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shadow66's Guestbook

KDLANG0Sep 28, 2008

I´m off to bed now, just wanted to say night night and give you your hug-fix \:D \;\) \:P So here it is: BigWetPinkZombieUnicorLadybugBee MonkeyGiraffeZebraTigerElephantTheDumboWerewolfVampireBigfootBlack EvilWarlockAngelAlienPlantPinguineSnoopyHug! Catch ya and take care! \:wub\: \:rah\:

KarieSep 28, 2008

Oh, poor puppies! Fortunatly, Timber is still young, he will be 4 on Dec 9th. We got him when he was 6 weeks old. He was supposed to be "daddy's" boy...but...he's mama's baby! Same with the kitties. Chip was supposed to be my hubby's kitty, ended up mine, Prancer was supposed to be Daddy's kitty...ended up mine. Dale has always been mine. Critters seem to like me. I don't know why. It's okay, cuz I love them! About the worst sim disaster I had, was this family I had been working very hard on. There were a bunch of kids, finally starting to grow up. Well, winter came along, and 2 snuck out into the snow. I didn't know it until I saw the social worker come and take them away! They..uh..froze outside. I had to grow one of the kids up, and make her adopt back her brother and sister. They ended up showing up as HER kids, and not her siblings. Then, I built all the siblings houses, moved them out (one croaked at someone else's house & I never figured out how), and was set to get them going in their own lives..and I think it was Pets or a different expansion I installed and it killed my WHOLE game.\:mad\: I lost them all forever. Hum...I think I am going to go play Sims now. Wish me luck!

KDLANG0Sep 28, 2008

Gosh, sorry I´ve just read my last message, I´ve NOT listened to Queen since Freddie died, that means only their old music.. Hope this´ll make sence! \:o

KDLANG0Sep 28, 2008

The love of my life buying sims for me? \:eek\: That´ll be the day! *LOL* He hates sims and harry potter\:\( But on the other hand he did buy me the last potter book for a christmasgift, the danish one, I already had the english one \:D So guess there´s still hope for him! \:wub\: So maybe if I told him, he might would buy it! I´ll think about that *LOL*. Yeah John (my everlasting love) would definitely agree with you on the Queen-thing! I do like Queen, but there´s other great bands, but honestly I´ve listened to them since Freddie died, so I do not know anything about their new music?! Poor old dogs, poor you! But I guess it´ll be better for them, being put to sleep! But I know how hard that must be for you \:\( ... I´m not that great at "sucking up" you know! \:o But I´ll try to figure out what to do next *LOL*. But can´t wait for my next cute fix \:wub\: Or the next or the next or... \:wub\: \:rah\: I´ll be back later with that hug of yours \;\) Catch ya\:rah\:

KDLANG0Sep 28, 2008

Your oppinion is always appreciated! \:P \:D Think I´ll buy it as my birthday present! \:wub\: And I did recognise Queen and sure it´s one of the best band ever \:wub\: (I´m seriously sucking up here *LOL*) Well hamsters breeds like rats! *LOL* But anyway, putting a male in the same cage as 3 females I´d say you asked for it girl! *LOL* \:P \;\) We´ve thank goodness only got her, but she´s a handfull... Well don´t pity her, she pretty much rules our lives *LOL*..How´s your dog btw? Hope she´s better and it´s nothing too serious \:wub\: Well I´m off playing a little more before bedtime! Catch ya and take care with your little BigWetPinkZombieUnicornLadybugBeePinguineDumboTheElephantGiraffe MonkeyZebraTigerBlackEvilWarlockAngelSweetMadCowAlienPlantVampire BigfootWerewolfPinguineNannySnoopyHug! \:wub\: \:rah\:

KarieSep 27, 2008

I think at that point, I would have started dismantling walls to help them. The move objects code is my good friend! When you went back in, did you still get twins? What's wrong with your dog? I hope he/she is better soon. My dog is mad/upset at the moment. Hiedi's kids and niece are here and he really wants out to visit, but Kuira is only 4 and is kind of afraid of my big ol' husky. He's in his bed (for a bit) and whining! Poor ol' Timber.\:\( He will be freed from his "bed" soon, so don't worry!

hiedibear75Sep 27, 2008

NO the songs did NOT help. \:rolleyes: Well of course it does give me something to help tune them out with. \;\) LOL \:P Nah.....just been achy & I don't know why; rotten luck I guess. \:rolleyes: She's my pal & I lover her.......I just wish we could find the off, pause, or mute to her MP3 player. \;\) LMAO \:P Well off to make sure the towels are dry for our swim with the kids. \:cool\: TC. \:wub\: Have a great weekend (I hope). \:rah\:

hiedibear75Sep 27, 2008

No & Laurie will be there for AT LEAST one more night. They think Arianna has some sort of infection and are doing all sorts of labs while keeping her. I'm sorry to hear about your dog. Hope she\he gets better soon. Well when you do get them submitted I'll be there to download them. I've got the kids coming over for a visit soon. TC & hope things start looking up. \:wub\:

wolfstarz7Sep 27, 2008

\:\) Hey Shadow, That's ok about not being able to create white frames for your paintings... see I didn't even know it was a "meshing" thing! \:o And I'll just use them the way they are cause I like so many of them... and my sims won't care that the frames aren't white, that's just a picky thing that is all about me... LOL! Thanks again for all the beautiful art, I just got the updated CEP too so now am off to see your work in my game! \:rah\: \:wub\:

Cali95678Sep 27, 2008

\:wub\: Yes I love your designs and creations. When I create I mostly use what I like and I do I do love yours. Thank you \:wub\: I am looking forward to the curtains. I can hardly wait and thanks for letting me know when they will be available. You are just awesome \:rah\: \:rah\: Carol

KDLANG0Sep 27, 2008

Well hello there my sweetest insulted Mad mad Cow! \:o \:wub\: I really don´t get it, you said you wanna sleep for 12 hours and then you said you would have a hard time sleeping? That just doesn´t make any sense dear! And sure enough you are free and not for sale \:o \:wub\: Gosh you´re mad huh? *LOL* Well I think I´m doing a really bad work here sucking up to you \:cool\: Just wanted to stop by and give you your fix, if you still want it that is \:P But I know an addict needs her fix \:D And I´ve got mine today, a sweet cute pinguine fix \:wub\: Haven´t tried it yet though, been reading instead \:o. Well weekend is here, so might play a little before sleeping tonight \:wub\: \:rah\: But ok can´t let you wait anylonger can I, so here´s your hug: BigWet PinkZombieAlienPlantWerewolfVampireBigfootUnicornLadybugBeeDumbo ZebraMonkeyElephantTigerBlackEvilWarlockAngelWitchGiraffeNannySnoopy Hug! \:wub\: Catch ya \:rah\:

hiedibear75Sep 26, 2008

Yeah & she has sung it over & over again since coming home......she shared her cold with us. \:mad\: The girl can come up with a song to find any me! \:eek\: Laurie isn't very good at being good either. \:P I am anxiously (BUT PATIENTLY) waiting for those curtains of yours. \:wacko\: And of course I'm ESPECIALLY in NEED of those PINK curtains. \:D Well I'm off to load my game and see if the latest Sims2Sisters mesh will show up or crash my game. \;\) Wish us luck. \:D Thanks for the offer of " a cuppa & biccies" or however you spell it. \;\) \:wub\: TC & have a MOO-avalous weekend. \:rah\:

KarieSep 26, 2008

I just saw what you posted on Laurie's page about your sims having quads. Once, my sim decided to "pop" while in the middle of cooking dinner. She put her baby on the floor in FRONT of the stove so she could have the other baby. In the mean time, the stove caught on fire, while she was having the other baby. Fortunately, the dad was there to save newly born baby from a fiery death (I think I have pictures posted on my page) after watching his 2nd baby being born. It was quite dramatic (for my sims\:eek\:, amusing for me :P)

KarieSep 26, 2008

Opps? I don't know that many of their songs. However, I sneezed today at work, and thought "On top of Spaghetti, all covered with cheese, I lost my poor meatballs when somebody sneezed". \:confused\: That is only ONE of the MANY songs that made their way through my head all day long. Really, someone can say something, and I can almost always come up with a song. It really irritates the snot out of LaurieR and Hiedibear and my hubby (which really makes it all worth it!)\;\) I loaded my game once, enabled custom content, then we had a family night and I didn't get to check it out anymore. Okay, could have last was playing Pogo. \:P \:D

KDLANG0Sep 26, 2008

Well how would you explain it?? \:eek\: But ok, I could just have told her that you are the sweetest mad cow I know, and that´s why \:o Sorry!!!! The guinea pig, I don´t know, we have a guinea pig for pet, and she´s the sweetest, the cutest and the most crazy guinea pig I´ve ever met, remind me of a cow I once knew \:wub\: \:o \:P You know a crazy mad cow, have you ever met one of these? \:wub\: \:D \:P The pic on my frontpage is actually her along with my son. She really belongs to him, he´s actually crazy too, named her after him self *LOL*, "lille Mads the second" is her name (lille means little or small).. Well he is a boy and boys are not that clever *LOL*. Ok Ok my birthday is on the 3., you know, next friday \:o So now I´ve told ya! See I can be nice! \:o So I´m forgiven now? Not even the slightest? Please? Oh come on now I´m begging on my crying knees here! \:o

hiedibear75Sep 26, 2008

If you're a "hug junkie" then you're a cuddly cow; BIG WET DOLPHIN HUGS!!! \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

hiedibear75Sep 26, 2008

Glad you like the pic & of course I think THAT highly of you. \:rah\: Thanks for the pick-me-up. \:wub\: I haven't been feeling bad because of a bug (although Karie was nice enough to bring one back from Kentucky\Laurie's for "a souvenir". \;\) I've just been achy is all. Winter isn't even here yet & its already starting. \:rolleyes: so anyway I hope your evil "w" place wasn't too demanding of OUR cow. \:mad\: Or we'll give em a "what for". \:P Laurie is stuck in the hospital with Arianna again. \:\( Something went wrong with her shunt and it was getting backed up. \:eek\: They THINK they've got it but aren't 100% sure because she's got a swollen tummy now and that's where the shunt drains the cerebral fluid to. \:wacko\: So keep your hooves crossed for Arianna. \:\) Hope you have a great day. \:wub\:

KDLANG0Sep 26, 2008

Of course it´s good news not having a serious illness, it´s just that not knowing, it´s the worse part. I keep trying, cause something is wrong that´s for sure. They´ve been trying for a year now to sort it out, keep sending me from one specialist to another. But I´m a fighter so I´ll keep fighting! \:D \;\) .. Not for sale? I payed 30 kr. That is to you 3 pounds! *LOL* So you´re cheap! \:D (I´m not slipping in evilness like you \:D \;\) \:P \:o ) Sorry I´ll be nice from now on! \:o \:puke\: So how is it going with "my" cow pics and nursery? You know my birthday is coming up! \:wub\: And sure you´ve got a lot of time, if you don´t sleep like let´s say 11 hours! \:P \:D Yeah credits go to Laurie, but it was you who asked her to help! So a little credits to you too. Sorry if my english is horrible, I´m pretty tired! \:o But you´ll get your hug-fix \:P \;\) \:D So here it is: BigWetPinkZombieBlackEvilWarlockAngelAlienPlantUnicornBigfootLadybug BeeWerewolfVampireTigerMonkeyZebraGiraffeDumboElephantPinguineGuinea pig(don`t ask why)SnoopyHug \:wub\: Night night catch ya

hiedibear75Sep 25, 2008

You're welcome. \:D Say uh.....I still haven't HERD any comments on my "cow pride" pic. \:confused\: It's the pic on the right on my "about me". :P

rodentredSep 24, 2008

you're welcome

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