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AleNikSimmer's Guestbook

magicmorgieNov 3, 2018

ohhhh and I looooove Mayura's dress!! the concept long version is beautiful but this one too!! the shot with her in the hawkmoth lair with the blue light was so aesthetically pleasing \:D

magicmorgieNov 3, 2018

ohhh and the 'pretending' hahaha ikr? ridiculous, utterly r i d i c u l o u s, just get together you looooooove each other you stupid dumb lovely babies \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

magicmorgieNov 3, 2018

I wonder whats gonna happen with Nathalie and Gabriel, this relationship seems like it's gonna hurt either way x_x what do you think??

magicmorgieNov 3, 2018

I learned the poems by heart! ahaha I just love them so much \:wub\: did you learn the italian dub version or the english one? \:D ohhh it definitely was the perfect ending for season 2! I was soooo satisfied!! the introduction is great!! but it just raises more questions ahhhh makes me so excited for season 3 honestly \:D we're gonna dieeeeeeeeeeee! whats wrong with the peacock miraculous how did it happen oh my god and that means the scene with ladybug and Gabriel in the basement den place is definitely season 3 x_X so many questions lol. the devlopement is definitely there, they're both starting to feel something for each other's 'other side' so to speak, and ladynoir and adrienette definitely got closer \:D I'm so proud of her actually trying omg even if she ended up with her feet in the quiche lol, Adrien cares more about her every day * - * and she discovered chat has a sweet side *-* so lovely \:D ugh volpina x_X I love that name it's sooooo good and fitting but I hate her so much omg she's like a seething pest and we're definitely not done seeing her x_x

matheus,usa2007Nov 3, 2018

So umm Thoughts on doing Mayura next? Love her design!

magicmorgieNov 3, 2018

btw the that solved nothing was for the mayura thing but it solved everything too??????????? nothing and everything at the same time x_X

magicmorgieNov 3, 2018

oh my god so I died so much at the kissing I ended up rewatching scenes from dark cupid and I havent noticed this before somehow??? or maybe I forgot??? when he threw her the akumatized object he said 'joyeuse saint valentin ma belle' which is 'happy valentine's day my beautiful' and I'm officially dead again

magicmorgieNov 3, 2018

oh my god I want kisses on the lips please please I'm gonna die, once these two start kissing though theyre never gonna stop, how many kisses do we have already?? so many so many hand kisses three cheek kisses one kiss on the lips and like two blown kisses ahhhhhhhh

magicmorgieNov 3, 2018

UGH ME TOO I JUST DIDNT EXPECT IT TO BE ON THAT SIDE (I seriously expected ladybug/adrien) BUT IM SO HAPPYYYYY oh my god yes it was so brave I love them I love them help. volpina is the woooooorst skdghdklsg, they didn't say much about her ability unfortunately it was just 'omg no' and she said something like she would do anything to help him??? if I wasn't 100% on the fact that shes in love with him I am now and she definitely seems more cruel as Mayura than he is as hawkmoth arghhhhhhh

magicmorgieNov 3, 2018

I just realized chloe didnt say anything about the kiss HAHA

magicmorgieNov 3, 2018

the jump and transforming midair into aqua form is all my mermaid transformation fantasies i cant anymore oh my god

magicmorgieNov 3, 2018

i need a moment

magicmorgieNov 3, 2018

plagg sharing his cheese D:

magicmorgieNov 3, 2018

remember dark owl when they detransformed she told him not to talk and now theyre just ???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!! talking to each other unmasked!!!!!!!! not even thinking about each others voices sounding familiar just gsodkgjslkdfgj the l o v e

magicmorgieNov 3, 2018

rena and carapace gksdjlkds D: and chloe D: alya calling her chloe midfight gives me life lol but oh my god x_x nothing beats the lovesquare oh my god the slow burn

magicmorgieNov 3, 2018


magicmorgieNov 3, 2018

OKAY let me tell you what Gabriel said to Nathalie because it's important, he said I told you not to use the peacock miraculous because it's damaged (!!!!!!!!!) and the scene in the sewers (my god why there) Adrien told her 'it's you and me against the world' and I just klgrjdfsglksdjkg goodbye cruel world. and at the end he was just praising her D: and the fight against the mime and riposte ladybug basically said they stand no chance with swords against chat noir I'm a m e s s

magicmorgieNov 3, 2018


magicmorgieNov 3, 2018

hello! it's okay dont worry about it \:D I saw your work on the staff and it looks amazing!! oh my god I havent followed a show in forever, like 8 years maybe and it wasnt even like this so I feel you! I'm gonna die D: it's any minute now and I'm shaking and dying I'm scared but not really it should be fine but at the same time no it's not gonna be fine?????????????????? I'm a mess omg

magicmorgieNov 1, 2018

are you ready for saturday??? I'm not I'm dying already oh my god

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