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Munchkin12221Oct 30, 2018


Munchkin12221Oct 30, 2018

No its ok, I ca wait. I was only really copying you if I'm honest, sorry!.\:\)

S-ClubOct 29, 2018

Thank you ALExIA483 for the comments!

magicmorgieOct 29, 2018

hellooooooooo!! don't worry about the late reply! how are you? \:D yup all the akumas would take way too long \:\( doing the heroes will still be a good blender exercise though \:D your progress on hawkmoth is awesome btw \:D ahhhh I thought about that too when I saw the heroes day poster and saw her skin being blue, that theory definitely makes sense tbh. I'm not sure why he came out either, I suppose he either has a bigger plan (I hope not) or he's so sure he's gonna win with his 654654651 red akumas that he thought he would get the cat and bug miraculous himself x_X hahaha chat noir's entire being isn't child friendly at this point lol, I'm glad the licking himself thing only happened when he was under an akuma's control though ahaha otherwise imagine Plagg's reaction lol. hmmm true he might have been too feral but ehhh why not we're alreadty halfway there lol \:D for ladybug's costume, yeah wings would have been fun \:D or idk something extra? her costume is boring x_x I wonder if they're gonna change their main costumes a little bit? extra detail on her would be great (and he could lose the bell lol). you're right, the negativity is useless and they don't know anything anyway \:P and hey we're already enjoying it \:D ooooooooooooh omg I hope that gala thing is true \:o honestly if Adrien has to be there then it screams ladrien but we'll see we'll see, either way I want more romance lol. ahhh don't worry about the downloading, I do that too, you can't get reference without having the episodes :x I watch it when I see it on disney channel/tf1 and I have dolls and stickers though \:D balance lol \:P ohhh yeah seduce in english definitely has that sexual tone to it but I think it's kinda the case in french too? maybe to a lesser extent? I'm not sure anymore, speaking both languages is confusing me lol. I checked the french to english translation and it said to charm/to seduce lol so maybe half of this and half of that \:P ohh yeah the chat/chloe hurt and pissed me off too, but iirc she said something lile blabla and I get ladybug's sidekick -.- hahahaha last cart of the wheel that's too true, ladybug and chat noir were the first chosens and everybody else is the real sidekick here z_z don't worry about the repetition!! but yup I hope she fixes her sh** but like Marinette said, baby steps \:P back to Emilie, yeah I don't think she was helping 'against his father' because Adrien said himself that he wasn't like this before Emilie disappeared (in christmas special iirc) so you're definitely right it's this entire mess that's made him like this, I wonder what he was like before D: but about the homeschooling and stuff, it makes me wonder, instead of Emilie being cold and awful like some people are saying (and sure she might not be an angel but Adrien did say his father was cold but he never said anything negative about his mother) what if she knew something was happening and was trying to protect him from it? it has to be connected to Fu's stuff somehow because how would they even have found the book/miraculous if they didn't know what to look for? like they just randomly stumbled across jewels and a book in the middle of old ruins in the middle of nowhere? doesn't make sense x_x the Agreste/Bourgeois definitely knew each other but I'm not sure who was the movie director, maybe a third person? I mean both Andre and Audrey have the same initials anyway so there could be a third person with those too you never know lol. I hope Mayura gets us more backstory on this cause seriously we need it like crazy x_x it just hit me, if Gabriel gets Emilie back will he go back to normal? ughhhhhh, why don't we know anything x_x back to Fu, yup true true he never wanted to make himself known or anything, it was all supposed to be simple, but now he knows it's not and everything is a mess and he's the last one, if something happens to him what the hell are they gonna do? Kwami can't read the book if I remember right, and nobody else can understand anything in it, so what then??? that's what scares me but then again Fu doesn't know mothy knows his approximate location so he has no real reason to worry about himself x_X I agree I doubt he forgot about the Gabriel is hawkmoth theory, I'm half like you're cautious it makes sense and half like old man if something happens to you what then??????? I do wanna know what he's telling Marinette and Adrien though, it would clue us in some more and we'd know how much they actually know x_x it was a good decision to go as his chinese teacher though, both to tell Adrien more stuff and to try and spy on Gabriel like you said, but I wonder what he did with the old one ahahaha, did he dump him in the seine \:P is Fu secretly a cheeky old man \:P did you see the 'meditation for dummies' book he was reading in sandboy btw? hilarious \:D about Lila, yup I'm pretty sure she stalks the ladyblog too, she seems to research everything for her lies so it wouldn't make sense if she didn't do that with the heroes either. hmmm true the illusion was from the back so maybe she was supposing thats what he looks like yeah x_x ugh true he probably knows what all the miraculous can do x_x no wonder Fu is like bring them back at the end, on their own without ladybug and chat noir the other miraculous holders would get caught pretty quickly, because one illusion/one shield/one stun won't keep them safe for long, I wonder if he's ever gonna get them now omg x_X imagine the mess D: it would be like queen bee x3 ahh Chloe yes, she would definitely cause a riot if she got attacked and besides he probably knows she doesn't have the miraculous on her since Nadia (ugh that woman) filmed ladybug saying give be back the miraculous to Chloe, so getting the other holders themselves wouldn't help much, they don't know anything beyond 'Chloe is bee' 'Nino is turtle' 'Alya is fox' they don't know who ladybug and chat noir are, what their miraculous can do, where they're getting them from, basically the only thing that could happen if he caught them without their miraculous is give me the cat and bug ones or I'll throw your friend in the seine x_X so yup getting Fu directly makes a lot more sense, he knows who ladybug and chat noir are, knows the book, knows how to make powerups, has the rest of the miraculous.. x_x which is why if something happens to him everything is f*****!!!!!!!!!!!! that freaks me out x_X so bad X_x because honestly without Fu, what then? neither of them know how to even open the miracle box (understandable but D\:\) aaaaaaaaaaaaa D: Hope's trolling was so funny oh my god and people were so mad about it I was just laughing the entire time lol. omg Marichat princess/knight would be so funny \:D and basically canon anyway \:D but yup not relevant enough lol, do we even have tiaras in game? I don't know lol. ahhh same!! she's definitely a cat person even if she complains about cats lol, just look at her room! cat on the desk cat on the bed \:D and the most important, cat partner with cat kwami \:D *-* \:wub\: I want adrienette to get a cat lol, that would be so cuuuuute!! cuddles with a cat in the middle and kwamis on their heads sighhhhhhhssssss, alsooooooo: imagine Adrien with a cat like this: \:D and yup I doubt it too, frozer basically confirmed that those two were nothing but rebounds, the one thing it did though is show how much Adrien is starting to care for Marinette, so honestly how would the other ships happen after that if we know the only people they think about is each other lol. another comment that pissed me off, somebody said Luka is perfect and Adrien is meh and I'm like sure go compare a fully fleshed protagonist to a sexy lamp character that only has like two lines o.O people z_z also yay walls of text \:D I wonder if we're gonna get Mayura the 3rd nov or if we're gonna have to wait some more sigh x_x

matheus,usa2007Oct 28, 2018

Is Hawk Moth ready? Ive been looking on tumbler and he look amazing! If he is, could you send it to me through twitter, my user is @BlueTheGlue_07 \:\)\:wub\:

KatVerseCCOct 28, 2018

Thank you! \:\)

magicmorgieOct 27, 2018

I need to complain x_x somebody said if Frozer is anything to go by then Mari/Lizard and Adrien/ice queen (I'm amused at Marinette's nicknames lol) will happen before the lovesquare and I'm pissed about it because -I won't change targets/I can't imagine him not being here- doesn't that prove that those two were just rebounds?? whyyyyyyyy are people like this D:

WistfulCastleOct 26, 2018

Thank you!

Birba32Oct 25, 2018

Ciao!! Grazie mille per il commento \:wub\:

magicmorgieOct 25, 2018

hello! sooo I went to the mall today and there's this lingerie/pyjama store and look what they had I almost screamed there hahaha I can see Marinette wearing things like these \:D

magicmorgieOct 24, 2018

omg I checked twitter and wtf it's getting worse???? O.O these people are f******* insane lol I love Hope's trolling haha, this is seriously getting out of hand though o.o

magicmorgieOct 23, 2018

oops the wall of text strikes again :c

magicmorgieOct 23, 2018

omg same I think it took me two days to recover lol, we're gonna die after Mayura x_x I think there's an english sub linked on the miraculous subreddit if you want one, somebody commented that it's not accurate cause Alya swore (that might have been a mistake) and that Alya said 'seduce' and I was like oh nawwww she actually said 'cause she wanted to seduce Adrien' about Lila ahaha I died when I heard it lol. woooooooo for italian dub!! I hope it comes out in english/french too so I can understand something lol, I wonder why they're airing Mayura before Catalyst though? omg Lila needs more than detention she's actually horrible and evil somebody throw her in a prison for minors lol. oh my god ikr? he just jumped on her and that hand on the head was sooooooooo cute, she probably died internally haha, sooo cute *-* chat/chloe is the funniest thing tbh he's sooooooo sassy I love it so much! I wanna see them be more friendly more often \:D the only thing I didn't like is that she called him ladybug's sidekick which no, rude, ladybug could never do this without him see style queen she would have lost if Plagg hadn't helped x_x I have no idea about collector, maybe it's the akuma, maybe he's just insane lol, I think for collector he didn't think it through enough cause that could have gone seriously wrong o.O about that statue, I actually thought he would have one cause it reminded me of the first layton game if you know about it, a man had lost his wife and had a statue of her in some garden place and it just makes me think of Gabriel so much D: I don't think the entrance would be right where Adrien could see it though? maybe it's through his mothy lair? it is indeed pretty weird though x_x iirc Adrien seemed to be looking at the sky through the window though not down at the garden at least in dark cupid but I don't know D: what do you think about people saying Emilie is secretly evil? I don't like that theory tbh cause why would Adrien's memories be twisted? or Gabriel's? she doesn't look cold either, she seems like a nice person in the pictures/movie, and I really don't want him to have two crazy parents cause what then? he's a minor and this is set in modern day, what will he do? run away? plus, wouldn't make more sense that whatever happened with Fu and what happened to Emilie when they went to China is related somehow? rather than just oh Emilie is actually the real villain here - that would give us 0 history on what happened to the temple x_x people saying that freak me out ok it's a scary theory that I really don't like x_x Carapace/Rena are sooooo cute omg yes, disgustingly so lol, I honestly didn't think they would be that kind of couple but here we are hahaha, if he doesn't know who they are I hope he finds out cause I don't like him not knowing things since he's supposed to be on equal footing with ladybug even if yeah yeah she's the one who gives the miraculous most of the time, their combined powers are balance so there has to be more balance in this too, even if this is definitely Fu's fault, makes me wonder why though, does he still secretly think Gabriel is hawkmoth? does the fact that Adrien is his son scare him? he should know though that he chose him for a reason and it's cause that boy has a heart of gold just like Marinette does and this is why they're the perfect team for this. I want to know more about Fu's thinking cause he confuses me sometimes x_x oh my god ffffffffffffffff the cataclysm broke me D: I can't even look at it now it hurts so much x_X I wonder if akuma!lb is supposed to be miss fortune? she certainly looks like it. and I think Volpina knows about it cause she probably has seen their powers in action on tv or something besides the first time she was akumatized, that or hawkmoth somehow shows her through that mental connection, I mean she did know what he looked like even if all everybody had seen was a massive head made out of creepy butterflies o.o I hope Fu is safe too cause when I think about it there's no way they're capable of dealing with not having him there when they don't even know the extent of their powers or well pretty much anything besides the fact that there are powerups and other miraculous and what they're for, like wtf Fu tell them you're the only one left what if something happens to you?? oh my god I wanna smack that old man sometimes lol. though I don't think hawkmoth would target Rena/Carapace specifically if not for an akumatization unless he really knows what their miraculous can do (which ehh he doesn't anyway) I mean he already has Volpina which weirdly enough is stronger than Rena and he didn't go for Chloe's miraculous even if he knows who she is.. he could though I wouldn't put it behind him x_x

magicmorgieOct 23, 2018

don't worry about forgetting things!! besides with the catalyst mess how are we supposed to keep our brains functioning lol. ohhhh yes like that she's definitely more focused, Marinette gets distracted lol, ahh the lucky charm thing in catalyst, she wanted to make loads of cakes and stuff cause she had (stupidly) promised she would get loads and then she was like maybe lucky charm can give me a giant oven or something?? so cute lol, and Tikki with that chef hat \:D would fangs really count as not child friendly though? *coughs* leather catsuit *coughs* aren't there cartoons with dracula and stuff? \:o maybe they just thought they wouldn't make him too cat-like, but then again he hisses and purrs so I don't even know lol, I love the hissing so much though ahahaha, and the enhanced senses!! so good for romance \:D the sniffing ladybug was so cute \:D I bet she smells like cookies \:D ahhh people are never happy sigh, if they're 'too perfect' they're 'boring' and 'marysue-ish' and if they have flaws they're 'jerks' and 'obsessive stalkers' I get pissed every time somebody says chat acted like a brat because he got hurt or that Marinette is a stalker even if no, all her pictures are from magazines, not candid, she never took them herself and she doesn't even know when he does shoots unless Alya informs her so her info is probably just from Alya and Nino too and let's be real, if she were a real stalker she would know he's chat noir already z_z Wayhem was so much worse and yet nobody mentions that o.O those hypocrites *hiss* waaaaaaaaaaaait wait wait what did you say???? Agreste gala????????????? \:o what is this about oh my god there's hope for more romance?????????????? \:o I live for the lovesquare can you tell hahaha. ughhhh I hope he won't get hurt, he's reckless when it comes to her D: (and starting to be that way with Marinette too dear god lol this oblivious boy)

magicmorgieOct 23, 2018

hahahahaha I'm so sorry I freaked out and I had to share \:P omg I feel your pain, just reading their insanity makes me sick tbh. ohhh ikr? this show is so refreshing, the romance is so good and the characters are so real and it's so happy and that's why I love it so much too so I don't understand people at all tbh. I haven't seen sailor moon actually \:o I've seen winx club though and it was more fun as a kid than now. hey don't thank me, it's your work thats amazing!! btw I saw your post about maybe not making the akuma sets and tbh making Alya Nino and Chloe is probably better actually cause they can be part of stories and people can get screenshotted poses with them unlike with akuma who I doubt would serve that much of a purpose in sims? you decide though of course \:D I still think Mayura is Nathalie too, because this show isn't big on major plottwists but apparently somebody said kwami can be akumatized? that's why I was like O.O her colors do look like an akuma but then again I think Duusu is supposed to be dark blue so you never know \:o ahhhh maybe they'll make us wait till season 3 x_x they're capable of it x_x I was thinking of the underground lair place with ladybug too and I thought it would be this finale but seeing how Catalyst went it makes me think it's more likely to be in s3 especially since s3 is supposed to show why exactly mothy wants the miraculous, but then again who knows x_x

Munchkin12221Oct 23, 2018

Hi! I have answered you on PM and how was your version of Catalyst (if you've watched it)? I watched mine in what I think is French.

magicmorgieOct 22, 2018

oh my god I just saw your twitter and 1. the brooch looks amaaaaaazing!! 2. theyre still complaining about the tiara???? pathetic omg. and now theyre complaining about the romance too? did they forget that this is basically a superhero romance show? that the main ship is in the intro sequence and mentioned in the theme song? and that the main villain's motive is love related? that the origin stories have the mains falling in love at first sight??? that there are 456454654 couples????? I mean lovesquare djwifi rose/juleka ivan/mylene possibly marc/nathaniel but no, Marinette being in love is wrong!!!!!!! cause she's a hero!!!!!!!! not a princess!!!!!!!!!!! heroes have to be manly and not feminine to be strong!!!!!!!!!!! just stop watching the show you pieces of s*** lol I'm pissed x_x do you still think Nathalie is mayura btw? some people seem to think that because she got akumatized it's not possible but I don't think that changes much, and I heard new theories about that, either Lila (unlikely she's not an adult) or akumatized duusu? O.O that would be one hell of a twist omg

magicmorgieOct 21, 2018

I want adrienette and djwifi to fuss over each others' weddings and cry cause their ships are canon and everything is adorable c_c \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\: so dumb and cute all of them sighs \:wub\:

magicmorgieOct 21, 2018

I'm sorry I keep sending so many messages but oh my god x_x

magicmorgieOct 21, 2018

it seems like one of Adrien's life quests is teaching Chloe manners though lol bless him babyyyyyyyyyyy

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