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Nisuki's Guestbook

LavoieriJul 3, 2014

Stories seems to be harder to make than CC, at least for me, lol \:\( no stories for me now, I don't have enough patience :\

jumpgirl_64Jul 2, 2014

Hey Nisuki! I know you like my The Kirby Twins Story! So I posted chapter 4 if you want to read it!

sanhammyJul 2, 2014

Hi there Nisuki!!!! (^_^) Yup, again a delay. It's because I've been very busy with studies. Yeah, even if exams are finished I've got to study because of up-coming admission tests. And the admission coaching classes are driving me crazy. In 4 months time, everything will be alright I hope. Anyway, I really was surprised at chapter 13! Finally got to see Blak. And the fact about the ceremony is really interesting. I'm smart, you say? \:P \:P \:P *blushes* !! Well who knows, right! I wonder if I'll get to see Darcy, Seraphim and Yuno in the next chapter. It's so heart-pounding and interesting!!! Hope you're doing well in your exam week! It's going to be tough managing free time now. The people at the coaching classes say to give up on everything else and study. And the sample questions they produce during tests are just horrifyingly difficult. So I really have to concentrate and study. *sigh* Oopsy! Said so many things already. Anyway, hope you're alright and doing well with everything. Can't wait for new sims from you. And of course, new chapters and stories. *virtual hugs* and love! \;\) \:wub\:\:wub\:\:\)

PrettysgiJul 2, 2014

Oh God I laughed so hard with your comment xd haha. I love reading all your theories... hope you like the next chapters \:\) Have a nice day!

AlessaFayeJul 1, 2014

Yup, it was Brett. Thought that them wearing the same shirt would confuse people into thinking it would be Xander, so mission accomplished. Holy plumbobs? haha. Thank you, that's exactly how I wanted people to react to Brett. Not sure how to feel about you definitely did just say that, but I like how Alexander and Xander sound too...People seem to have doubts about Hannah though...Dreaming about the old Shay, yup, wonder what Xander and Shay's connection is? \:\)

katwoman3Jun 30, 2014

Some of my gamer buddies have recommended to me to look for decent gaming computers. Man, they're so expensive! I'm going to have to save a bit before I can get one. In the meantime, I just have to deal with less-than-stellar graphics in my game. I use my current laptop for a lot of other things (like writing \:o ) so I need to keep this one going for awhile. You're lucky to have a mom who will trade laptops with you! \;\) I'm terrible at making sims myself. I don't have the visual eye for it. Usually I'll take sims other people have created, make them have kids, and within a couple generations I have sims that are pretty and unique (and pretty unique haha). I looooove the name William. It's one of my favorite names, hands down. I have a lot of Williams running around my games. \:cool\:

katwoman3Jun 30, 2014

Holy moly, 7GB of cc? \:eek\: I think my game would explode with that much installed. As it is, my game lags a bit with the 2GB of cc I have installed (and 99% of that is store stuff). It's nice having the game run so much better on a nicer laptop, isn't it? I'm in the market for a gaming laptop, just so I don't burn out the graphics card on my current one. My laptop's higher end, but for the graphics. \:\( Ha, the one time I played in Bridgeport for a long time, I ended up making over ALL of the EA pre-mades in that world. The women especially, they're all too cartoonish and weird-looking for me. There's one sim, though, William Fangman, who's pretty good-looking and only needs better hair and outfits. He's pretty hot for a vampire sim. \;\)

katwoman3Jun 30, 2014

How come you deleted all your cc? (Actually, deleting the cc sometimes is a good thing!) Oh, if you've got the ceremony planned for the next chapter, you can blame that on the lack of cc. \;\) (Sorry, the story writer in my head wanted me to tell you that...) Pink hair suits your legacy founder well. Normal colored hair gets boring after awhile, so why not mix things up? \:D I've actually got three legacy-style families at the moment, spread out over several game saves. I need to stop playing with previous generations and focus instead on the current ones, but I find it hard letting them go. \:\( That's the bad thing about legacy play. I'm sure whatever guy your founder ends up with will be great-looking, because all of your sims are simply stunning. Plus, if you're going to play in Bridgeport, you need to throw in some hot sims. The only pre-made sim in Bridgeport I can handle is Matthew Hamner, and he still requires a CAS makeover. \:rolleyes:

DegeraJun 30, 2014

We're having another screenshot contest, here's the details!

MarishaIsMeJun 28, 2014

Thank you for the comment on my story :-) And I wont be revelling if its a supernatural story or not just yet, and "spoiler" but its not her fathers grave although everyone in the town has been lying by saying it is....she just doesn't know it yet....\;\)

LavoieriJun 27, 2014

So, as a story teller, do you know if is allowed to make "comic" stories? I wanted to make a story but I didn't want to write the text below the picture, wanted to put the text in balloons, as a normal comic book. I didn't find anything about that in the rules. Do you know?

katwoman3Jun 26, 2014

lol Saul definitely looks more grown up...maybe it's because of that manly chest of his? \;\) \:P I'm glad this story isn't over yet, because I'm enjoying it way too much. How many more chapters do you have planned out?

Bby-LJun 26, 2014

*Phew! that's good..but..I got new problem here..I'm not a sweet girl..not at all *Waak..Wakk..Waak (crow voice) I guess I have to...Ruuuuuuuuuuuunn!! XD katsudon? I mean Katsuo? I guess..LOL..hope he'll get enough sleep..ahahha

Bby-LJun 26, 2014

Her magic.. *hide at the corner..It's OK now? *peeking. XD LOL..poor Katsuo..Hahahaha..

LavoieriJun 25, 2014

And thank you about the deer horns! I love that kind of stuff x)

LavoieriJun 25, 2014

I'm studying too! Had my first test yesterday, today I have one more and friday another one D: but I have time to crack my head creating at nights xD but I have to stop this because I need some sleep err. So, always click yes for that two pop-ups in workshop. Why exactly I dont know but I know that we should click yes. And for LODS, there is a plugin called Direct X Mesh Tool. It reduces the vertex and faces of the mesh. For that you have to delete all groups, stay only with groupbase, then select the group, go to menus and find "weld together", then go to Direct X and start reducing the mesh. There is a plugin called "model information", so you can see how many vertex and faces you have. I always try to stay with similar polycount as it shows in workshop for my refference mesh. After you finish with Direct X, mesh will be black. You have to select group and click Allign Normals. Just remember to always weld the vertices before using the plugin or the mesh will get splits. And oh you have to make bones and morphs again ;~

MarijaJJun 25, 2014

Aw aw awwwww, who doesn't, really? ^o^ I'll miss Saul, but maybe there'll be someone hotter in the next story? *praying* ahaahaah ♥ You're welcomeeee. \:\) I hope I'll manage to upload the next chapter until the end of the week. '~' ♥

behemoth_blueJun 25, 2014

Now that I think about it, it is kind of creepy but I guess it was about time those two got reunited and, as you sad, the story is drawing to its end so I hoped Lucy would find Saul in that room. And I forgot to add in my comment, Blak's mentioning those born with white hair explained why Saul why often sad and worried about Lucy, we know that he knows about her from those flashbacks. Now, we have to wait and see what being born with white hair actually means \:\)

LavoieriJun 25, 2014

Nah, you can do it, I'm sure! Is not that hard. I'm still a noob yet, I'm always reading tutorials and asking for help, and my second creation have a mesh by myself already, but I cracked my head a lot of times because of simple mistakes \:\( even if you don't have auto smooth on, you can't click in "smooth all" in face menu. Unless you are making a new accessory or something started from zero. If you are just modifying a game mesh you want to preserve the format and the shading. That was my bigger problems with my first mesh xD continue your project! I'm sure you'll make more creative stuff. And if you need help with LODS (level of detail) you can ask me too. I'm not a expert but I learned some basics. Good luck Nisuki ^_^

MarijaJJun 24, 2014

owww thank you, thank you, thank youuuu! \:\) Hahaha about Endless, I hope it's going to be an endless story cuz I like it so much lol \:wub\: *smiling and jumping under a lot of inspiration sparkles* hihihi \:\)

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