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TellMeSomethingNew's Guestbook

lexiann123Aug 8, 2007

HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Dannii!!! Whats up in your life?!\;\)

bryk1984Aug 8, 2007

My hubby's taking on a cruise to the Bahamas\:D I love the rain, I grew up where it rains quit a bit and now i'm living in the desert which I hate... I miss the rain. Later\:D ~Jen~\;\)

bryk1984Aug 8, 2007

I'm trying to get the first part of my new story ready to upload before I go on vacation but my darn game keeps crashing and turns my computer off when it crashes\:mad\: No worries about the bed Dannii, I can't wait to read the next part of Roxanne's Happy Ending!\:D ~Jen~\:D

lexiann123Aug 7, 2007

Hey this is where i think I may have found the nude patch Can you tell me if I went to the right thing please!?

lexiann123Aug 7, 2007

Oh It's so sad! I think I cried a little (I'm a real baby)! Anways yes, I've seen Jadee227's vids and they're AMAZING!\:eek\: My fav one is Not Another Nightlife Movie! I jsu LOVE it!\:rah\: \:D

lexiann123Aug 7, 2007

By the way here's a link to another awesome sims 2 music video! It's sad to me\:\( \:\(

lexiann123Aug 7, 2007

You're soooooooooooooooooooo welcome and thanks that was sweet of you to say! Yeah if it's bad I wouldn't be able to tell them they suck unless it's a person I hate! I'm mean I know! \:P OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I LOVE makin beach houses! They're going to have such a GREAT life! I just know it! can't wait to see their baby!\:D Thanks sooooooooooooooo much for the site! I knew about it but I totaly forgot! I love it though!\;\) \:D By the way I have friends with mental problems too!LOL! Also thanks sooooooooooooo much for the sims 2 nude patch! I can't wait to use it sorry if that sounds perverted I'm weird like that!HAHAHAHA!\:P Yes I read the whole comment too and it didn't make me... *snoring* ZZZZZZZZ! No I'm just kidding! I hope to hear from you soon! Also I'm hoping to read more stories from you soon please don't stop writing! *Lex*\:P

elopgeAug 7, 2007

LOL!! You are so funny, and I have good news for you! I actually finished late last night and posted the story. So by tomorrow it should be up I hope!! And yes, finished!! I played like mad for 3 days straight since I had a weekend!!! You have made this awesome for me and I hope that after Bon Voyage comes out and I start a new legacy you will read it too!! \:D *hugs*

tdyanndAug 7, 2007

Thank you so much for the comment on "The Garage". There will be more, promise. \;\)

KayleenaGAug 6, 2007

Hello!! I just posted part 8 about 20 minutes ago. So it should be out tomorrow! It's a little short, but a big shocker. \:D

atangkiAug 6, 2007

Hi! Thanks for commenting on my screenshot! \:D

lexiann123Aug 6, 2007

I know it's GREAT!!!\:D Anyways yes I read those all the time! I LOVE THEM!!!! NO WAY THAT'S YOU!? NOW I'M SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO JEALOUS LOL!\:P Well if thats really wat u look like then she did a GREAT job!!!!!\:D \;\) How does she know what you look like?\:confused\: *Lex*\:P

lexiann123Aug 5, 2007

By the way there's this AWESOME youtube vid of the sims 2 I want you to check out heres the link It's called LockedUp and it's soooooo good yet evry freaky!\:eek\: Tell me wat you think about it after you watch it ok? *Lex*\:P

lexiann123Aug 5, 2007

Of course I'll check it out!\:D I promise the moment it comes on I'll read it!!!\;\) You're a FANTASTIC writer and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE how you put so much detail into it! I know I hate college to I mainly got the game for the stuff LOL!\:P Anyways you might write a legacy!? That's AWESOME! I'll read all of them and give an opinion on them!\:D Oh PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE and PLEASE don't stop writing! Your stories are so addicting and beautiful! I'm LAZY to that's why It's taking me so long for the next story to come out and it will be out soon, promise! I've got the pictures I just need to do the writing part, which for me is when I get LAZY! It will be out soon though!\;\) Back to the point though. You just can't stop writing!!! I LOVE your stoies and so does everyone else they would be so sad if you quit! I know I would!\:\( \:\( \:\( Just PLEASE don't quit!\:\( I can't wait for your story to come out I'll read it a.s.a.p. Thanks again for the really NICE compliment! See that's why I write stories it's because ppl like you!\;\) \:P Thanks soooooooooooooooooooooooooo much! You rock and again PLEASE DON'T STOP WRITING!!\:D \:\) \:P

spooneroonAug 5, 2007

Thanks for commenting on my story Redo That House! \:D

S.CainsAug 4, 2007

Hi there! Thanks for your support in reading and commenting on my stories. I have uploaded the Finale of Pressure To Be Beautiful just now, so it should be up tomorrow. \:D

tdyanndAug 4, 2007

Thanks for the comment on "The Garage"! \:D

lexiann123Aug 3, 2007

I meant stubborn

lexiann123Aug 3, 2007

OK but I still think you're a fantastic writer!\:D I don't wanna mess with ya if your so tubborn!LOL!\:P \;\)

hiedibear75Aug 3, 2007

Thank you for reading my story about Lumbar the service dog.\:wub\: Much of what you read is what happens to service dogs as puppies while at the puppy raisers. Most of the "real" training is actually done by a training facility, not at a person's home (although sometimes people can have a dog trained for them to do some tasks....but the creme of the crop are from accredited schools). \:rah\: The waiting list to have one of these dogs is extremely long (more people in need than acceptable dogs) but the independence, safety and health are well worth the wait. \:wub\:

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