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Nisuki's Guestbook

katwoman3Jun 24, 2014

LOL I wouldn't eat them either. No telling what Sadako's put in them. \:o \:D Can't wait for chapter 13, confusion notwithstanding!

LavoieriJun 23, 2014

Nisuki, I saw you talking about a mesh problem, the only thing I could find was that seams, the sharp lines in the last picture. Is that what you mean or that's a texture? If that's the problem, what is causing is that you have "auto smooth" option ON in milkshape. You should turn that off and start a new mesh again \:\( because even if you allign normals (in the menus there is allign normals, to correct seams and etc), the shades of neck won't match with the head. Be aware of that auto smooth option xD

NisukiJun 23, 2014

GUYS. I FORGOT TO WHOM I ANSWERED AND NOT... . .. . . *stares* I'll .. just.. look through.. the guestbooks and.. yea.. I'll figure. *sigh*

Bby-LJun 23, 2014

Sukii ♥ Yeah, maybe it's already tooo late =P Hohoho..It will reveal just need to wait.. XD He's my FAV there ♥ won't let Katsuo sleep well, do you? ahahah..

MarijaJJun 21, 2014

I'm sorry if I disappointed you Suki, but I like it when the chapters have a cliffhanger at the end hehe. Thank you so much for the comment! \:\) \:wub\:

Bby-LJun 21, 2014

Sukiiiii ♥ LOL..yes..yes..I agree with you.. XD Eh! is a flirty boy..he's just playing around.. Hehehe.. She just never have thought that he will choose citrus soda(sour and sweet)..because she still doesn't believe rude guy like him likes sweet..really doesn't suit his personality.. hahaha..

Margeh-75Jun 20, 2014

Hi! ✿ thank you so much for your lovely comment on my creations, i really appreciate it so much! have a lovely weekend!♥‿♥

sanhammyJun 19, 2014

Hello Nisuki!!!!!!! Oh, my! After such a long time!!! (^-^') Exams are finally finished, including practicals!! It's such a relief. I couldn't reply earlier because of exams and I've been very ill with a viral fever and a very bad cold. Everyone in my family (excluding my sister) was infected! \:P \:P But it's all over now, just the after-effect of the cold is left, but I'll bear with it. And now, for the new chapter of your fabulous story! You left me speechless, girl!! It's great to see Lucy doing some magic!!! Things are revealing slowly. I wonder what type of person Blak really is. This struck my mind out of nowhere, but was it Seraphim and Blak in the previous cover of the story??? \:P \:P just wonderin'!! \;\) OH!!!! You used my house???!!! (*-*) (*-*) (*-*) !!!!!!! Thank you so much!!! I can't wait to find out more!! I wonder who's conspiring against Lucy's family and why... (',') Hmmm...Well, looks like I've got to wait!! Again, apologizing for the late reply!! \:P \:P At least now I'll get a little free time before the admission tests. Oh, and please upload more creations. Can't wait to see more of your creations and everything related!! Many many virtual hugs to you!! \:wub\:\:wub\:\:wub\:

MarijaJJun 19, 2014

I know, I understand what you're trying to say. \:\) Still, I'm waiting for Endless to continue (AND I'm so much excited about the new storyyyyy!) \:wub\: p.s. I somehow managed to post my story phew, kind of a lack of inspiration I'd say \:\(

xLyennerdJun 18, 2014

Yeaaah but all them B.A.P boys are sooo handsome \:wub\: . Altho I don't really like their new song, it's still kind of cute. It reminds me of One Direction, lol :c

katwoman3Jun 17, 2014

Giving Lucy a flashback to her and Saul while she was playing with Maeve was perfect! (Plus OMG so adorable!) I guess Sadako and Saul are still trying to get out of the magically super-locked trap and won't be at the ceremony? (Random thought, ha...)

Bby-LJun 17, 2014

Don't stare..LOL.. ♥ Yeah.. 2 days actually..I'm glad it didn't took 1 week to be published.. XD wait? still at school? here's 4:28 pm..and I'm just sitting here nothing to do.. LOL.. Enjoy your school! *Shouting

Bby-LJun 17, 2014

Whoooaa..she's coming this way.. *eyes widen.. ♥ (I'll hid her somewhere..*fufufu).. You're welcomee! ♥ Have a lovely day for you too ^^

BluegardeniaJun 16, 2014

Hiya Nisuki chan!Thank you for your sweet comment.I wish you a beautiful and funny week...Huggies...\:\)

LavoieriJun 15, 2014

Sintiklia who gave me this tip, to use the pink dress as refference. It saved my life lol :P

LavoieriJun 15, 2014

Hmmm... I think that there is no problem (about the width), but if something is wrong, you will see when you test the fat and fit sliders in Workshop and in game. If you test and it works good, so it works \:D Oh and a tip: for medium or short dresses, I always choose the pink/purple dress as refference. The maternity kinda ugly one. Is good because it has only 1 group. Making long dresses is more difficult because they all have 2 groups. Then you have to "divide" your mesh and make morphs and bones separately. Sorry for late reply, I'm not in my house. I'm excited to see your new creations ^^

Bby-LJun 15, 2014

uki ♥ LOL..Shooo.shooo..Don't stare the title too long.. XD ikr, cos when I read your name, the first think that I thought was that suki.. Hehehe.. =P Well, about Kimura-sensei..You'll find out the reason on the chapter 1..And I decided to submit it today..(I wonder when it'll be approved @.@).. Yeah! Katsudon..LOL..when I search his name, it just suddenly come to my mind..and I laugh a moment before I put it on there.. \\:o Drama? definitely! XD LOL..Arigatou ne. ♥

megumiRikazukieJun 15, 2014

Thanks a lot for wishing me luck, SUKIE >/////< . Hopefully we'll meet again after this! Oh! and GAMBATTE too for your final exams next year~ ^.^ ~ erm.. you're chinese rite? So, I bet chinese girls always achieve flying colours in their studies! HEHEHE and as I know, asians are the best "human-beings" ( XD ) to be great in calculating.. mathematics~ \\:D . so, goodluck~ till we meet again. ByeBye, SUKIE-chan~ :*

StrigoideverJun 15, 2014

I knooow! It's sooo frustrating! Just wanna get my Sims to blow up the site! Wait, that'll ruin the stories (Forget it!) Haha, it's the best way to get posted quicker, even if people really won't see it, haha

Bby-LJun 15, 2014

Sukiiii..Our story is out!..Finally.. =P Hehehe..Yeah..I have plenty idea at first..we.l..that can't be helped..Sorry for that tho \:o You've got rejected too? Oh well..yeah..we need to be more careful..Hahaha.. ♥ That's good! XD Because when it comes to Math, I always stuck and ended choosing random (for multiple choice) and write what I remember for the essay (Hahaha)..I'm not really good with Math, but I like that subject XD

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