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lillka's Guestbook

MartyPJun 27, 2016


lillkaJun 25, 2016

I'd like to make clear that I never knew the meaning of the symbol and that I never wanted to hurt somebody with that. I am just very shocked. This shirt is by a designer and I created it for sims just like a lot of other clothes. It was supposed to be a penguin. Moncler Friends with You Malfi Penguin Face t-shirt I want to apologize to all those who got hurt. I also want to state that I uploaded it without even knowing. Those who really know me know that I'd never want to hurt anybody in any way. I also think it's sad that a lot of people are mean and hurt someone with no reason instead of saying it in a normal way.

zAP2it9Jun 23, 2016

I just found out about this from another site, and I have to admit that I was a little shocked about this item. This t-shirt displays racist imagery. Period. We can talk all day long about doing research; the fact remains that this type of image has its origins in the early 1900's Jim Crow (google it) era. This is how black people were depicted in cartoons, ads and other forms of media of the time. Now while a Japanese company picked up on it here in modern times, those are still the origins of the imagery. And make no mistake, this is not the first time this kind of imagery has been used in Japan or anywhere else in the world outside of the USA. So there is a very legitimate reason for the outrage and offense. Having said all of that, I don't think it's right to try to destroy this person; I can't read her mind. Attack the company and other companies for putting this type of crap out in the first place!! However, there is a way to enlighten a person about these types of things without resorting to calling them a Nazi or racist. Sometimes simple ignorance of the facts can be mistaken for willful, malicious intent.

PuresimJun 23, 2016

You have also my support. I was defending you on tumblr because everyone was hatin on you, I even lost 5 followers, so funny ahaha!. Btw I dont know you but im against the fact of spreading all the hate about a creator for something not true. Im sure youre not racist and you didnt know the resemblance with the logo ( just like me) \:\) Have a great day!

EliavahJun 22, 2016

(continued) while I dont agree iwith people calling her a Nazi its clearly racist and needs to be pointed out but whatever, you can only get so much people to open their eyes and ears and listen.

EliavahJun 22, 2016

@martyp: a company that also was accused of racism though lol. stop telling people to do their research when you need to do yours: . and as far as Im aware this racist caricature is known to many other countries not just USA. If you did your research you would know that even in Europe the Golliwog was used to depict black people in a racist light. Theres not just black people in America you know. It's funny how TSR is trying to sweep it under the carpet saying its only a USA thing when its not. It started in the USA yeah, but it did spread to Europe and other countries. So stop saying people dont have a right to lash out just because she may not have known. Well now she knows.

Karla LavigneJun 22, 2016

You have all my support because I know that people can be nasty. But be strong and be proud of you because all your creation is just amazing and the community need you. Kisses

MetensJun 22, 2016

You have my support too they are just stubborn and won't even listen

Margeh-75Jun 22, 2016

Agree with marty completely , people need to check their info before accusing someone of such unspeakable things. I adore all of your amazing creations! You have my support ♥ ♥ ♥

MartyPJun 22, 2016

Dear lillka, i am so sorry you are been bombarding with all these atrocious comments. Before i could make up my mind about these comments, i did some research. This has nothing to do with what you been accused of. Although, there's a small similarity. Before people start accusing someone, they should make sure they do some research, just like a couple friends and i did. This shirt is from a Toyko caractor named Malfi the Penguin. or I hope you will find the strength to overcome this my friend ♥

ngoyakikudjiJun 22, 2016

for the people who dont see nothing racist towards her shit please search black sambo on google image resemble are alike .. and for the "native american" if u do more research blacks 'africans' indeed in america waaaay before they were slave and also was murder and almost exterminated with your native ancestor too and... just beause you're not black dont mean u can ignore the ignorance of this "silly shirt for kids' think before u type and pick up a history book not just the bias one they taught u at school \:\) \:\)

ReneeCJun 22, 2016

Beautiful clothing. I see nothing racist about a silly shirt for kids. I'm not African American, but I am Native American, and we've been subject to almost as much racism as blacks. Blacks were made slaves. We were almost exterminated. All the "Indian Pocahontas" crap throughout the site doesn't offend me, because I DON'T DOWNLOAD IT! If you're offended, just don't download it. I love lillka's stuff. It makes my little girls actually be able to have the look of pre-teens instead of just 5 year olds all the time. Thanks to your stuff, lillka, I've been making more families with children, which I used to avoid due to the terrible options available to customize children.

cecelexaJun 21, 2016

the most recent piece of cc that is to be released tomorrow is HIGHLY offensive. I don't know if that was your intention, but it has a strong resemblance to this racist merchandise back in the 1900's in America: If you don't understand, it's offending the black community such as myself. So I believe that you should remove or edit the shirt in order not to be deemed as a racist. For majority of the Black Sims Community will stop downloading and promoting your stuff. If it was unintentional, I would definitely reach out to the Black Sims Community with an apology of the ignorance you've displayed.

swayziiedanJun 21, 2016

I used to download a lot from you. Then you went and made a racist piece of cc for children. Never again.

ArestbutterflyJun 15, 2016

Hello Katharina I want to ask if yew can do more clothing for the sims 3 mostly for children and toddelrs and yew have kids I seen so yew can look at there cloths and take a design cause I wanna see new clothing on my sims that I enjoy and ur really perfect for it so plz answer soon and plz think about this task - Arestbutterfly \:wub\:

MartyPMay 17, 2016

Hi my dear and talented Katharina. I am so happy that you like my 14 Neat Poses for child. It is such an honor to see you using them ♥

Kitty2020May 8, 2016

Hi! I'm just stopping by to wish you a happy Mother's Day (if you celebrate it or are a mother)! \:wub\:

Mary04Apr 16, 2016


sallycinnamonzApr 9, 2016

i've downloaded so much of your content, it's amazing! i appreciate that you put a lot of effort into making clothes for children and toddlers too because until i discovered your work it was almost impossible to find anything nice for my younger sims to wear. keep up the amazing work and thank you again, have a great weekend!

bttrflies25Feb 28, 2016

ur clothes r awesome..ty

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