Mini Desert Living
Sims 4 — Mini Desert Living by dandani94 — This is a tiny livable house for a single sim that doesn't need a lot or that

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Created for: The Sims 4

This is a tiny livable house for a single sim that doesn't need a lot or that maybe won't spend a lot of time at home. There is a small living room area with a couch and a TV right in front of the entrance of the house for your sim to relax and have a little fun. To the right, you can find a small kitchen with a dining area for 2 - everything is fully functional even if it looks a little crammed. There's also a beautiful skylight that serve's as the kitchen's ceiling, to help open up the space a little bit. In front of the kitchen I added a small bedroom with a single bed and a desk with a laptop - I imagine whoever lives here will mostly spend their time out maybe working or studying, so a PC seemed pretty unnecessary, and that's why I opted for a laptop instead! Last but not least, to the left of the desk we have a small bathroom! I did not add a sink inside that room but I did add a shower and a toilet which I think are good enough for a single sim!

Finally, I created a small gardening area at the back of the house, complete with a flower arrangement table, some planter boxes and lots and lots of plants! Since I initially created this lot to go in one of the small 20x15 lots in Oasis Springs, I imagine the sim living in this house wanting to add a little bit of extra greenery to the otherwise dry-looking town!

Since there's no space inside the house for a washing machine/dryer, I instead added a clothesline and a wash tube outside, and just for fun I added a campfire in case the sim living here wants to invite some people over to chill and look at the stars!

There's a lot of clutter inside and outside of the house to make it feel more like a real house, and I also made sure to add plants everywhere so everything feels fresh and fun! Hope you like it!

Everything is play tested and functional, but please do let me know if you find something that's not working properly, and apologies in advance!

I will come back with better builds as I keep learning, thank you!


Short URL:

ItemID: 1459001

Filesize: 149 KB

- All Expansion Packs/Stuff Packs

Cheats used:
- bb.moveobjects
- bb.showhiddenobjects
- bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement
- bb.showliveeditobjects

Please make sure your game is up-to-date!

  • Value: 42182
  • Furnished: Fully
  • Decorated: Throughout
  • Bedrooms: 1
  • Bathrooms: 1
  • Stories: 1
  • Lot Size: 20x15
  • Custom content: No CC used
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