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tonkpils24Jun 21, 2006

I was wondering how do get vampires?!Do you have to have the University expansion pack or is it cheat code or do you have to download them?

sweet69scooterJun 4, 2006

Hi thanx for the help your a very good instructor, but i have one more question, i only have a button to upload them to the sims2 site how do i upload them to anywhere else like tsr? I just read your other story the pleasantview legacy it was good to, i've allready started a storie in my game with one of my new families i made and didn't start yet so i started them with a story, so thanx for the help. Fran

sweet69scooterJun 2, 2006

Hi, Great vampire legacy story, i have read all 4 so far and can't wait for 5 to come out, i love the stories and i have yet had any vampire sims in my game yet, i have all the ep's even FFS but yet to go there with vampires i do have some aliens though you just can't help it when your sims get abducted, i've allways thought about writing stories to go with my familys but don't have a clue how you go about it, if you could give me some hints i'd love it. I'm allso a mts2 fan and go there often looking for anything out of the ordinary i do have a question tho the vampire elixer you use to change your sims from vampire back to human state does that come with the game or is that a mts2 special? Thanx for the reading. Fran

katie_kibbleJun 2, 2006

Just read your first 4 Legacy stories 'cause I was bored \:P I have to say that I enjoyed them though. Thanks to you, I now have the toddler blanket and the clothes thing (whatever it was) and I'm sure they'll help me in my game, so thanks! \:rah\: I look forward to the next 6 parts \:D

JubilantJun 1, 2006

I have to let you know that i love your Legacy stories. It will be a long wait for Chapter 5. Your sense of humor is so witty. Absolutely love it. - erin

jakedoomMay 29, 2006

In case you still need names for your vampire story ^_^ A-Z girls: Autumn, Ashley, Allison, Andrea, Amber, Ariel, Ava, Alicia Bethie, Betty, Brooke, Brea, Brigette, Brenna, Bailey, Bianca Coral, Cynthia, Celina, Carol, Charlotte, Cameo, Claudia Diana, Destiny, Donna, Daphnie, Della, Demi, Daisy, Dorothy Eve, Erin, Elizabeth, Elle, Ember, Evita, Eileene, Evonne Felicity, Faith, Fay, Felicia, Finoa, Freya, Fern Gwen, Ginny, Grace, Gloria, Gale, Gabrielle, Gypsy, Giselle Holly, Heather, Hillary, Haley, Hannah, Helen, Hada India, Isabella, Indira, Ivy, Iris, Ida, Ingrid, Iman, Italia Jeanette, Jessica, Jenny, Jewel, July, June, Jean, Josi, Jade, Jane Kristianna, Karla, Katy, Kali, Kitty, Karma, Keira, Kim, Kyrie Luna, Laura, Lucy, Lenore, Liz, Lynne, Lyla, Lilith, Lacy, LeeAnne Maddison, Melissa, Melody, Madeline, May, Molly, Meghan, Mary Nicky, Nicole, Nichelle, Nadia, Nev, Nancy, Naomi, Noel, Natalie Odette, Ophelia, Olivia, Olympia, Olga, Oprah Padma, Patricia, Paula, Paulette, Pheobe, Paige, Prudence, Poppy Quina, Queenie Rowena, Rachel, Rian, Reese, Rhianna, Rory, Roberta, Ruth, Rain Sheila, Sherry, Susan, Sally, Scarlet, Sandy, Selena, Sibyl, Sonya Tira, Tiffany, Trudy, Tamara, Tina, Tia, Theresa, Tanna, Tabatha Uma, Ursa, Ulani Viola, Violet, Veronica, Valerie, Valencia, Vera, Venus Wendy, Wednesday, Winona, Wren, Willow, Wanda, Wilma Xenia, Xia, Xena Yuriko, Yumi, Yavonne, Yasmine Zoe, Zada, Zora, Zara A-Z boys: Aaron, Aiden, Alexander, Atticus, Armand, Abraham, Allan, Arthur Brody, Brian, Byron, Bill, Bryce, Bronson, Broderic, Bernard Calvin, Christopher, Craig, Caine, Claude, Caleb, Cole, Chester Dean, Devon, Daniel, Dustin, David, Drew, Dean Eric, Ezeikial, Evan, Ernest Frederick, Fabian, Faust, Flint, Felix Grayson, Gregory, Gabriel, Gustave, George, Graham, Gavin Hamilton, Harry, Harrison, Heath, Hugh, Hunter Ichabod, Ian, Isaac, Irving Jacob, Jeremy, Jarod, James, John, Jasper, Jack, Joseph Killian, Keaton, Kyle, Kevin, Kent, Kurt Lyle, Louis, Lucius, Logan, Lional, Leo, Levi Michael, Maurice, Martin, Marshall, Murray, Marlon Nicolas, Nathan, Neil, Norman, North, Nigel, Nicodemus Oscar, Oliver, Orion, Omar, Oswald, Orson, Ovid Patrick, Payton, Pablo, Perry, Paul, Patch, Peter Quentin, Quincy Robert, Russell, Rufus, Roger, Raphael, Roger, Rhett, Ralph, Remy Steven, Stephan, Sander, Scott, Seamus, Saxon, Saul, Sebastian, Sean Travis, Theodore, Tyler, Thomas, Tucker, Timothy, Tanner Ulric, Urban, Ulysses Vincent, Victor, Vladimir, Virgil, Vaughn, Vance Walter, Wally, Wade, Webster, Walker, Wyatt, Willis, Wilson Xavier, Xuan, Xander York, Yuri, Yorick Zale, Zachary, Zain, Zack

trissMay 27, 2006

i came across your Vampire Chronicles today and i must say it's a really great thing to read. can't wait for the continuation.

neenorninaMay 22, 2006

Your stories are really fun to read , thanks for sharing them x

Little SeerMay 20, 2006

I enjoyed your legacy stories. I like the way you write. You have style! \:D Cheers!

JubilantMay 19, 2006

Did you need names for the rest of your legacy Sims. I'd love to give some ideas. - erin

DeJaVuDuJan 21, 2005

Yes, you can use my egyptian stuff. Just give me credit whenever anyone asks. I'm glad you like them. I plan on doing more egyptian hair and clothes later, once I get off my victorian kick. Thanks!

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