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ShawnaMarie2006Nov 25, 2008

Hi, I just had a quick question. I downloaded all your game consoles, and I organize all my objects by categories. Do I need the controllers? Or will the game console automatically have the controllers. What I mean is can I remove the controllers from the category? (I'm not going to delete them), or is their an actual interaction with the sim? Sorry for the long message. Thanks for your help, and your awesome object creations!! ~Shawna Marie~

hiedibear75Nov 22, 2008

You are just sweeter than sweet! \:wub\: \:rah\: \:wub\: Thank you so much. \:wub\: \:cool\: I'm thinking you, your date Brian the physical therapist and Matt & Jenny can all go for a nice MINIrun up to a mountain lodge for a double date. \:D You and Brian will be the drivers. \;\) How's a MINI Cooper S, black with a nice oh say hot pink or purple sound? \:cool\: Thanksgiving (MAJOR American Holiday) is on November 27th, so for right now I'm concentrating on that chapter but the chapter after that will be yours. \:D And yes I'll be sure and stop by & let you you can see your debut. \:cool\: Thanks again Heather. \:wub\: \:rah\: \:wub\: \:cool\: \:wub\:

06bekNov 19, 2008

Thankyou so much for commenting on my Choco lipgloss set \:\)

hiedibear75Nov 18, 2008

OK you've got a PM with a copy of my scripts......I also copied the location. \:cool\:

hiedibear75Nov 18, 2008

I tried it with JUST YOUR ramps......nope. \:\( I'm at a loss. \:confused\:

hiedibear75Nov 17, 2008

I will try using only your cc. \;\) Let you know how it works. \:cool\:

hiedibear75Nov 17, 2008

Oh the PC woes. \:rolleyes: Now I can't see my own mini-site. \:mad\: When it rains it pours. \:wacko\: I can't see anything that is on my own page. \:rolleyes: Oh I forgot to say before that my C drive has 11Gigs of free space. \;\) Well TC. \:wub\:

hiedibear75Nov 17, 2008

I do have 1 hack that allows toddlers and puppies & kittens to go up & down stairs. \;\) It's from Rebecah though she's from MTS2 & Insiminator. \:cool\: Could it be that or that I have SO MUCH cc? \:confused\: I just got done looking at my Download folder and I'm at 43,3?? files. \:o Hey I'm proud of myself.......I actually remembered more than JUST the thousands par. \:D Well My son just left back to his dad's. \:\( I'm off for a nice long nap. \:P 11yrs old with ADHD. \:rolleyes: \;\) \:wub\: Thanks for all your help. \:rah\: I can't send enough digital hugs. \:wub\:

hiedibear75Nov 16, 2008

I made a blog.....NO txt just the pix I was telling you of. \:\(

SyndicaNov 16, 2008

hi sweety, thanks for posting on my guest book, I use milkshape too, but I mainly use 3D Studio Max 9 with vray renderer, final render, and brazil render... which doesn't come with 3d studio max.. 3D studio max is pretty hard core, but i combine the two programs together with deep paint 3d and uvmapper pro. I am just starting my first object set, something you really haven't seen much. husk i think his name is made one but I am going into little more detail. well I better jet huggles sweetie\:wub\:\:D

SyndicaNov 15, 2008

Dear sweetheart, My name is Syndica and I am new year and I just uploaded my first creation and i am pretty excited\:D The creations you make are works of art, I also want to say I am very impressed with you're work sweety. I don't say that often, so you know i'm not pulling any legs lmao\:\) I wanted to ask what 3d program do you use? Thank you so much sweetheart and keep up the most awesome work!\:rah\: Syndica

hiedibear75Nov 15, 2008

Oh I'm sure you have all sorts of brilliant ideas.......thinking isn't out of the ordinary for you. \:cool\: As if I didn't ALREADY want to hug you. \:wub\: It'll be part of my stories for sure. \:cool\: I'm going to go turn on my game and see if it works. \:rah\: Of course it'll take almost an hr to even find out. \:o I'm such a download junkie. \:ph34r\: Thanks again SO MUCH Heather. \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

hiedibear75Nov 15, 2008

Above my backspace is insert or delete. \:\( I asked lisa9999 how she did it....hoping she did it some OTHER way than that nifty print button you have. \;\) Oh & BTW hope your future hubby isn't going to be upset.......cuz I'm going to have Matt double date with PT Brian & Brian's date is going to be a very cute and tenacious lawyer with short black hair. \;\) \:D Brian needs to find someone as special as Jenny. \:cool\:

hiedibear75Nov 14, 2008

Would it work if I take a picture with a camera phone and post in a blog? \:confused\: I don't have a button like that. \:wacko\: Actually I don't even have the key that has a "?" fell off and we couldn't get it back on. \:mad\: But I play on a laptop so it's not like I can just replace the keyboard. \:\( But the GREAT thing about lap can bring them to bed and play on it using a T.V. tray. \:cool\: Well thank you. \:wub\: \:rah\: \:wub\: \:cool\:

simsfawn200Nov 14, 2008

\:wub\: Your work is very beautiful...thank you taking your time to create these for all of us...\:wub\:

Wheels89Nov 13, 2008

Hey Hiedibear told me about your ramps\:\) they look awsome \:rah\: Thank you for doing them\:wub\: Just as soon as I have gotten enough kudos to buy a subscriptionday I'll come back and download them\:D My sims will be thrilled and espesally the one I'm planing to appear in the tird generation of my legav\:cool\: Have a nice evening\:\)

--(AdAMeK)--Nov 13, 2008

hey! you have really great where do you live...\:wub\: \:rah\:

hiedibear75Nov 13, 2008

Well I found out what the stinkin problem was......the txt files were all GONE. \:eek\: So I copied the txt files from the other computer and put them on this one. \:cool\: So now I'm off to hopefully make some accessible homes and business for my Sims. \:rah\: Thanks again Heather! \:wub\: Oh & of course you're going to be getting extra credit within my story along with windkeeper for making the wheelchair and tdylannd (Tiffany) for making the showerchair. \:cool\: Take care. \:wub\: Thanks're awesome! \:rah\:

maxi kingNov 12, 2008

\:wub\: Hi,I like that white dress!Can you tell me were did you get it from?\;\)

hiedibear75Nov 12, 2008

I just MIGHT have it now. \:D Sorry. \:o I don't know how you do it (all the wonderful cc). \:confused\: But I am OH SO GLAD. \:cool\: Well I can't wait to see and use them in my game. \:rah\: TC. wub:

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