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samcactus101's Guestbook

LellieGMay 17, 2008

Hiya! \:\) Not doing much at the mo, actually, just forumizing, simming, etcetera! \:D \:cool\: \:P See ya! \:rah\:

Arelly LizetteMay 17, 2008

\:DHello! \:cool\:I guess it happens to all of us!!!\:wub\: Happy Simmin'

bec71May 17, 2008

Haha yeh, i dont rly like justin timberlake coz hes like rly gay. lol sry if u like him but i rly what have u been up to?\:\)

lexiann123May 17, 2008

ahhhhhhhh, so that's what it is eh?\:P lol! Well, nothing much! I have a busy day tommorrow. I'm hanging out with all my friends for like a whole day. First I'm going downtown with my best friend Rachel. We're going to eat out and talk just us. Then I have to go to my other good friend birthday party where I am the only girl there, since it's all guys......guess that's the toll ya have to pay for having guy friends! lol! But it'll be fun. We're going bowling and eating pizza, so I can't complain!\:D \:P What are you doing this weekend? *Lex*

LellieGMay 17, 2008

Hey Sam! Just popped in to say hi! \:D And your doggy's adorable! \:wub\: See ya round! \:rah\:

hiedibear75May 17, 2008

Well it WAS tons of fun.\:cool\: I hurt to much in the cold and so I'm to busy hurting to have any fun when it's cold enough for there to be snow on the ground.\:mad\: But yes playing in the snow can be an absolute blast!\:cool\: Take care.\:wub\:

KatelysMay 16, 2008

Hi..Thanks for the comment on my Picnic screenshot, I'm glad you like it\:\) Have a nice day!

cinderellimouseMay 16, 2008

Hiya Sam!!! How's things? \:wub\: Thanks for your comment on my "Fish Face" screenie! \:D

lexiann123May 16, 2008

Yeah, VERY sorry about that!\:\( I was gone for a while, but now I'm back and here to stay!\:D \:D Thank you! I tried to make it sound niice, and I'm glad it did! WOW! It seems like you have TONS of exams whenever I talk to you! Sounds like total chaos! I wish you the BEST of luck though! You're VERY smart, so I'm sure that you'll pass!\;\) *Lex*

DirtdevillMay 16, 2008

Hi, Sam!\:D Thank you for having a look at my Secret Wish screenie. I'm very glad you liked it!\:D Have a wonderful weekend! Grtz, Dirtdevill\:D

hiedibear75May 16, 2008

If you & your family do get to come to the US & Disney Land at the end of the year you guys could take a rented car or truck (in the mountains you'll need chains on the tires).....but playing in the snow is a lot of fun! \:wub\: I'm betting you've never done THAT before. \;\) Once upon a time (before my accident) I used to go on ski trips all the time. \:D My cousins live in Utah, in that state they get snow from late October-early November through March; we used to take cardboard boxes cover then with duct tape and go find a hill then race each other down to the bottom. \:rah\: I miss having snowball fights with them.\:confused\: Well glad I answered the season confusion. \:D I put a new you'll have something else to say about me. \:P \:D \:wub\: L8R \:wub\:

lexiann123May 15, 2008

I KNOWWWWWWW!!! I t was the longest GB entry I've EVER seen too! HAHAHAHAHA!\:P I'm pretty good, what about you Sam?!?! OH NO!!! Of course I haven't forgotten about you!!! You're like one of my best friend on here!!! I thought I had sent you message, but I was mistaken.\:\( SO SORRY!!! So what have you been up to? And THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH for the comment you lefty on my screenshot!!! You're ALWAYS so SWEEEEEET! I'll make a screenshot for you soon too! I can see how those 2 names are alike! Well have a FANTASTIC day Sam!!! Talk to you VERY soon! BYEEEEEEEEE! *Lex*

mirkasimsMay 15, 2008

\:rah\: Thanks for comments on my 'My sweet ballerina" pic! \:\)

hiedibear75May 15, 2008

Hey Sam I saw you were kinda curious about the US and seasons. \:confused\: Well basically the northern states get snow during the late fall and winter through sometimes till early spring. Summer= June, July, & August. Fall=September, October,& November. Winter=December, January, & February. Spring = March, April, & May. The further North you go the more snow and longer durations of it. Almost every state however has mountains that get snow during winter.....even desert states like Arizona and New Mexico. California get snow mainly in mountains except Northern California which gets it at lower elevations some times. The U.S. is a very large country and so we have a lot of diverse geography. \:cool\: I like California the best though......only state you can go surfing on the morning tide then drive to the mountains and snow ski before sunset.\:wub\:

sweetcharmingMay 11, 2008

Hi! \:wub\: Thanks for leaving a comment on my latest shot, I'm glad that you liked it! \:\) And yes, the next chapter will be the last one of NOIR, but my mind is already filled with new ideas for new stories, so I don't think I will need much time until I can begin with the next story...\:D Have a wonderful day and take care!

RIDanceMay 10, 2008

oh oh! and oasis island 10 is posted. \;\)

hollandgirlMay 10, 2008

yeah drug stores \:D they're just called coffeeshops here (and a real drug store is a "apotheek" \:D) but no with extraordinary people i don't mean prostitutes, i mean people with very different looks \:D and the canals can look pretty but i've seen those in s'Hertogenbosch, another big city in holland, and they're much more beautiful \:\) but i don't want to ruin it for you, i sound so negative \:D

RIDanceMay 10, 2008

oh man, sam! i'm so sorry to hear that. i know how tough school can be (especially math! blah. it's not my subject of choice either!). it's hard juggling all of those courses and maintaining perfect grades! be proud of yourself that you did so well in biology and passed your other classes. \:\) i hope you and your friend start to feel better about it. good luck w/ your midyear!!! \;\) rach

RIDanceMay 9, 2008

yea it did because i kind of used bad language. whatev. i'm actually about to fix it right now and hopefully it'll be posted on the site in a couple of days. life's pretty good... busy but good! how's yours?! \:\)

JayCazMay 9, 2008

Hi! Thanks for reading Criminally Cartwright. Yeah, I love the ninja costume too; I figured, it's there, why not use it. \:D Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it enough to keep reading. It looks like I'll have to keep writing! Take Care!\:D \;\)

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