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hiedibear75's Guestbook

SIMcredible!Aug 1, 2010

Hello, Hiedi \:D Cool to know you and Denise can talk so often by this low price \:\) here telephone low price is from 12AM to 5:59AM... the time when nobody will talk but sleep... it's ridiculous! And only works for local calls. Other city, no low price \:\( But happily you both are not here \:D  But sorry to hear Denise is not feeling fine lately...I've sent her hugs yesterday too... \:wub\:  Thanks for tell me about your playing cards experiences \;\) I am happy you still have fun with your sims2 \:\) When sims3 came out I've talked with girls here "there are still so many things to do with our sims2"... but we bought the game and now it's too late to give up \:rah\: \:D LOL! Your son vampires game play is funny! \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: Thanks for share!  Sorry to hear you can't swim but at the same time happy to hear you are not melting \:D  Take care and enjoy your Sunday with your family and your sims \;\) Hugs, Andres \:wub\:

maxi kingAug 1, 2010

\:wub\:Hi sweety!How are you doing?I hope everything is fine!Over here it looks like a nice and warm day,I put the washing on in a minute before the rain will come our way!lol!\:DHey,have you heart anything new from Denise?It's been so long now and I'm worried about her!It didn't sound good what you told me last time!\:oAnyway,I hope you have a wonderful,painfree day with lots of sim-time!Huge hugs Irmtraut\:wub\:

ziggy28Aug 1, 2010

\:D Its me again!!! Forgot to say I didnt cook tonight we had a takeaway (indian curry).. But I have just finished cooking a roast smoked gammon (ham) joint for dinner tomorrow..mmmmmm.. The smell is driving me mad!! Smells really nice...lol \:P Are you eating any better now??? (((hugs))) Lorraine

BBdoll3Aug 1, 2010

Heya!  Sorry took me so long to reply, but I was able to load my (your) walls.  They look fantastic in my homes.  Thanks again! Have fantastic weekend...:P

ziggy28Jul 31, 2010

\:D Ohh Keith is just putting a video of Cerys sledging last winter and falling off on FB..\:P ((hugs)) Lorraine

ziggy28Jul 31, 2010

\:D Hiya!! Nooo Keith doesnt keep the fish he catches, he throws them back its a sport not for eating \:wub\: Most of the time when I play I dont cheat I like them to earn the money..lol I make them work hard for it..lol Keith has put the pond pics up on FB and please try that video again it really funny... \:P I hope it works now for you \:\( I have been having a go at using the new Create-A-Pattern tool for TS3 from EA Games.. Its a very annoying tool and I think it doesnt work right \:eek\: But I expect its me \:P But there again you know how EA Games like us to do all the testing for them,, ssooooooo it might not be ME \;\) I hope you are having a good weekend so far \:wub\: ((higs)) Lorraine

topaz27Jul 31, 2010

Hi Hiedi, I do hope you are keeping well and having a lovely weekend \:\) lots of hugs Topaz \:wub\:

SIMcredible!Jul 31, 2010

Hello, Hiedi! \:D Oh sorry to hear you have lost your son pics... after loose so many important stuff (including whole sims sets totally done! \:o ) we are psycho about thumb drives. There's one that we never remove from USB port. It's there all the time. And every day when turning off the machine we store all things we did there (meshes, graphics, pictures, documents, all). When it's too full, we burn a DVD with all stuff and let the thumb all empty to be used again \;\) But we only learnt after loose several things too...  Here in Brazil we don't have original Oreo but we have a similar one called Negresco. And it's so yummy! But I wish I could bite an original oreo once. Really cute the name (and also the nick) of your furry friend \:\)  EA finally announced a new interesting EP for Sims3. It's the Late Night EP, a mix of TS2 Nightlife and TS1 Superstar. I didn't have superstar and never was interested on it, but Nightlife I wanted to have... I still don't know why I didn't buy Nightlife on the time I had sims2... I always wanted to play cards and be a vampire \:P And the cars, I only knew now on sims3... sometimes I do things I can't explain... idiot me \:wacko\: ... do you often put your sims to play cards? Is it as cool as it looks like?Or it is similar to Bon Voyage's Mahjong table? Just curious! I didn't like the Mahjong table at all... although I liked to play Mahjong myself some time ago... So, you are under summer and should be swimming in daytime and Simming in the evenings \:D Hope you are having lots of fun, my friend! Oh you are on telephone with Denise!! How cool! \:wub\: Hugs to you, your family and for Denise too!! ... I will send hugs for her anyway too \;\) Take care and have fun, Andres

katalinaJul 30, 2010

Hiya Heidi\:D Yes we are half pints for sure lol! I have an older sister who lives in Mission Viejo Ca. The weather is always perfect in Cali. Here in Ga it has been in the 90+ degrees and gets really humid in the morning and then later on around 5pm. It's like being in a sauna so I would much rather have your weather lol!  Have a great weekend\:\)

ziggy28Jul 30, 2010

\:eek\: OMG FLYING cockroaches!!!! I wouldnt want any kind thanks!! \:eek\: What wonderful memories you must have of that trip not many peeps would will have done that or had the chance to do it. \:D Yeah that weather is making poor Katalina ill \:wub\: I like to get new CC too the trouble is I end up with so much of it and I'm sure I never play with half of it \:P With TS3 I have 2 The Sims folders one for play and 1 for creating \;\) When I was little we used go camping in France a whole load of us like, mom, dad, grandparents, aunties, uncles, cousins and me, I have great memories of that time \:D I miss those days \:\( Im not sure whats for dinner tonight but I made my own beef burgers last night mmmmmmmmmmmm...lol I think we might have a takeaway because Im not sure what time Keith will be home, he has gone fishing..I keep meaning to ask you did you the the video click that Keith put on his face book? It's of Cerys.. If you havent see it take a look its done in old black and white (charlie chaplin style) very funny \:P Well TC hun ((((hugs))))) \:wub\: chat soon Lorraine

Wolfsim68Jul 30, 2010

Thanks chicky. I really appreciate the support. Love & Hugs \:wub\: Shaz

ziggy28Jul 29, 2010

\:D Hiya!! I made a hotel for TS2,  it had a restaurant. I wanted a hairdressers too but could only have one business \:\( Yours sounds great \:rah\: lol Your friend's antics made me laugh, serve him right!! \;\) I will tell Katalina too send you some sun \:D She is will be glad to see it go I think \:D TC (((hugs))) Lorraine

ziggy28Jul 28, 2010

\:D It looks very pretty in the Appalachian Mountains, that is where Katalina is. \;\) She says it is very hot there at the moment in the 90's!! Phew!!! lol TC Lorraine

ziggy28Jul 28, 2010

\:D lol No not a nappy/diaper..lol You know what a bay window looks like? Flat on the topthe roof of the bay window? Well the stuff they use to cover the flat bit so the rain doesnt leak in is some times made of lead, like a sheet of lead to cover the flat part on top of the bay, and fastens into the brick work well that is what they ripped out and stole the lead covering the top of the flat bay window \;\) Lead and  a lot of other metals are very expensive now and they rip them off and sell it to scrap yards to make money\;\) Nope you couldnt see Caper's spots \:mad\: ..lol He was black all over... Where I live in the West Midlands it is called the Black Country because of all the industry and mining that used to be here. \;\) We had chicken breasts in BBQ sauce, mixed veg and mashed potoatoes.. Im doing steak with new potatoes, peas and peppercorn sauce tonight!!! Im sorry to hear that your cars got broken into \:mad\: The nerve of some peeps \:mad\: Im glad your friend got her bible back, that must have been really upsetting for her because of the sentimental value and could never have been replaced \:wub\: You saying about your disabled thingy being stolen reminds me of a bit on the news here, well in Birmingham not far from us. They were using other peeps cards to park so they didnt have to pay and police did a sting and lay in wait to see who was driving and they matched up to disabled parking permits and if they didnt they towed the cars away!!! lol \:P Good idea yes??..lol Anyways hun better go, catch you laters (((hugs))) Lorraine \:wub\:

ziggy28Jul 27, 2010

\:D You know me very classy \:P I will have a look your pics when I find a moment!! \:wub\: Its been all go here today...Where shall I start ...Ahh... I know !!!! OMG!!!! Keith has had another plonker moment \:eek\: He left the dog out all night!!! He didnt realise he had snuck out!!! And Caper isnt a barky dog!!! Anyways you should have seen him, where we live they used to mine coal so the earth is very black in colour and when Keith built the pond he dug down and left the pile of dirt in the garden... Well you have guessed it \:P Casper was BLACK!!! As you know Casper is mostly white!!! OMG my bathroom was BLACK, the bath was BLACK, my bath rug was BLACK we had to shower him in the bath!!!! Then Keith had to clean my bathroom \:mad\: because I only cleaned all last week!!! Then Keith decided to make a start on our bedroom so he has started stripping the old paper off and move all the stuff we moved the other week when we had the new bed \:\( ...I hate all the mess!!! Then I looked out of the bedroom window to see some barstewards had nicked the lead flashing off my neighbour's bay window in the night \:mad\:  We had to tell him when he came home, he had to cover it with plastic sheet till they councill can sort it out because my neighbour rents his house from them...Poor bloke.. We didnt hear anything and we sleep in the front bedroom...\:\( So we have a busy day. Keith has fitted a CC TV camera to look at our bay today incase they they come back and take a fancy to our flashing too \:mad\: Im going to do dinner now catch you laters \:wub\:  (((hugs))) Lorraine

ziggy28Jul 26, 2010

\:o How can you break a building?\:confused\: After all that work \:mad\: Have a good scream!! I think if I worked on something for that long and it feel apart you would hear me scream where you are \:P I wondered what had happened to you, but then again I knew your son was visiting so I thought you were spending your time with him \:D Im glad you had a good weekend with him and he got to do father and son stuff with Mike, he is a good guy to take him  under his wing so to speak \:wub\: Your new lots sound really interesting I will have a good luck when you post them \:D When I had Cerys, because of my age they asked me if I wanted to have my tubes tied, it was an emergency c-section, so while they had me open they could do it then. I had it done I didnt think I would want anymore after Cerys, and it saved me another op \:\) Her birth was the worst, the pain was unbearable I said to Keith after, if had given me a gun I would have used it \:eek\: She has broken up now for the summer holidays \:eek\: 6 weeks !!! and of course its back to the usual british summer time weather here now RAIN!!!! Typical!!! Catch you soon hun ((((hugs)))) Lorraine

maxi kingJul 26, 2010

\:wub\:Hi Hiedi!I'm glad you enjoyed your weekend!It sounds that Mike is a real good friend as well as your help!Well over here it's cooler now,nowhere to go in the pool!I got alot paper work to do but I hope to get some sims time when I'm finished with it!And then the school starts soon again,so I have more spare time then as well!Have a wonderful day my friend!Hugs Irmtraut\:wub\:

Small Town SimJul 25, 2010

thanks for noticing hiedi \:\)

maxi kingJul 24, 2010

\:wub\:Hi Hiedi!I just stoped by to wish you a wonderful weekend with your son!I hope you have great whether and a lovely time! TC, hugs Irmtraut\:wub\:

ziggy28Jul 22, 2010

\:D Hiya!! \:wub\:  As you know I have four children I only had one c-section and that was with Cerys mind she weigh 9lb 13 1/2 oz..lol She was a whopper!!! So for my height I havent done too bad \:P What you up to?? Im making paintings..lol TC (((hugs))) Lorraine

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