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olcia_olivinea's Guestbook

nasjanasjaDec 10, 2008

Hi! You are really talented! So thanks for your creations and for your comment in my guestbook xD \;\)

twofeeDec 10, 2008

dont worry ola, im super busy with my own uni stuff now too, its finals week here and i had 4 to take (but am currently down to only 2!) and im also super sick. its a great combo, let me tell you. hope everything is atleast going well, even if it is keeping you busy. \:\) have fun and an awesome day! \:\) love stefi.

Lisa 86Dec 10, 2008

Thanks for your comment in my guestbook, I feel so welcome \:wub\: \:D

BBKZDec 10, 2008

Hej Olu \:\) Dziekuje za pochlebny komentarz przy moim nowym meshu. Akurat ten byl dosc prosty, by dodac mu efekt ciazowy. Duzo gorzej wychodzi mi grubsze cialo i wciaz cos nieproporcjonalnego widze. Chcialabym dalej nad meshami popracowac. Brakuje mi cierpliwosci. W dodatku lubie robic wszystko za jednym zamachem, w jeden dzien, nie odrywajac sie od pracy. A meshowanie zajmuje sporo czasu, wiec ten "jeden zamach" jest dosc trudny do wykonania, hehe... Niemniej bardzo sie ciesze, ze ta praca przypadla Ci do gustu. A jesli faktycznie zechcesz zrobic rekolory, to bedzie mi bardzo milo \:o \:\) Pozdrawiam, B.

FrozenStarRoDec 10, 2008

thank you for the warm welcome \:\) I do like to create just a bit of everything for my game \:D I just can't have enough of anything hehe \;\)

saturrnDec 8, 2008

thank u!

topaz27Dec 7, 2008

\:\)I have just saw your new set to be released soon, and they are awesome, thank you so much, can't wait to be able to download them. \:wub\: \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\:

bbrock1234Dec 5, 2008

well tu u 4 the commet \:\):P

topaz27Dec 4, 2008

\:\) I really do love your creations, and I'm sure I'm going to love your new set, can't wait \;\) \:wub\: \:rah\:

topaz27Dec 4, 2008

\:\) Just want to wish you well in all your exams. \:wub\:

nsrathodDec 4, 2008

hi, just a quick note to say I love your stuff! the houses are really nice!

pretty_babyDec 4, 2008

Hello Hello Miss Ola!!!! \:D I am fine...Just hot....ITS SO HOT RIGHT Now PLUS Its going to storm like crazy and im scared because i hate storms. Im a big chicken. hehe. You must add me to your flickr...or tell me your link so I can add you. Naturally I would put you as a friend and hopefully I will see some of your wonderful sims artwork soon\:\) LOL You must get twilight out. Simal has made me fall inlove with it and now I must make you fall in love with it!!! \:D Ijust finished the first book...and well the waterworks turned on (tears Im a big softie) LOL But I love that song too!!! I actually listened to it in simlish too hahaha its funny to sing along even though I dont know what the hell Im saying!!!! Hope to talk to you soon because I always love our chats\:\) x Sarah

HarmoniaDec 3, 2008

hi, thank you so much for your congrats on my FA promotion \:wub\: have a amazing day \:\)

JubilantNov 30, 2008

Thank you so much for the Happy Birthday. I haven't signed on in weeks and was very happy to see your message. \:wub\: erin

pretty_babyNov 27, 2008

OLAA!! I want to say hello. I missed you...how sad. Aww but no doubt we will talk soon. I hope!! YOu know what my a-hole cat did. He bit me twice. once on the shoulder and once on the face. All because he wanted to go outside and it was too late and he couldnt get his own way. Naughti Naughty. How have you been?? Hope all is well \:\) I lookforwardtochattingtoyouagain!!x

QuengelNov 25, 2008

Hello! What a nice surprise to get so very kind and good wishes from you, another talented house builder! MANY THANKS!!! \:wub\: >HUGS

lirunchikNov 23, 2008

OMG, Ola!!! Hello, honey \:rah\: It feels like I've not been there for an eternity!!! Oh naughty me))) Lol! What have you done with your nickname? And for how long are you olivnea? \:D I liked 'olcia', and oh my godness I definitely need more time to get accustomed to it! \:P \:D Well, I'm just writing to ask how do you do? We haven't talked for a long time...I suppose it's because of my business, sorry, sweetie! Hope you're more than OK and having fun right now! Hugs, ~Marina

b-bettinaNov 23, 2008

Hi! I just wanted to say that your work is awesome! \:wub\: You make some really lovely stuff! Keep up the good work! \:rah\: \;\)

BBKZNov 23, 2008

Hej Ola \:\) Zaczelam pisac tutaj w GB po angielsku i dopiero po chwili przypomnialam sobie, ze przeciez tez jestes Polka \;\) Oj, chyba za malo spalam... Tez zauwazylam, ze czasami to, co nam sie niespecjalnie podoba, to przypada do gustu tutejszym uzytkownikom. Juz chyba sie przyzwyczailam do tego. W koncu to strona miedzynarodowa, przychodza tu ludzie z wielu krajow. I kazdy zapewne kieruje sie swoja kultura, tradycja. Niejednokrotnie widzialam, ze to, co jest modne w zachodniej Europie jest kompletnym kiczem w Japonii i odwrotnie. Lubie zatem czasami pochodzic po obcych stronach z moda i podpatrzec cosik... Komputer juz mam w porzadku. Nie mam tylko czasu, zeby usiasc i sprobowac odzyskac dane z zepsutego dysku. Musialabym go podlaczyc do jakiegos innego komputera - lepiej nie do tego nowego - a nie bardzo mam jak. Ale cala sytuacja ma dobre strony. Nowy ma lepsze sprzety, jest szybszy itp. Wahalam sie, czy brac nowego kompa (mam przeciez laptopa), ale sporo elementow bylo na gwarancji jeszcze, monitor tez nowy. Mialabym wywalic spalone elementy, a reszte sprzedac? Jako, ze serwis poniosl koszty (ja tylko za zasilacz zaplacilam), to nie ma co sie smucic \;\) I chyba z tego wzgledu zakupie Simsy 3. Teraz na taki sprzecie pojda gladko. Choc przyznam, ze... starzeje sie \;\) i juz nie czuje tego dzieciecego entuzjazmu i zachwytu grami, hihi... Pozyjemy, zobaczymy... Przyjemnej niedzieli zycze! BasieK

PiperGracePlayerNov 21, 2008

Just wanted you to know I enjoy your designs. You work is amazing. Thank you for sharing!\:\)

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