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magicmorgieOct 13, 2018

omg ok more I need to mention this, I saw somebody said Kagami probably thinks Marinette is the one who hurt Adrien and that's why she was so icy towards her and omg. why didn't I think about that. also I think Adrien is falling for Marinette a little bit the same way she is with chat noir, slowly and without really realizing it. the "just the two of us?" at the end shook me a little bit what with the way he said it ow. also ladynoir's silent communication, they made up without a word and it almost feels like their souls are connected sometimes, makes me think of their insane sync in frightningale. the only thing that really bothers me now is Marinette thinking Adrien has feelings for Kagami sigh please fix this soon oh my god the season is almost over I said I could deal but I can't oh my god get them together already please it huuuuuuuuurts x_x

magicmorgieOct 13, 2018

it's almost 5am and I'm dying here oops I hope you're in a better state than me lol

magicmorgieOct 13, 2018

okay so I watched what came out in english so far and honestly Adrien with Kagami feels like what Marinette did with Luka in captain trashrock, they got hurt and wanted comfort/happiness elsewhere, it hurts to watch tbh and they each messed up by going for rebounds but I understand them but now Luka saw that Marinette was only there for Adrien and lol Adrien his heart is just not in it. I think Kagami is trying to make Marinette react maybe? by making her jealous? but my god wtf Adrien I thought you figured it out in troublemaker just how oblivious can you get?????? somebody just tell him the truth????? even then I don't think he'd believe it lol. this needs to either go the ladrien way and get them to snog and admit their feelings or the marichat route and get them to cry about each others feelings. actually I don't even know what needs to happen, I just want it to happen, there's progress but it's slow and painful and I love them and it hurts. also I cried over Chloe x_x

magicmorgieOct 13, 2018

oh my god I just got??????? So much???????? whiplash???????? from frozer that??????????????? I'm so relieved I'm freaking out so bad right now???????????????????????????

magicmorgieOct 12, 2018

hello hello~ I hope you're feeling better today!! are you ready for tonight I'm not I'm listening to sad love songs in french and angsting lol

magicmorgieOct 11, 2018

ohhh here's another headcanon, but honestly........ I'm not even sure it counts as headcanon anymore, the pole in Adrien's room I'm sure he can use it lol. chat swings on his baton so many times it makes me wonder if he practises in his room lol

magicmorgieOct 11, 2018

okay seemed like that worked this time lol

magicmorgieOct 11, 2018

my type of headcanons aren't that big though lol just things like Marinette humming/singing while she bakes and stuff, or making chat noir/ladybug themed clothes or Adrien being a good song-writer and maybe eventually learning the violin with the piano and reading romance books :') yay for the several messages! join the club~ \:D hmmm true I forgot how old he really was lol. unless someone else somehow survived and he didn't know? I really want to know more about what happened to her and how he got those stuff because I'm lost lol. what magazine?? oh my god what did they say I'm scared. it's at 2am here!! I'm gonna suffer with you don't worry D: and don't forget that malediktator is two hours before this sh*tshow. and no please no I don't want that kiss to be real x_x and yes we do need one a real one please. reminds me, I wonder how high the chance of getting a real reveal this finale is? I remember the hinting at Gabriel being hawkmoth in s1, and this season so far has had dark owl almost reveal, plagg and tikki knowing about each others holders, troublemaker almost reveal and now the crapsode of tomorrow O.O what if o.o

magicmorgieOct 11, 2018

I'm gonna try to breakdown my last message-- ohhh lovely!! *-* I saw your new nail stuff so I thought these would inspire you \:D the blue row are really nice!! the 4th and 7th row have nice shapes too \:D they would look so good on Marinette omg \:o and you're right the giant dots ones are ugly as sh** lol. ooooh, okay~ Adrien/Nino to me is a crack ship tbh, seeing jokes about it is funny and all but I don't ship it, if Marinette/Alya weren't in the picture at all I would ship it but otherwise ehhh lol. I agree I don't like it when people change their sexuality it just feels off? or saying they have a mental illness? I mean they have their moments but that's normal, but I'm on antidepressants and I definitely don't see it in them tbh. except for Gabriel that is, he's soooo far from fine it wouldn't surprise me if he's actually depressed D:

magicmorgieOct 11, 2018

nooooooo now it's saying I'm spaming

magicmorgieOct 11, 2018

ohhhh D: that sucks, I hope you get better soon!! yup thats what I meant, like actual nightmares instead of worst fears which was my first thought. I've seen rise of the guardians and I watched it a few times cause I loved it so much lol sandboy does look a lot like sandman there \:D no no I don't mean Nathalie, and yes like the main big villain? maybe someone as old as Fu like you said or some sort of spirit/creature? lol oh my god better avoid instagram all together then \:P ahhhh D: hmmm, show her the origins episodes maybe?? or riposte? Kagami aside I really loved the fencing and Ladrien going on there, I'm a little weak for that side of the ship because of their stupid blushing, dear god please don't ruin them D: ohhh ahaha I used to draw dying stickmen and fantasize about overpowered vampires \:P where did they get the cult idea from D: 14 yo me knew nothing about romance lol, and idk Adrien definitely seems to know the implications of what he says if his expressions are anything to go by \:P ohhhh no oh my god don't make me think about Gabriel/Emilie being romantic I'll cry. I agree with you though thats probably part of it, along with the stuff he reads apparently? I think someone said Thomas mentioned that iirc

magicmorgieOct 11, 2018

maybe you're right about the changing her mind at the last moment though? I really hope so, because anansi/sandboy are supposed to be after this right? same with the queens battle and reverser? and there was no lizard or kagami mention, they were just swooning over each other as usual, and I was thinking, the only ships we saw kiss were ladynoir and Mylene/Ivan if I remember right? not even Nino and Alya, not Rose and Juleka, not even the parents, so maybe maybe thats really the case? oh my god she needs to change her mind. and wouldn't they have leaked the actual kiss if there was one? I'm getting ahead of myself but ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh why why why do we have to wait another day this feels like a bandaid that we can't rip off it's just stuck there getting peeled off slowly and painfully I ******* hate the lizard ffffffffffffffffffffffffff

magicmorgieOct 11, 2018

ugh I'm trying to stay calm but it's just D: my ship D: I don't really hate her but I really wanna slap her right now, I hope you're right and that it's like the Chloe/Chat kiss but there's no kiss akuma and captain trashrock was all kinds of awful so I'm really worried D: how else would it be explained :/// is he her f******* rebound now? every time she's upset over Adrien she's gonna stick to the lizard? wtf??? ugh sorry I'm so upset over this D: don't feel bad for sharing the spoilers they're everywhere tbh, I read it's from the turkish fandom so I tried looking with the turkish name like maybe they posted the entire episode but no nothing :/// and ok I hope you can answer~~

magicmorgieOct 11, 2018

after the new spoilers I'm not really laughing at myself anymore, I'm just hurt and pissed and honestly I kinda hate Marinette right now even if she's in my top 2 girls ever. ://///////////// that kiss just... I'm gonna be sick. I want to take Adrien away and give him everything he wants and make him happy away from all this heartache :////////////////

magicmorgieOct 11, 2018

goodness I just had a thought x_x what if Emilie was training to be a guardian? and she's the last one besides fu and when that stuff with him happened thats where she got comatosed??? that would explain why Gabriel has the book but doesn't understand it???? omg? x_x also this is the premise for frozer apparently " Adrien turns to Marinette for help in love affairs, which unintentionally turns into a relationship counselor. As a result, she agrees to a double date on the skating rink. Once there, they witness a scuffle between figure skating coach Philippe and mayor Bourgeois, who wants to close the rink. Philippe is accosted to Frozer by Hawk Moth" and I'm freaking out so much I'm gonna vomit lol. please please please get Kagami and lizardman to notice the chemistry between those morons and back o f f and push them together or something oh my god I can't deal I'm gonna be sick I'm actually laughing at myself right now at how insane this crap made me lol ffffffff x_x

magicmorgieOct 10, 2018

ohhh and tell me more about your headcanons I'm curious \:D

magicmorgieOct 10, 2018 the nail stickers are here! some seem easier than others \:D what do you think?

magicmorgieOct 10, 2018

hello!! oh nooo, whats wrong?? did you catch a cold D: honestly maybe he didn't think he would reach Adrien at all? I read something about how the nightmares weren't worst fears but like actual nightmares that happened depending on the situation they were in, maybe thats half true? something like Marinette was dreaming about him, she wakes up her actual dream becomes a nightmare and Adrien being in his room and like this is boring getting stuck here would suck - nightmare. about that, I had a nightmare last night about frozer lol lizardman was like 'why dont you fantasize about us being together and kissing and having kids' to Marinette and I was like what the f*** is wrong with this guy x_x ew x_x ohhh I agree Nathalie is definitely going to be a worst villain than Gabriel, her last name is sancoeur (aka sans coeur - without heart) afterall, but I wonder, is she gonna be the big big villain or is the real big one the reason Emilie is comatose/that stuff happened with Fu in the temple etc. ew instagram news \:\( maybe try to avoid them??? D: ohhh, maybe you need to try to make her realize that cartoons are made as much by adults as liveaction? and that loads of liveaction movies use cgi too? would that help at all \:o I hope you can manage to get her to watch it!! does she like romance? maybe try dark cupid? it's my favorite lol. there are so many dark fantasy themes how can they say that D: or maybe they just don't want to know x_x ooooh easter eggs *-* I hope those will look good!! *-* I'll look for the nail stickers and send you the link, I don't remember them being that complicated \:D I saw the EP!! it was very unexpected lol, I don't really care for acting at all but the costumes and the new world seem really good \:o and the build mode objects of course I live for those lol. I agree this definitely isn't for kids alone tbh, I think the lore might end up as complicated as avatar, what with the kwami and what the powers are for, I mean the creation/destruction balance is something already and then there's the illusion/subjugation stuff and whatever more we don't know about yet, I think they can only understand it at the surface, and honestly I don't believe Adrien and Marinette are 14, I think they're 16 and they just said that to make the kids relate easier, they have moments that are waaaaaay too suggestive for 14 year olds tbh, like the stradding/falling on top of each other (and he definitely knew what was going on lol I don't know how people see him as being completely innocent) her reaction to him being in the shower, the two ladybugs comment, the we're alone whatever could happen?/you can take control of my heart whenever and whereever you want, the checking out? Marinette being in her pyjamas and him looking her up and down???? the hot stuff comment??? the pictures under her bed????? honestly???????????? the ladynoir flirting level is way too much for people who just entered puberty I mean no way just no way lol. oooh dreamworks yes, and probably even Disney tbh. oh don't worry about the monologue I'm right there with you lol

matheus,usa2007Oct 9, 2018

When will we get Hawk Moth? \:\)

magicmorgieOct 8, 2018

another message I'm sorry lol but I just watched reverser in french andI forgot how fun this episode was \:D the ladynoir *-* I don't understand how Nathaniel came to the conclusion that ladybug would give him her journal though lol he went a little mad there, reverser voice is better in english though, but chat noir/Adrien french voice is my favorite thing \:D Marinette too actually \:D and I just had a thought, Nathalie seemed pretty upset when she said 'I thought you'd stop' so she probably doesn't want him to be hawkmoth right?? BUT what ifffffff, she doesn't want Emilie back either? because she loves him? I wonder omg... the finale is gonna kill us for sure ughhhhhh D: oh and ladybug can never do it without chat noir, she only managed when plagg came to destroy everything ahhh *-* I need more of that stuff about them balancing each other out omg give me more ladynoir please D: actually more everything with these two being the most perfect most in love team \:wub\:

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