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BlackGarden's Guestbook

hiedibear75Nov 11, 2008

I LOVE the idea! \:wub\: I try putting as much "real looking" stuff in as I can. \:\) There are going to be a whole lot of happy SIM-ers......and not JUST me & the other disabled players......I'm sure it's going to be used by others as well. \:cool\: Well I hope you had fun this weekend and have a wonderful week. \:rah\: L8R Heather. \:wub\:

squeakersNov 11, 2008

\:D Hi, thank you so much for your comment on my screenshot of Audra, she was playing in a pile of leaves, and flipped over once in a while, so I kept playing her over and over...seems like forever,LOL and I got the shot I wanted, no cheats or anything!!!!\:D

hiedibear75Nov 10, 2008

Well that's good because I kinda already started. \:D Say if you think that before the end of the year all of the modular stairs could have a ramp.....I could go through my hood where Matt is at & make all the community lots accessible; but the thing about the timing is since I'm having the story fallow the U.S. seasons & Holiday's and laws. \;\) All our laws go into effect Jan 1st. And I'd right it into the story that the laws have been there but they are now going to fine any business that does not become all the businesses that everyone sees while playing they'd see in my pix only ramped. \:cool\: But I certainly don't want to sound demanding. \:confused\: I can tell you that myself and some other chair users are all spinning 360's & popping wheelies for joy. \:rah\: This was such a wonderful things to make......thank you Heather. \:wub\: I hope you have a wonderful week. \:rah\:

hiedibear75Nov 9, 2008

I almost forgot.....when you do upload it.....I kinda know of a bunch of people here @ TSR that use I can do some "campaigning" for you \ them. \:cool\:

hiedibear75Nov 9, 2008

OMG! \:rah\: I didn't even think something like that WAS possible! \:eek\: I'm so excited about this idea! \:rah\: Thank you! \:wub\:

simal10Nov 8, 2008

Sadly no \:\( I graduated from industrial engineering and wanted have my ms degree from computer science but most of the classes have prequisites that I should have taken with my bs degree so I'm planning to have my ms degree from software engineering or computer engineering (which have less prequisites \:\)) But just looking at CompSci's course catalog makes me drool \:\) \:wub\:

simal10Nov 8, 2008

OMG Heather! I've just read that and you study the greatest major ever\:wub\: \:wub\: Just wanted to say!! Take care sweetie !!\:D

Jeremy93Nov 6, 2008

ughh i wish i was a member so i can get your stuff it looks so well made! fantastic!! love it! 1 question? how do you make those sooo well made items! im so confused loll. LOVE IT!\:D \:rah\:

Nisse2earsNov 4, 2008

Thank you very very much for all your game sets!!!! \:rah\:

drakhonaNov 2, 2008

Yay! Veggie food! (You're gonna get a lot of fans for that one.) I'm not a huge fan of default replacements, but I did download the other set and I'll leave a comment on it when I've seen it in-game. I hope to see more from you later on. :]

da_chick44493Oct 29, 2008

i love your creations............keep up the gd work!\:\)

SimkittyOct 28, 2008

Hi, Blackgarden. You do beautiful work and I love your food items (so will my sims \:P ). I have one comment to make, though. Did you know that gelatin is an animal byproduct? It's made from boiling bones. (ew. Hard to believe something so yummy came from bones :puke\:\) I don't know (not being one)if vegitarians have a problem with this but vegans, I expect, do. I know some vegitarians who eat dairy and eggs, but this is different so I thought I should mention it in case you were unaware of gelatin's origin. I was looking for new dishes and recolors of foods like gelatin. Do you do recolors? I'm bookmarking you for future visits. Good work and best wishes. Simkitty =^..^=

angels.diaryOct 26, 2008

hi i comented on ur vegeterian foods and would like to ask u something would u ever think of making quorn (sorry if spelt roung) foods for sims just am a vegeterian and i eat a lot of quorn i so love it even when i have the quorn mince with mash tatties oh i have all ur stuff and my fav is well all and iv looked all over this sim site and even at the mods and u sim stuff is the best iv see since i got the sims2 in 2004 and i got all the games exp and stuff packs u rule the cc world well done for ur work\:rah\: \:wub\: \:D from angel age 15

tdyanndOct 23, 2008

Howdy doody, Hezza! \:wub\: Thanks for the lovely comment you left on my Foliage. Thanks for all your help, too. I can't thank you enough! \:wub\:

SparkleSim_619Oct 22, 2008

Hi, Blackgarden! I am getting back to you on my platforms mesh. I would actually love that if you'd recolor my mesh! I love to see what people make of my creations, so yes, you have my full permission. Can't wait to see what it looks like! \:D

cvscorpio28Oct 22, 2008

ok thanks...I'll do that....\:D \:P \;\)

cvscorpio28Oct 21, 2008

ok I'll try again...I'll let you know what happens, maybe I did something wrong and I don't know it yet.My files are downloading, but for some reason, all I see are the collection files and nothing in them?\:confused\:I have the WinRAR Installer in my system too. but I need it to download stuff from Mod the Sims 2...I paid for subscriber content, but the download wizard the basket to store stuff.,acts strange on me to. got any ideas or suggestions?...any thing you can think of would be a great help....thanks again\:rah\: \:P \:D

skystars5Oct 20, 2008

\:D Hi BlackGarden! I just had to stop in to tell you what a wonderful idea you had to make a replacement for the Sims food. Your Vegetarian Default Replacements Lunch looks delectable! Thank you! \:wub\: \:rah\: ~Marilyn

muggelx1Oct 20, 2008

your Vegetarian Default Replacements, Lunch, a very good work\:rah\:

simal10Oct 20, 2008

Heather, I've just seen your upcoming set and it looks yummy \:\) can't wait to download it!! have a fantastic day! Hugs!!!

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