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olcia_olivinea's Guestbook

pretty_babyJan 13, 2009

Ola yes I figured my pods out finally *shakes fist* only at myself because it was so obvious and well you know.  I can be a bit silly at timess...Your lovely sim you must send her to me so I can make pictures of us together as sims \:D  My day is fine today I feel a bit weak but thats okay..its the weather that makes it much worse....Tv sleep and studying..No sims?? Oh shock horror this is not good at alL!!! I did download the book new moon off torrents I can try and find you the link again if you please..if you cant wait until the bookplace calls you!!!! Its terrible.  Wehave no copies anywhere at my local shopping place. So i am very pleased I bought them when i had the chance because its horrible waiting!!!!! \:\)Tell me who you loved in twilight....Im in love with jasper and alice. Alice because she is so lovely. and Jasper well coz he is a total hottie!!! LOL Its really great that you and your mum get along.  I am the same, and in high school alot of my friends wernt as close and i couldnt understand why. \:D I rembered that you mentioned your mum was a teacher...Well I guess they are her "kids" but you will always be her favourite\:D Spagetti evenings. Ilove it...thats adorable!! \:D It sounds like fun. Mum Food and funny shows.Do you get hayfever?? that must be really really annoying\:\( Coz July is your summer/spring???  Everything comes out and annoys your nose. Your nose is being frizzled by the weather ..oh gosh. hahha. Im so silly.I am having a chip buttee later on after dinner..for desert I guess youcould say.  Potato chip sandwich but chip buttee i think is very english because my grannie says that.  \:D And someones birthday tommorow????????? well tommorow is wednesday here....\:D  And your birthday\:D are you excited??? what do you want? what do you want to do!! \:Dx Sarah

princess_moomooJan 12, 2009

you too \:wub\: hugs\:wub\:

cvscorpio28Jan 11, 2009

your welcome ....the warmth set looks lovely in my game\:\) \:D

princess_moomooJan 11, 2009

thanks for commenting in my guestbook!!!!i just love all ur creations!!!!!!!!!! they are totally awesome!!!!!! ohh and also have a great weekend and happy simming!!!\:D  =) 

pretty_babyJan 11, 2009

Oh Ola I forget how you make your home page like that..with your featured items and all that:S

pretty_babyJan 11, 2009

WAIT!! so your bday is this wednesday or last wednesday i hope it was this one coming coz yeah!!\:\) Sorry for being so terrible like that Im horrid at birthdays. ANd the post it note i wrote to remember I dont know where it went.  Maybe my mum went on a cleaning buzz lol.  Eclipse is staring you down saying read me..readdddme. \:D Hmmmm Im not supporting this but I did it....I downloaded the book of the net....but I deleted them ...but do you use torrents? Because its a very very VERY small file. Thats how I started on twilight. Read aBIT OF IT and then go to the shop to get my own copy because I liked what i was reading. \:\)  Thank you Olas mum for your lovely wishes. i wish them in return for you.  What is your mum like?? if she is like you she must be wonderful\:\) My mum would send her wishes but she walked down the road to get chips for lunch. And i asked her to get me a chico roll. LOL They are very very very aussie.  I will sue you if i hurt my nose on the keyboard NOT!! LOL I was struggling to keep awake but writing a long long long comment is a must to me for you..if that made any sense at all. \:D So do not fear.  LOL! Pancakes for dinner..well I have been guilty of that quite a few million times. But eggs oh i love love eeggsss! SO MUCH!! But they react badly on me so i am too scared to eat them\:\( How tragic.  I dont mind facebook or myspace. It helps me keep in touch other than msn to my friends who i dont see but still love. But flickr is good fun too. So i am torn. OH MY my tummy is rumbling...Lucky the chip shop is a 5 minute walk> and my mum walks fast. I dont go coz its hard to keep up with her. She has long legs I ave short. haha  Anyway Hope you enjoyed your scrambled eggs *jealous* and the frizzle ahah is always with me. Is it always with you? x Sarah

MaaakJan 10, 2009

Hi \:\) Thank you for your comment on my latest set \:D

MoMamaJan 10, 2009

Thanks for your birthday wishes. Cheered me up right away! \:wub\:

kokateJan 10, 2009

I think u r the best designer Ola!!\:wub\:

pretty_babyJan 10, 2009

Ola you will not be mad at me....I forgot your birthday date...did it  pass did i forget it please dont hate me

Queenie1988Jan 9, 2009

You're very welcome \:\) Your stuff is amazing \:rah\: Lots of my sims are wearing it *hihi* If I can make you happy with commenting your creations, I will keep it up \;\)

pretty_babyJan 9, 2009

Oollaaaaa!!! I love getting GB entries from you.  It always makes my day or should I say night because its 12:02. am!! sleep very soon but after I send you a rambling nutty message like I always do.  NO twilight!! OMG that is dreadful..what on earth are you going to do??  I hope you are reading the books in order\;\) you are lucky that you can just go and buy them..my lcoal bookstore has none left..Literally!!! So lucky I bought em a month ago\:D  BUt im such a total nerd I ordered in the hardcopy version because the soft ones i got now are breaking from readng too much.  Oh my how many times does this professor frizzle you...? You know I still lvoe the word. haha Everyone on msn doesnt understand but I do and I know you do.  See you wanted me to type and now im so tired I am rambling.  Ummmm  So the movie isnt hitting near you at all?? \:o How horrible are you going to go out of town to watch it..i donwloaded a cam rip..its not great but mum and i watched it tonight ahhaha. Huge Breakfast oh now Im jealous...like with pancakes OH I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!!! hahah. at first when you wrote that I thought you were going to watch your friends eat breakfast...LOL why dont you have some I am thnking. But what is happening...um nothing. LOL! I am a very exciting creature.  I made a new myspace and I have 20 friends.  and uhh. Nothing. Im so thrilling.  So I rely on you to do all the fun stuff and tell me about it\:\) HOpe you enjoyed your breakfast and this really long message. haha talk to you soon hopefull \:D xoxoxoxoxoxo

QaenJan 7, 2009

Hi \:\) Thanks so much for your lovely 'Birthday message'.I am so glad i saw the message.Thnks , thnks ... \:wub\: \:wub\:

kokateJan 6, 2009

I simply just love youre designs!!!!

pretty_babyJan 6, 2009

Hey Miss Frizzler. hehe. How have things been for you?? Im terribly sorry I have been very slack/lazy at replying lately but i am back for you can never get rid ofme fully \;\) Did you have a good new year??? And Twilight soon..Im excited\:D I hope you are having a splendid day miss!! xo

*HollyJan 4, 2009

Hehehe... No ja tez sie zastanawiam XXD [Zartowalam oczywiscie]. Ale sadze, ze EA powinno zatrudnic kogos porzadnego do robienia ubran bo im one nie wychodza XD. Co do setu to jakos tak mnie wzielo na swieta i cos wyszlo, a ze nie chcialo mi sie tego pakowac w kilka mniejszych setow to zrobilam jeden wielki - i bardzo ci dziekuje za ten mily komentarz do niego \:wub\: Szczesliwego Nowego Roku i szybkiego zdobycia 1mln. pobran \;\)- bo robisz swietne ciuchy *drool*. Pozdrawiam Holly \:P

sosliliomJan 2, 2009

Dear Ola!\:wub\: Thank You so much for Your kindness!\:wub\: ~ I wish to You \:DHAPPY NEW YEAR!\:wub\: ~ Hugs,Lili

bloodtieJan 2, 2009

Thank you.\:D

cadivaDec 30, 2008

Hello Ola, thanks for the lovely comment you left me on the Sally's Tea Shoppe Lot. Coming from such a talented builder as you it means a lot.

bloodtieDec 30, 2008

Thanks, I really liked your sets. Have a great new year.\:D

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