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The_Unicorn's Guestbook

NoFrillsSep 15, 2006

Hi, \:\) Thanks for your new comments on my pinewood office! I really appreciate it! \:D

DOTSep 12, 2006

Hi \:\) I love your sculpture walls. Those are the prettest things \:wub\: Thanks

eviSep 10, 2006

Hi Unicorn!\:wub\: Nice to see you here! Thanks so much for downloading my formal wear for boys. I very much appreciate your comments\:\)See you around\;\)

maylynn55Aug 29, 2006

Hi Sandra, Thank you for your sweet comment on my Burgundy Paisley wall. \:wub\: I'm glad you like it. \:\) May

Cerulean TalonAug 26, 2006

The pleasure was definitely all mine. Smiles, Cerulean Talon

NoFrillsAug 23, 2006

Hi Sandra, yes I turned the rating thing off, since I want to get some more nice comments like yours hehe!! Many thanks! \;\)

bojaniAug 20, 2006

sorry about that, \:o you asked in my guestbook what i thought of it in game, so i didn't think to mention its name. its the Rounded Panel, white with the red rose.. thank you for your offer to make a plain one, that would be great. \:wub\:

bojaniAug 19, 2006

hey honey, love your new avatar. i like the wall but personally think it would look better with the rose in just the front panel \:\) and a plain one to off set it each side would be the go.. \:wub\: annie

mluxaAug 6, 2006

You're welcome - hope the weather in the Netherlands is good for you this weekend. It's raining here in Iowa in the U.S.

kimikatAug 5, 2006

sandra - no problem..... anything you come up with --- and WhenEver \:cool\: you come up with it -- will be terrific! i have learned much about patience and ''going with the flow'' since becoming disabled/housebound 9 yrs ago [a tough act to learn when one is used to a life of nonstop adventuring_poverty level, naturally..... always more fun and creative that way! \:rah\: sooooo....... there is certainly no -urgency- attached to my 'wishful dreams' by any means___ more like random thoughts/ideas/suggestions whenever you are in an ''eleganza''. ''aztec'' and/or unicorn fantasy creative mood. thanks! kimikat \:P

kimikatJul 27, 2006

hi again - it would wonderful if you created any sort of complete ''room sets'' - i.e. bathroom, or bedroom, living room, kitchen, etc etc [or even one for each of the above room sets...\:D \:wub\: ] with either your eleganza and/or aztec themes. now and then i really enjoy designing and building an entire house witha single theme - instead of my usual mix n' match. the absolute best, though, would be a complete house set based upon your tsr ''nom de plume'' the unicorn. \:P \:P maybe some fantasy unicorns, pegasus' [pegasi ??] with a few faeries, sprites, pixies, elves, imps, brownies and other magical woodland critters added in. can you tell one of my favorite sims 1 expansion packs was the magic one? \;\) thanks for writing in my gb, too! kimikat

wolfstarz7Jul 16, 2006

\:wub\: Hi there ! Thanks sooo much for giving us the awesome classic Surf prints... with the historical Woodies and waves...! I grew up seeing these driving along the beach and absolutely love that you've created them for our simmies ! My simmies as a lot are pretty casual... and they all love the ocean, surfing and the relaxed atmosphere and attitude of this lifestyle ! LOL ! I always enjoy your artistic sense and have downloaded lots of your custom content ! So, thanks again... and looking forward to more of your wonderful designs and creations ! \:D

kimikatJul 15, 2006

\:P i am very impressed with your creations! thank you for sharing your talents with all of us. i particularly like your eleganza, aztec, purples, and anything with animals sets. please let me know, if you have the time, if you add to your aztec or eleganza creations. thanks and thank you! \:rah\: kimikat

sherrie_simJul 14, 2006

Thanks for your comment on my winter rose set, these are my very first objects and I'm really glad you liked them \:D

RaveenaJul 11, 2006

Thanks for your sweet comment on my Tiki screens. I'm so glad you like them.

mamakinJul 8, 2006

\:o Oop, sorry for mistaking you on the wall creation for sims 1, I may have been thinking of Henwen?-- but i swear there was someone with a screen name similar to yours way back when that also made great walls for sims 1. In any case....thrilled to put your quality walls in my game and hope you do not tire of it. I will look for your recolors of objects, too!

detimgiJul 6, 2006

Thanks Sandra for commenting on the summer garden light wicker set. I'm glad you liked it. I like your creations too. You are very talented\:\)

NeptuneSuzyJul 4, 2006

Hi! Thanks so much for the nice comment you left on my Paintings! I really appreciate it! Sue \:\)

maylynn55Jun 26, 2006

Hi Sandra, Of course you can use some of my walls to recolor some items. I have a buttercream that I will submit today, that is a very pale yellow, that you may like also. If you could perhaps just mention where the texture came from I would be very appreciative. Also, I am working on some monochromatic stripes and plaid lace walls/floors that would look terrific as funiture textures, which I hope to have up by next week. You can see a preview of those in my blog, if you are interested. Take care and thank you for liking the walls/floors enough to want to do a room using them. Talk to you soon. May

maylynn55Jun 25, 2006

Hi Sandra, Thank you, hon, for the lovely comment on my lace walls and floors...I'm so glad you like them. \:wub\: How have you been doing? I think of you often and hope all is well with you and your family. Have a nice week. Thank you again! \:wub\: May \:\) P.S There will be more colors being published all week and all new sets the week after, including more pinks and lavenders. I hope you enjoy them all. \;\)

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