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Lavoieri's Guestbook

PaogaeJul 4, 2014

Hi Brenda, thank you so much, glad you like my TeenDreams dress! Have a nice day! Hugs! \:wub\:

StupidFlandersJul 3, 2014

Well I haven't seen one, but I kind of lost interest after playing amr for so long.

StupidFlandersJul 2, 2014

ooh the one at my photo-bucket. It's here.

StupidFlandersJul 2, 2014

What alice-dress?

StupidFlandersJul 2, 2014

Maybe I should do that then, idk really. I'm not that confident about my creations, but I have A LOT of LoL-sims with nothing to do. Graves had a baby with Jinx by the way.

StupidFlandersJul 2, 2014

I don't think I have the confidence to upload her on mts, I wonder if I should start a simblr only for uploading my LoL-sims... does that make any sense?

StupidFlandersJul 1, 2014

I think my Miss Fortune is done now, but now I just don't know whether I should upload her and where.\:puke\: Here is a picture.

PaogaeJun 30, 2014

Hi dear Brenda, thanks a lot, glad you like my Pretty Dress! Hugs! \:\)

DegeraJun 30, 2014

We're having another screenshot contest, here's the details!

Neko KurohaJun 30, 2014

I'm looking forward to it! c: And no problem, your creations are great~ d(^_^)b

hedjerooJun 29, 2014

Your creations are wonderful and I love them! Thank you so much for sharing them.

matomibotakiJun 29, 2014

The_Toybox - It is so nice to have encouraged feedback and it make me so happy to continue to create. Thank you so much!

MetensJun 29, 2014

Hi sweet Brenda! Thank you so much for the comment, I really appreciate \:\) Have a nice Sunday!

EsyraMJun 28, 2014

Hi Brenda, I'm a little late but I wanted to thank you for your lovely comment on my creations, I really appreciate it, I wish you a wonderful weekend! * big hugs * Marie

NisukiJun 27, 2014

Actually, I'm sure that I've seen someone doing that before. Months ago.. or even longer, before I had started writing myself.. And after all, there's indeed no rule about that! I'm sure you could give it a try, I think, however, that it may be handy that you include the text from it, below the pic, but you shouldn't forget to mention and recommend that we should be reading it as a comic =D Sounds really cool!

NisukiJun 26, 2014

AH blah, I told myself to put my reaction in one message, but I forgot. It's alright.. I'm too lazy to change the already posted one. XD You're welcome ♥ UGH, all your creations are amazing, but I haven't been able to use them. I will though.. soon.. very soon.. I'm a writer on this site too, and I love fantasy and kind of different-looking thingies.. and in a story, which I'm planning to do after I finish the one I'm doing now.. I'm probably going to use a lot of your creations xD THEY fit perfectly for one character . yeyyeyeyeyeye. ^-^

NisukiJun 26, 2014

Hahahahaha, holy sims, your situation is like, almost the same as mine lately XD I've had 2 tests today, and friday I'll have one more. *sigh* I'm wasting my time at night with cursing at my textures and workshop, while I should sleep.. (~_~\;\) ALRIGHT! Thank you so much =D Will check this out. *saves your explenation somewhere so I won't be losing it* \(*0*)/ I'm still holding Elsa's coronation dress on hold though, I'm firstly going to get used to meshing short dresses.. I'll probably try the long dress next week. ^-^ First.. I need to concentrate on these tests. BLEH, I don't want to.. (╥﹏╥)I hope you're doing great with yours! Good luck \:wub\:

NisukiJun 25, 2014

I can, but I need the time to put effort in it, bleggh. Which I actually do have, but my concentration is, so low, due the continuing studying for my tests. *sigh* You're good though =D but I can feel what you mean. OH, and when you import the mesh into Workshop, it .. .asks something about, the mesh.. to ***** ? I forgot what it said, but it usually pops up whenever you import a mesh, is it alright when you click yes on that? I think it has something to do with smoothing to, but it's in workshop..? Or not. I'm confusing myself haha. I haven't had any problems further more.. but I think, the tricky part is just, that the dress is long.. LOL.. Yesterday I meshed a short dress and top, these went flawless. I'll definitely finish my own Elsa's coronation dress, because I've already put so much time into the texture.. XD These, LODS, you need to do the mesh from every LOD seperate? Or is there a way to do that easier o_o I love all the help I've been getting from you. Thank you so much ♥ . I'm making my way through the basics too! IT goes well, so far.. but how to make fancy meshes.. haha, Your deer horns are AMAZING! Have a lovely day \:wub\:

NisukiJun 24, 2014

Hii Lavi ♥ . no, you're right. It's not the texture, it's exactly that problem XD I'm aware of that "auto smoothing".. but I'm not sure if I actually did turn it on or off + I had been thinking it had to do something with the original mesh... oh well, I'm not sure about that either XD Thank you for the tip! Grrr, I should have thought twice, before trying to mesh, immediately after my first, only-texture-change cc. Blehhh \:P I'm probably going to put that one on hold and wait till the summer-break when I've more time to "read" every tutorial. Only creating the texture is much easier =w=

StupidFlandersJun 24, 2014

I'm sure you'll figure it out.\:\)

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