Member Blogs

Currently Working on an Middle-Eastern inspired home

This week, I haven't uploaded a house since I'm kinda busy. I, however managed to squeeze in time to make an Arabic/Moroccan-inspired build. I'll have it ready in a few days. I hope you'll like my take on it. It currently looks like this, but a couple of tweaks will be made later on, and I might be relocating it to Oasis Springs. Happy Simming everyone!

- enzo




News! Two Craftroom Sets for Sims 3

With the holidays just around the corner, it will soon be time for gift buying and wrapping. A dedicated Craftroom is the perfect solution! Part One includes the furniture, modular units that can be mixed-and-matched for different looks and styles. While Part Two, which includes the decorative clutter items, will arrive later in the week.

Craftroom Part One is scheduled for publication on September 21st and Part Two will be published on September 23rd. A collection folder is available for download at MediaFire, here.

I finally have my dream craft room (too bad it's only virtual, lol), I hope your enjoy the set.



Garage Doors Set

Today i finished my Fake GarageDoors set for Sims 4. 

Now you can also build houses with what looks like a Garage untill we finaly have some... 

Ready to download October 1st...


i dont know

i didnt know this was a thing

harry potter

 i am the worlds bigest harry potter fan


Glass Bottle Lamps

Glass Bottle Lamps

I am back

Dear TSR community,

I have got a brand new laptop and I can finally start working on brand new creations for your Sims and you to enjoy!


First Post!

I'm super nervous about this whole Sims CC thing, to be honest. I'm still trying to work out all the meshing tools, so for the first week or so I'lljust be doing recolours, maybe a couple Sims, who knows?


Wish me luck on my creations!

We Want Your Screenshots!

Every day when we announce the winners of the previous Lottery, we use a screenshot that has been submitted by you guys.  The images can be anything you would find in your game, but they must be PG-13, and they should not have any text (this includes your name) on them.  (Also avoid images that are overly photoshopped, meaning no lens flare, borders, etc).

While we love every image that gets published, we are in need of landscapes and pictures that show off the great outdoors.  We accept images from any Sims game, as well.

As a bonus, from now on, if we use your picture on our Facebook page for announcing the lottery, we'll link back to your profile so everyone will know it was yours _and_ you'll get 3 days of free VIP access.

Side Note:  If you need some tips on how to take better screenshots, you can't go wrong reading this 'Scene Creation' tutorial by FredBrenny -   While it is aimed more towards making a set look good, the information on lights and arrangements can make a difference.

But Degera, how do I upload a screenshot?  Make sure you are logged in, and click Account at the top of the page.  Then click Edit Screenshots.  

Now you'll see a page with two tabs.  The first tab displays any images you have already uploaded.  The second tab is Submit Screenshot.  Click the Submit Screenshot tab.  

Enter a title.  Change the category if you want to using the dropdown menu, but there is no Sims 4 category (boo!) so you can skip this step if you're submitting for Sims 4.  You don't have to add a description, but it's always nice to have more information.  

Now the important part!  If you do not change the Public option to Yes, then no one will be able to see the screenshot.  So, using the Public dropdown menu, change it from No to Yes.  I can't stress this enough - if it is not public, I can't see it and therefore won't be able to use it.

Now upload the image to the site by browsing to the image on your computer and click Submit Screenshot.

You can do this as much as you want to, in fact, the more the merrier, and the more chances that we'll use one of your pictures!

** After some testing, we've discovered that the screenshot uploader does not like images that are over 1 MB in size, and it seems to eat .png files, so using a .jpg format is your best option.  Thanks to Howdy Simmer for bringing this to our attention.

it's been a while

It HAS been a while, but i finaly found some time to start something new.. 

The Kayo Bathroom, all inspired from the Latis one, but all new meshes for Sims 4.. 

Here's a preview picture for the set in progress for you all!!


Please read: CC questions, FAQ, wcif

Hello guys!

I just wanted to say, thank you so much for your all your lovely comments, guestbook entries, etc. I really appreciate it!

Now there is a thing I need to point out here: I get so many questions about tattoos, hairstyles, etc. on my models and I can't answer every single post. Therefore I have done a FAQ site on my tumblr some time ago, which I always keep up to date. I've already posted a link to it in my bio a long time ago, but it seems that not a lot of people find the link.

From now on, I won't reply to any questions, that are already answered in my FAQ section. So please go there before asking:


If you still can't find something you are looking for, you can ask me of course!

Again, thank you so much for all your comments!

Have a wonderful day,


Away for the time being

Dear TSR Community,

I am writing this post to let you know that my laptop has been broken for more than a month now, due to a failure in the motherboard. It is still in service and it is not known when or if it is going to be back. So, for the time being, I cannot work on my creations until the laptop issue gets sorted out. I hope I can get back to you with brand new creations really soon. Happy Simming to everyone!



Hi, how are you? I am fantabulous, thank you. I'm always on here downloading so I figured I should do something with my own profile. So I wanna post about what I've been up to. I've been having trouble keeping up with and organizing my cc. I've ordered and re-ordered my mods folder so much. I've kept pictures of cc and lists of websites. That started ggetting out of hand. I think I've found a solution. There's this site called Airtable, and I've been posting all my cc links that I download and pics to go with it there.

How I organize my cc

I'm really enjoying this site so far, even though it's gonna take a whie to get all my cc in here. Well, that's all for now.


So I finally learned how to make CC and I'm very excited to be able to share my creations with other people! Since I am new at this I can't promise anything will be super amazing but I hope you guys like whatever I upoad...haha...


If anything doesn't turn out then please let me know and I will do my best to make sure that they are up to everyones standards as best as I can, and if theres anything related to what I upload that you guys might be interested in please let me know or message me and I will try my best!


Thanks so much for all your support!




Hi there! I don't use my TSR account anymore but you can find my artwork, graphic designs, and comics (including Sims 4/MySims screenshots) in other places:


My development blog for Fighter's Adventure:


Hope to see you there!

Shining Globe Deco

Shining Globe Deco Sculpture Set

ropa bebes

ropa bebe

Concrete Lamp Set

Concrete Lamp Set

Venetian Decorative Pack, August 22nd

The Venetian Decorative Pack is scheduled for publication on August 22, 2016. It's a decorative clutter add-on pack for the Venetian Bedroom Suite.

The decorative pack includes a throw for the Venetian bed, a bench, dressing table, carnival wall mask, perfume bottle, landscape and portrait paintings by a famous Italian painter (each with several variants) a large and small decorative chest, a wall light for makeup application, and a display easel. I hope you enjoy your stay at the Venetian! An updated collection folder for the Venetian Bedroom Suite and Decorative Pack is available for download at MediaFire, here.

Thanks so much for the many "welcome back" and lovely comments on my creations, I really appreciate them!


Carolyn aka, Cashcraft

Random question #1

What happens if your young adult sim gets a tattoo and then you use testingcheatsenabled true to turn them back into a kid? Will the tattoo stay on them, will it vanish, or will that part of their body become invisible? It's not a burning need type of question, I was just curious.

Thanks :-)

Mods I have downloaded

If any of these mods sound interesting, I will do my best to find them again for you!


  • A cute teen crop top with a string back
  • A double braid hairstyle in which one braid makes sort of a mowhawk (it looks a lot cooler than it sounds)
  • Child girl's jeans
  • A maid outfit
  • A messy braid for a toddler
  • A sleek, modern crib (I haven't used this one yet)
  • An outdoor outfit for toddler girls
  • Pearly lip lacquer
  • A cute girl's crib with a sort of sliding bar door
  • Toddler girl disney princess tees
  • A two piece dress for teens
  • A wedding dress
  • Windswept toddler boy hair
  • A dark ages dress (this is absolute rubbish, it makes their skin look like part of the outfit)
  • Garin Estate
  • A old-timey bicycle
  • Medieval clothing for men
  • Medieval gown for teen girls (and possibly young adults, I'm not sure)
  • Medieval teen girl merchant clothes (haven't used yet)
  • Medieval nightdress for teen girls
  • Medieval shoes for men (haven't used)
  • Medieval-ish dress for girl children (haven't used)
  • Midcopse Hut
  • Riverburg Keep
  • The Dragon's Roar - a bar
  • Traveller's Shoppe - a store
  • Wizard cloaks (rubbish)
  • A single person Ariel themed bed
  • A Captain America: The Winter Soldier poster
  • A set of three Marvel posters
  • Harley Quinn's hair (not the best but a cool hairstyle)
  • Rapunzel's dress from Tangled
  • Rapunzel hair (not actually long, so rubbish)
  • Harry Potter poster


I need friends :'(

Since none of my close friends play The Sims 3 (they all play Sims 4 or none at all), I cannot find anyone I want to friend over TSR or The Sims 3! If you want me to, I will totally friend you, especially if you create cool stuff!

Celestial Sphere Lamp Set

Celestial Sphere Lamp Set

Finally figured it out! (Plus introduction)

Ahh! I finally figured out where and how to download my beloved CC for sims. It used to be so much easier. But yay, there's a blog here!


Let me introduce myself, My name is Onyi. I'm 19 and have been married for a year and some months (No we do not have any babies or plan to ever have any). My first sims game was on the gamecube, and I still play it every now and then. As far as I know it was really the only sims with a 'campiegn' like mode. I work from home as a wholesale reseller, it get's a lot of hate but it pays the bills. I crochet and spend way too much time on the sims. I'm a vegetarian but not one of the ones who shame meat eaters and shove it down other's throats. Only reason it's mentioned here is because this a post about me.


My Family: Joey (The hubby) Luis and Dodo (The furbabies ((cats))) Katie and lady (Furbabies ((Dogs)))


Joey works at Gamestop so when we record for youtube we can save a decent bit of money from the games and such. 


Okay, I don't know what else to put so.. .. .. Bye!


Much love ~Onyi

Becoming SA and quick update

Hello everyone! 

First of all, apologies for the short absence, I was on holiday for the past two weeks so that's why I haven't posted new content :)

Second, I became Select Artist! I still can't believe I have been given this wonderfull opportunity and can't thank you guys enough for all the downloads, comments and lovely messages :D

I'm back for a few days and then am going on holiday again for 10 days, so hopefully I'll get some new content your way and I hope you all have a great summer (or winter, depending on where you're from :D )


Much love,



100,000,000 downloads! thank you to all ♥

What a blessing to enter TSR today and see this milestone!
100,000,000 downloads! o.o *yay* *yay* *yay*
Just want to share this happiness to all downloaders which helped us to achieve such amazing mark :)

Please receive all our love, respect and gratitude by your appreciation and fondness regarding our work!
It always keeps us strong to keep bringing more :)

♥ a huge and sincere thank you to all ♥
*yay* *yay* *yay*

More or Less cc?

Hey guys, 

Lately i've been starting building lots again and i'm really enjoying it. I downloaded so much nice stuff on here and i just want to use everything. I always love to detail my houses with all this cc. But then when the house has a lot of cc i don't get as much downloads.. (which i also get, because it's so much to download)

So my question is, do you prefer houses or community lots where there is a lot of cc, or maybe lots with almost no cc, or nothing at all? I'm trying to see what people would want to download so i can build that in the future!

Anyway, happy simming! x Juulssims

Back to School

Hello everyone! For the following months, my uploads won't be that frequent as compared to my recent streak of houses being submitted because classes have officially started. I am in my Senior year in college already, and that's what I'll put first. But don't fret, I'll be uploading from time to time so that you have great houses for your sims and I won't be out of the scene immediately. I'm gonna upload one this week, so wait for that. :)

Here's a sneak peek:

Creating a Ramen Restuarant

In Between University, i've started to come back to playing sims 4, after my laptop no longer likes the sims 3. so i thought with the latest pack out, i would design a ramen shop; inspired by my binge watching of Netflix Japanese Dramas (Good morning call especially) 

Below is just a screenshot unedited from ingame. :]

screenshot-ramen shop

Modern Loft - Bedroom

For the past year I've been steadily building and designing custom lots for my Sims 3 world Crimson Falls (built from Visty6's small-medium world Simta).

I've got 24 lots so far, and Modern Loft is my latest creation.

The images included here offer a sneak peek into the 2nd floor master suite. The home is furnished for a Stylist Sim and is designed in hues of red, black, blue and seafoam green.

New creation coming out this august!

Yeah, i´m going to publish my FIRST CC for The Sims 4. Coming soon!

Venetian Bedroom Suite, July 30th

My latest set "Venetian" is scheduled for publication on July 30, 2016. The set includes a half-canopy bed, which I created over 2 years ago and then I forgot it every existed, lol!

The Venetian was inspired by the Venetian Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, NV, it's a glitzy over-the-top casino with a canal and gondola rides for the tourist. 

Also, included with the set is an end table, table lamp, mirror, an antique cupboard and shelving unit (both have slots for decorative objects), decorative pillows for the bed and a fancy crystal chandelier to hang from the bed's canopy.

Currently, I am working on an accessories pack for the Venetian, it should be coming soon *crosses fingers.*

I had a lot of fun creating this set and I hope you enjoy it! A collection folder is available for download at MediaFire, here.



Yard Sale Lamps

Yard Sale Lamps

About the Lamps after EA Patch

There was a generell update for the Lamps on TSR. So all Lamps you download new should work in Game now. 

Delete the old lamps from your Mods Folder and bring them in new downloaded. 


who am i:

name: romy

age: 15

live: netherlands

hobbies: singing

fan of: im a huge justin bieber fan and i'm fan of blake gray( a boy from musically)


Hello Everyone, Ive been away for quite awhile, my Mom pasing away had a profound effect on me, I lost my drive to create and my love for Sms seemed to disappear or maybe its been sleeping. Coming to see what everyone is creating at TSR is like coing home , I see old friends / Artist and new ones and as always the best of the best are here at TSR. Ive downloaded alot in both Sims 3 and Sims Im still not liking Sims 4 very much but I never say never anymore, lol. Im back and not back I really want that feeling to come back but its gotta come on its own time, I do look forward to using all the wonderful things you most talented Artist have created so hopefully someday soon I will be back and maye creating with you. You have always shown me kindness and love something you get from no other comunity like I do at Sims comunity and that mean alot to me. So keep creating your master pieces and I hope to be working with you soon, take care lots of love to you all.


Thranduil sim for the Sims 4 by me ~ available soon to download

Thranduil sim for the Sims 4


Finally holidays, a beautiful island awaits me ;)


I've had a few comments on my banner.  So just an FYI, this is a picture of Blackwater Falls in Davis, West Virginia.  I live about 60 miles away and it has always been one of my favorites places.  I have many good memories from there with my friends and my Grandfather Russell, God rest his soul.  My Grandpa and I used to go fishing a lot around these places.  You can get some awesome Trout!!!  Happy Simming!!   Robin aka RockinR

Latest Headlines

Currently Working on an... Millo News! Two Craftroom Sets for... Garage Doors Set i dont know harry potter Glass Bottle Lamps I am back First Post! We Want Your Screenshots! it's been a while Please read: CC questions, FAQ,... Away for the time being Hello! Newbie Hello Shining Globe Deco ropa bebes Concrete Lamp Set Venetian Decorative Pack, August... Random question #1 Mods I have downloaded I need friends :'( Celestial Sphere Lamp Set Finally figured it out! (Plus... Becoming SA and quick update 100,000,000 downloads! thank you... More or Less cc? Back to School Creating a Ramen Restuarant Modern Loft - Bedroom New creation coming out this... Venetian Bedroom Suite, July 30th Yard Sale Lamps About the Lamps after EA Patch me Home Thranduil sim for the Sims 4 by... Vacations Waterfalls
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