

Hi!Thank you so much for your nice comment on my 'Glam cottage' set!\:wub\: I'm so happy you like it!\:wub\:

katalinaSep 20, 2010

Hi Francine\:D Thank you for the lovely compliment on my Shabby Chic cottage. You and I both like to decorate the landscape and for me it is like painting a realistic picture and the terrain is my canvas. Great minds think alike. I hope all is well with you and you have a wonderful week (Hugs)\:wub\:

OnyxiumSep 20, 2010

You're welcome Francien. I thank you. \:wub\:

hatshepsutSep 19, 2010

Dear Francien it was an honour as always to read your lovely comment on my Carradice Drive. \:wub\: Isn't it funny how we each see our work? I often considered that my lots looked messy compared to others! LOL!  If only we could live in the houses we build\:D

fabrizioammolloSep 17, 2010

Hi Francien! You are welcome. And I thank you for taking time to leave me a messagge in my GB. have a great week-end, F.

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